John Morton and Leigh are now in Europe, stopping first in Turkey to scout for a possible PTS tour there in 2026, then on to events in Bulgaria, Spain, France, and England (for John-Roger’s birthday!). They conclude their European visit in Italy, scouting in preparation for the fabulous 2025 PTS Travelers Through the Ages Tour of Italy.
PTS is preparing for the start of the 2024-25 school year with graduate offerings in the Master of Spiritual Science and Doctor of Spiritual Science programs, including MSS and DSS in Transcendent Leadership. We plan to have a “save the date” entry in the MSIA calendar for next year’s MSIA Conference very soon – spoiler alert: the Conference dates are June 25-30, 2025 with “The Inner Master” as the theme/focus for Conference.
We occasionally receive requests for information on how to include MSIA, the John-Roger Legacy Fund, or IIWP in people’s estate planning. This is always appreciated, and it is a welcome source of funds to support MSIA’s teachings for future generations. Thinking about our mortality is usually not on our radar when we are younger and sometimes easy to put off as we get older. There is a statistic that almost 70% of Americans do not have a will. This number highlights a significant number of folks who have not documented their end-of-life plans, which can lead to complications for their heirs and family members.
Luckily, there are many resources for making a will online. While there are some common aspects, the United States has different rules and requirements in different states for making a valid will. It is important to do it correctly. The good news is that it is usually pretty simple. We mention all of this because another resource came to our attention recently for making a will from an organization called Free Will. Of course, if you have a lot of assets and/or a complicated estate, you may want to look into working with a professional to set up a living trust or other options.
Please contact Mark Lurie if you ever have any questions about including MSIA, IIWP, or Heartfelt in your estate planning.
God Bless you and thank you for participating in MSIA, and for all that you give in so many ways.
As J-R would constantly remind us, “It is the loving that makes all this work.” We love and appreciate you!
The MSIA Presidency – Paul, Vincent, and Mark
MSIA Presidency Succession – David, Jeffrey, and Sherie
Great picture! And Great information on the importance of making a will and end of life directive.
You guys look great. You must eat better than me:) Thank you for all your hard work.
Great info about different states having different Will / Inheritance rules, as we may end up living in another state to be closer to our daughter.