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Keystones of Spirituality

Stock # 2543-CD


This is a fascinating seminar which, if we really pay attention, will likely help us remove the illusions we hold in our quest to be spiritual people…

Product Details

This is a fascinating seminar which, if we really pay attention, will likely help us remove the illusions we hold in our quest to be spiritual people. John-Roger begins by saying, “Tonight I’d like to relate a few things about keystones along the steps of spirituality. You know, you can call this word spirituality a lot of things: growth, samadi, ecstasy. But a person usually starts out by reaching into a sense of dissatisfaction.”
Check it out. Does that describe you at the beginning of your quest?

“About this time,” he continues, “we will start one of two paths. One is looking outward to see what the world offers us in the way of an opportunity to overcome dissatisfaction……or maybe to fulfill this sense of Divine within us. The other is to turn within. But usually in turning within, people meet up with how they’ve lied and misrepresented. In other words, memories come forward and with them comes fear about that which we cannot manipulate.”

Well, where’s the uplifting message J-R always has for us? There’s one in there somewhere — maybe more than one! “I’m not here to give you bad news.” J-R says. “I’m here to give you good news, the news of unfoldment. That day when you awaken into God consciousness — and in God consciousness, you don’t levitate the table or walk on water, or heal all the blind and the sick, or anything else. Your job becomes one of holding love for the people you come in contact with. *Not one of loving them necessarily,” J-R clarifies “but holding the love. And this love is a keystone of understanding. ”

God Bless You!

Length of CD: 24:34

This is a fascinating seminar which, if we really pay attention, will likely help us remove the illusions we hold in our quest to be spiritual people. John-Roger begins by saying, “Tonight I’d like to relate a few things about keystones along the steps of spirituality. You know, you can call this word spirituality a lot of things: growth, samadi, ecstasy. But a person usually starts out by reaching into a sense of dissatisfaction.”
Check it out. Does that describe you at the beginning of your quest?

“About this time,” he continues, “we will start one of two paths. One is looking outward to see what the world offers us in the way of an opportunity to overcome dissatisfaction……or maybe to fulfill this sense of Divine within us. The other is to turn within. But usually in turning within, people meet up with how they’ve lied and misrepresented. In other words, memories come forward and with them comes fear about that which we cannot manipulate.”

Well, where’s the uplifting message J-R always has for us? There’s one in there somewhere — maybe more than one! “I’m not here to give you bad news.” J-R says. “I’m here to give you good news, the news of unfoldment. That day when you awaken into God consciousness — and in God consciousness, you don’t levitate the table or walk on water, or heal all the blind and the sick, or anything else. Your job becomes one of holding love for the people you come in contact with. *Not one of loving them necessarily,” J-R clarifies “but holding the love. And this love is a keystone of understanding. ”

God Bless You!

Length of CD: 24:34

Weight 0.70 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in


Private: Keystones of Spirituality

Stock # 2543


Each of us can build the lighthouse of the Soul, which…

Each of us can build the lighthouse of the Soul, which can be used for respite, comfort, and rest. We live in utopia right now, as we recognize that out of God comes all life. This seminar will lift your consciousness as you learn to build your lighthouse.

Weight 2.42 oz
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 in