On June 30th, 2024, at the MSIA Ministers Meeting during the Conference of Celebration, awards were presented to the Volunteers of the Year. This year there were five recipients! Below are the descriptions on their award plaques and photos of each recipient. Congratulations to all! Well deserved.
Your devotion and commitment to supporting J-R, John, and the Traveler’s works;
Your traveling the world at your own expense to serve our MSIA family;
Your offering free online workshops worldwide, providing the Traveler’s teachings to support local communities;
Your serving with joy, love, gratitude, and enthusiasm, bringing fun and laughter, lifting the spirits of those you serve;
Your willingness to go wherever there is a need, often at a moment’s notice.
These are all hallmarks of your unconditional loving service – of you putting your body on the line to follow Spirit’s call and lead.
Our family is blessed you are our brother, lover, and friend.
We love you. We celebrate you. We bless you.
And we honor you asVolunteer of the Year
Jsu Garcia
Volunteer of the Year, Jsu Garcia, receiving his award at Prana at the Conference of Celebration, June 2024
You have served the Traveler’s teachings for many years with endless energy, and with a delight that is contagious and inspiring.
You truly exemplify devotion, gratitude, doing service with absolute joy, which are palpable in the impeccable work that you do.
We are grateful beyond measure for your dedication and commitment to the preservation of John-Roger’s works which will touch many, for years to come.
It is our joy to recognize you
Volunteer of the Year
Linda Mogitz
Volunteer of the Year 2024, Linda Mogitz
Your joy and enthusiasm light the way as you serve the Traveler around the world.
With a ready smile and a warm hug, you freely share your big, compassionate heart, allowing the Light to work through you and lift the cares and burdens of others.
You put your whole self into whatever you do with loving exuberance and willingness, regaling us with stories that connect us more deeply with the Traveler. We are profoundly grateful that you have chosen back and keep choosing to serve.
We thank you and honor you.
Volunteer of the Year
Jackie Travis
Volunteer of the Year, Jackie Travis, receiving her award at Prana at the Conference of Celebration, June 2024
Your bubbling joy, devotion, and love of the Traveler lead the way as you share the teachings with elegance, fun, and a grand consciousness of abundance.
You create and offer multiple avenues for many around the world to attune to the presence of Spirit. Your dedication and trust in God are a deep well from which you draw sustenance and inspiration.
Through your tender and open heart, you remind us to play as we serve in God’s gardens here on earth.
We love you, we thank you, and we honor you.
Volunteer of the Year
Eduardo Vera
Volunteer of the Year, Eduardo Vera, receiving his award via Zoom (on screen) at the Conference of Celebration, June 2024
Volunteer of the Year 2024, Eduardo Vera, with Angel Harper in Mendoza Argentina
For many years you have volunteered in so many ways with grace, devotion and excellence.
We know we can count on you to serve with a loving heart.You give of the Light of your beingness and touch the lives of many in your community and worldwide.
Whatever the task or challenge, your guiding voice and presence encourages, supports and inspires us.
You are simply delightful, and we delight in celebrating you.
Volunteer of the Year
Lucia Parga-Navarro
Volunteer of the Year 2024, Lucia Parga-Navarro