
New Day Herald

A Call To Living Love Through Cooperation and Communication — Representatives Meeting at the Conference of Living Love

Article image Click here to view the photo slideshow from the Representatives Meeting at MSIA’s Conference of Living Love.

Once again, I enter the Sheraton Universal Hotel and it seems like it was just yesterday that I was here for last year’s Conference. I am greeted by many I have not seen since last year, some more recent, and it is always good to be with this universal and worldwide spiritual family, no matter how long or how short since the last visit or event.

I am immediately touched by the energy permeating the entire Hotel. The Main Ballroom is buzzing with getting ready to begin very shortly. I get myself settled in and get my beverage from a very lovingly dressed table of teas and coffee’s.

The meeting of Representatives of Traveler founded organizations is called to order by David Bransky, the facilitator for the meeting. David welcomes everyone and does a Light invocation allowing us to call ourselves forward into the Light of Spirit.

Next, David does a poll of who is from Southern California, and proceeds to inquire about other areas represented today from across the nation and around the world. Participants have come from as far off as England, Colombia, Australia, France, and the list goes on. Our theme today as Reps is “Cooperation and Communication.” What can we learn from these two very important aspects we live with daily?

Next we hear an MSIA Presidency update from Vincent Dupont. We hear briefly about Prana East, or Mother Prana as Vincent described it, and our newer facility, Prana West, which is coming along nicely. The goal is to have Prana West ready for a tour by next Conference. Send Light! Vincent spoke quite a bit about how MSIA has kept up with the times in terms of technology — SAT’s on CD’S, DVDs etc. And, in terms of MSIA Outreach, the John Morton Webcasts have been successful at reaching many who are seeking the teachings of the Travelers, as well as providing a venue for our MSIA family all over the world to touch into the Traveler’s teachings live each month.

Next, David Bransky tells us that we will be participating in a game of cooperation and communication, and we will do this in small groups of six. We first watch a video clip about communication in the form of a Hollywood film clip featuring Abbott and Costello’s famous “Who’s on First” routine. Well, the laughter alone got us all going and excited about how this game was going to show us about ourselves and how we communicate in the world. David does a demonstration of the game on stage, and this creates quite a ruckus, talking about what we were going to do with golf balls and tubes. Laughs abound.

I must say the game is a lot more fun than I had anticipated. Right away I go into cooperation mode and prepare to have fun and be neutral about what is going to take place. My intention works. My group is a good team and we are very kind with each other. We sit together afterwards to talk about what worked, what didn’t work and where improvement could have worked. The revelations for folks turn out to be surprising. A good time is had by all the groups.

Following the group activity is a mingling break and time for tea and cookies. Our Prana Caf

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