By our nature, we are hallowed ground. We are blessed. We are the Lord, we are the Christ, we are the Traveler. We are one with God. We can shift our awareness so we are more conscious of this. We feel the vibration of that majesty. We can shift our awareness so that this is activated. Activated, so it is an energy field. Activated, so that when you walk into a room, you hallow its ground.
– John Morton, DSS
Monday, May 27th was kick-off day for yet another magical, miraculous week as we welcomed MSIA staff back to Colorado. Other than the pandemic years, Colorado has been blessed to host John, Leigh and staff nine recent years and counting!
As usual, staff services were fully booked at 50, with a waiting list. The Marriott lobby was a comfortable place to gather while greeting folks coming and going for their services.
Thank you: Jackie Travis, Vincent Dupont, Jack Henderson, Jenifer Miller, and Annie Peters.
Our beloveds, John and Leigh, touched down on Wednesday, May 29th to settle in before their busy schedule began. With their counseling schedule fully booked for Thursday, we’re happy that they sprinkled in some fun social times before the Friday evening seminar.
And speaking of sprinkles, John and Leigh got to experience firsthand one of our seasonal thunderstorms extraordinaire. Having just left a dinner with friends, they had to wait out the storm under a highway bridge to stay safe and avoid damage from quarter sized hail. Some areas had tennis ball sized hail! Leigh mentioned that the lightening show was magnificent.
By early afternoon on Friday, it was all hands on deck to prepare the Marriott function room for our evening seminar, as well as our Awakening as the Christ Workshop to be held Saturday. The seminar with our Traveler was magnificent with the room comfortably full, along with lots of beloveds joining us via Zoom.
Thank you: Roger Wakefield, Mary Ann Downs, Doug Miller, Martha McWilliams, Therese Mahannah, Kelly Forrester, Barbara Dobbs, Barbara Cooper, Danielle Meyer, Ardythe Phillips, Dixie Clark, Madonna, Smyth, Lisa Boone, Kate Kendrick, Dan Kendrick, Doug Miller, Steve Dreher, Theresa Hocking, Robbie Burt, Barbara Dobbs, David Sand, Kelly Forrester, and Jsu Garcia.
The Awakening as the Christ Workshop was held on Saturday and was Light filled and precious. The assisting team rose before dawn to arrive at the Marriott by 7:00 am for our team meeting. With all our preparation ahead of time, the workshop flowed so beautifully, even with all the chair moving for the triad exercises. Each participant was gifted with a journal and fancy pen to bless their writing process after each exercise. John even made a last-minute change to the script so he could take sharing twice, rather than just once. Heavenly!
Thank you: Leigh Taylor-Young, Roger Wakefield, David Sand, Dixie Clark, Madonna Smyth, Lisa Boone, Kate Kendrick, Dan Kendrick, Doug Miller, Steve Dreher, and Mary Ann Downs.
Still glowing from the workshop, 22 of us gathered once again at the beautiful home of Kathleen Naughton and Tom Boyer for our Fundraiser Q & A Luncheon. Kathleen and Tom generously offer their home and masterful cooking skills such that all proceeds go directly to MSIA. The tables were beautifully set with shades of purple and lavender, with all napkins folded in the shape of a heart, except John and Leigh’s which were in the shape of lavender roses. Did I mention the food? Oh, my goodness! A sit-down meal of pasta Bolognese (one of our Traveler’s favorite meals) with a simply delicious salad. Then we munched on dark chocolate chunk cookies, coffee and tea while basking in 4 + hours of sharing with the Traveler.
Thank you: Kathleen Naughton, Tom Boyer, Carol Beau, Jackson Grace, Roger Wakefield, and to all who stayed afterward to breakdown the room and pack NOW equipment.
Thank you: Sherie Wylie and all those who support us at PTS. And everyone involved in making all three events available on Zoom.
Thank you, J-R, for your unwavering love and guidance. And thank you John and Leigh for your willingness to come and share your joy-filled presence with us again. We love you!
The only thing we have to do is awaken to our own Christhood, to that level of consciousness within. When we’re there, we are Home. Everything else is then secure, and there is nowhere else to go. It is from that position of Christ Consciousness that we salute the Christ in every being walking the planet.
– John-Roger, DSS