
New Day Herald

Ilenya Marrin

A Prayer for One Accord

Last year, I took a class on the Psalms from poet friend Janet at the Fairwood Methodist Church in Tyler. After the class on Lamentations, she suggested we write our own. Mine came forward in a heartfelt way, in the style of a Psalm, and was well received; the pastor even used it in a Blue Christmas service. Then I forgot about it.

Last month, I happened to read it from my phone to a new friend, Kitty, and she wanted to share it with her prayer partners. One of those friends, Janie, called pleading for permission to share it further and for cards to hand to people she knows. I gave both. In the midst of that small flurry of interest, my web designer called to see if I was ready to launch the site he built for me last year. Thinking of posting the poem there, I said ā€œYesā€.

I just posted the poem (see below) on Facebook and Instagram, with a link to my website,, where you can download a free PDF of the poem. I hope you like it. Feel free to share the link with others who might enjoy it. Some have been using it as a daily prayer to help stay calm and centered despite grave concerns about the polarization in our country. I see sharing it as a service, a reminder of our common loving and desire for harmony and well-being, regardless of outer appearances.

Be well and happy!

Love and Light,

A Prayer for One Accord
Oh Lord, I am asking for answers for the highest good of all!
How long will the people be polarized?
How long will the people take sides and be unkind
Because of their judgments of one another?
How long will they persist in proclaiming righteousness,
But refuse to speak to one another with loving kindness?
How long will good people refuse to see
That stiff-necked pride and stubbornness
Create more problems than they solve?
God help these people,
Any who are resolutely holding out against each other,
In families, in communities, in countries.
God help these people,
The ones making fights for all their own good reasons.
God help these people
To be willing to see things differently and
To come into One Accord.
As you have always heard me,
Have always been gracious
With so many blessings for me,
As you have always blessed every person
Who will choose back to you in loving,
As you have always blessed this land
And the American Spirit stretching back for generations,
Please bring forward blessings of understanding,
Of curiosity and learning, of civil discourse,
Of working things out together,
And whatever additional blessings You see fit
That would create harmonious resolution
To the posturing and strife we witness daily.
I trust in you, oh Lord,
I trust in your Grace.
You always bring forward
That which is the highest good for all concerned.
Help us, Lord to recognize
And understand the workings of Your plan.
Help us to accept in loving,
Help us move to cooperation,
And let us be the hearts and minds and hands
Manifesting Your loving presence
In each of our families,
In our schools and offices and factories,
Into all parts of our nation,
Into all hearts of our world.
Thank you. The blessings already are. Amen.

Ā©2023 Ilenya Marrin, DSS. All Rights Reserved.

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