John-Roger begins this practical seminar by observing that, “Certain habits produce adrenalin rushes and an adrenalin rush gets to be addictive. Now, most everyone has got this to some degree or another. For instance, some get angry at almost everything and explode and yell. That sets up the adrenalin rush in the body and they can get addicted to that feeling much as they can get addicted to drugs or alcohol.”
J-R goes on to explain that this addiction feels good except the problem is, it runs them instead of their running it. He illustrates this with an amusingly told story of his experience trying to get out of car rental place and the progression of feelings that the experience engendered, from impatience to upset to anger.
So how can we get our freedom from these addictions? “How do I channel them into things that will assist me and others around me?” J-R asks. And his response is, “This takes a type of managerial planning and primarily it starts out with having a goal.” It is from this seminar that you will learn the steps toward self-management.
God Bless You!