This Innerphasing* is invaluable in assisting you to hold your awareness on all these
levels at the same time: your imagination, your physical level, emotional, mental,
Soul and even above that. Now, why would you want to be aware of all these levels
at once? Here is the answer. From that place of observation and awareness, there are
no limitations!
Your role is to make yourself comfortable and follow John-Roger’s voice as he
guides you through the Innerphasing. At the end, you’ll hear him say, “You are
becoming totally aware and completely capable of maintaining multidimensional
awareness. You are already in Soul Consciousness right now. You don’t need to
do anything except recognize it. You’re there. You don’t need a technique. You
are the Light. You are divine. You are in a state of becoming aware of who you
already are.”
Through this Innerphasing, you can learn to be aware at all levels and you will find
yourself in your own portable paradise.
*An Innerphasing is a technique designed to assist you to change habit patterns that
no longer work for you and to build in more helpful habit patterns. An innerphasing
“programs out” undesirable habits that got conditioned into your consciousness in
childhood and recorded into the subconscious and unconscious levels (such as smoking,
fears, eating patterns, etc.). The innerphasing then “programs in” new, desirable responses
(for example, greater self-confidence, calm, ability to stick to an eating plan).
God Bless You!