
New Day Herald

Walking in the Light Workshop: Sacred Tools for a Spiritual Joy Ride

Along with over 100 of my fellow beloveds in Santa Monica, our Easter weekend of Walking in the Light was a profound joyful adventure of knowing ourselves more fully as Souls who are one with God. We were blessed first with our lovely and gracious emcee, Leigh Taylor-Young Morton, supporting us throughout the workshop with handling the practical details so we could stay on track and fully enjoy our learning process. We were blessed with NOW Productions and the PTS Assisting Team handling visual and audio supports as well as helping us feel comfortable and cared for. A special thanks to Mary Ann Sommerville and Sherie Wylie for facilitating the terrific visual supports. Above all, we were profoundly blessed with John Mortonā€™s steady facilitating as he guided us through each exercise, making sure our questions were answered and our concerns addressed with his special tender loving care. Our enduring gratitude goes to both John-Roger and John Morton for bringing forward these sacred tools for our learning, growth and upliftment. How blessed we all are to be together at this time, having this spiritual joy ride of loving one another!

From my first time learning Walking in the Light in 2001 to my fifth time this past Easter weekend, Iā€™ve enjoyed an ever-expanding awareness of the beauty and grace of these magnificent tools. Some participants noted they have taken Walking in the Light over ten times. John noted he has facilitated the workshop more than fifteen times. Yet, we found new and deeper ways to experience and enjoy these precious teachings. By learning, re-learning and refining my practice with these sacred tools, I find myself enjoying my life in this world more fully, accepting and embracing whatever challenges come my way as part of this divine spiritual adventure.

For a day and a half, John facilitated profound yet simple exercises for surrounding, filling and protecting ourselves with the Light of God as we move through our ordinary daily lives. John introduced each exercise in detail, often sharing his own personal experiences with these tools, helping us remember how our ordinariness and divinity are one. John noted how he regularly uses Walking in the Light tools when traveling, sometimes practicing the exercises during airplane flights and at odd times of the day depending on where he happens to be in the world at any given time. Through Johnā€™s stories, I felt reassured and reminded of how choosing back into the Lord always works regardless of where I am, what Iā€™m doing, or what time of day it happens to be. We can choose to increase our awareness of our oneness with the Lord anytime, and Walking in the Light exercises are powerful yet easy ways to experience this greater divine knowing.

Along with practicing Walking in the Light for ourselves, we practiced specific tools for sending the Light to those we love as well as situations and circumstances where we feel concern. While the actual Walking in the Light exercises are considered sacred and private, the benefits of practicing them are obvious and beautiful. As we learned, re-learned and practiced the exercises, the sweet presence of the Christ became more and more palpable in the room and within ourselves. By the time John shared his precious closing blessing, we were all floating in the loving arms of Spirit, feeling both stronger and gentler with ourselves all through our determination and devotion to Walking in the Light.

From my fifth time learning Walking in the Light exercises, I know more than ever that my heart is in the heart of God, always protected, always adored as Godā€™s beloved child. I am walking with the Lord always in all ways. All I need to do is choose back into the Light. By practicing these divine tools daily, I can have ever-greater knowing of what I am becoming as one of Godā€™s infinite blessings. As human beings in this world, Walking in the Light takes practice. Not only does practice increase our awareness of how each of us is one with the Lord, practicing Walking in the Light helps us enjoy our lives here, knowing out of God comes all things. When we are Walking in the Light, we are walking with the Lord, hand in hand, openly loving it all as God loves it all.

Thank you, John, and thank you all who supported, assisted and participated in the workshop. It was a most exquisite spiritual joy ride into the heart of God!

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