It is important to take a look and ask, “Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Are you making your life better today and making life around you better so the world is better because you are here?” – John Morton
The following article and blessing come from John’s sharing in May 2022 with capstone students in the Peace Theological Seminary’s Transcendent Leadership Program.
Everybody is already blessed. One oddity is people who have great blessings ask for more, as though they ran out of blessings! No, they did not. You haven’t even begun to receive and work the blessings. They are yours to receive and develop as part of your growth. The blessings show up and you become greater. They will endow you.
Blessings bring in something that lasts, even if it’s only for a day, like water. What also lasts is the water you need coming to you. The awareness is, “What I need is always with me.” That applies spiritually. Spiritually, there is never anything lacking.
Who you are, your true self, is a spiritual being. If you ever think or perceive yourself as lacking, it can be an opportunity to care for yourself in the lower nature. That would be physically, emotionally and mentally. Do things such that those levels relax, and you can say, “I’m happy and satisfied. I’m not needy or running desire as my focus. I’m focusing on my Soul’s purpose.”
That is the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. It’s the field and the stream. It’s a path. It has movement, so we are already in it. As we wake up, we are accepting how it is and releasing our attachments to what is no longer working. Maybe something was true at one point in our evolvement, but we hang onto it as a way of doing life. You are not there anymore. You have what you need.
You have water in your system. There is water nearby, at hand. “Where?” In that plant. It’s in the leaf. Suck the leaf. “What?” If you do that long enough, you’re going to get it. It comes in a chemical resolution where you absorb it much more efficiently. The cells of the plant help you absorb the water. It matches up with the need level. There is a more effective way of hydrating if you make yourself available to how your life works.
The metaphor is that you are in a life that is blessed and blessed beyond your ability to let it bless you. The restrictions are your own restrictions, but you can still ask for greater blessing. There is greater blessing.
What is really needed is to realize what is already present and demonstrate that we are responsible creators in this world. We match up with this level in such a way as we thrive in the world. You could say, “I’m a Master of the world. I could be happy in this world.”
There are greater worlds that call to you with greater opportunity for what you are learning on your way. We start understanding that what we are doing here is transcendent, multi-leveled and multi-dimensional.
If we don’t get along with the people we are involved with (under our roof, in our neighborhood, community, or in the world we meet) we struggle, fight and resist. That’s not being a responsible creator. That is an irresponsible creator.
It is important to take a look and ask, “Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Are you making your life better today and making life around you better so the world is better because you are here?”
That is a sign of spiritual harmony. We make the world better than we found it. Then we are an asset to treasure. Often opportunities come our way because people want more of what we bring as the ability to make things better.
Happiness is a state of mind. You can learn how to have that state of mind regardless of circumstances, including internally. Internally is the “final frontier” in the psychic levels. We are learning how to master ourself with the conditionality we do not control in the material worlds. We’re not here to control that. We are here to direct ourselves, so we have free choice where we want to go. Make that something that you already have inside of you and bring it forward from your highest consciousness.
We always have the opportunity to bring forward what is coming from the Soul. It is more present because we open ourself up, letting it be more present. That is especially available when we are open and free in relation to restriction, laws, and conditionality present. It can be a beautiful mastery because you are happy no matter what. Then you do things that resonate with your happiness, which is a simple thing.
If we are doing something in such a way as we’re happy, it’s often because we are in harmony and things aren’t clashing with us. That is an extra bonus. Our life is delivering us happiness and then we join in. That is easier than if we always have to be the one making the happiness.
It is a great ability to know, “I can be happy because I choose to be happy and choose to do what makes me happy.” Then, when happiness comes around, it is also shared with you. You receive greater happiness from your life.
You may realize, “I didn’t create that, or I don’t deserve that.” It’s not that you are reaping what you are sowing. It is graceful happiness. You realize, “Happiness is coming to me.” That’s a beautiful life.
We are all in the blessings present. I am very happy to speak to the blessing.
Baruch Bashan
Blessing in our Ordinariness
Thank You, Lord.
We are those in Your presence, in Your name, again and again, over and over.
Thank You for that opportunity, that you set the table.
You invite us to join You and what You would do in Your ordinariness,
that we may be with You in our ordinariness.
Your mind is that this is a condition just prior to God.
That we’re in our fundamental elements, breathing, enjoying each other, because we can.Being in the peace that’s present, because we can.
Looking to one another in appreciation, and we can because we’ve been receiving the gifts of one another.
We’ve been rising to the loving of one another, making room for the grace of one another.What comes is the gift of the Soul and the Soul Consciousness that breathes each one of us.
And to be in that Master Consciousness, where we have risen to the occasion.We have been led, so we lead, and in this way we are holding for what’s next. And what’s next is that divine presence we call God and the knowing of God.
We’re still in fellowship.So whatever has been the circumstances to challenge us, to teach us,
to bring forward to learning, has also been the joy, the privilege, the greater
opportunity.Then we’re joined by those who have prepared the way and those who are in higher consciousness, joining us here, in this way, that we cross over. We transcend.
We find that it’s already prepared in our celebration and jubilation that becomes joy beyond measure.
It’s fun, however you see that. The greatest party ever.
The return of whoever answered to the prodigal one.
What culminates as a beginning is the opportunity to do this work
where we find ourself in this world.So then consider you are called, and the way is prepared.
It’s a joy to be with you.
Welcome Beloveds.Baruch Bashan