“Can you imagine a world full of people using Soul energy as their main focus, and producing loving, caring, and compassion as their method of operations instead of the personality/ego? There would be no reason to be angry. There would be no reason to be greedy.” – John-Roger
This article was first published in the July/August 1991 print edition of the New Day Herald.Ā It is excerpted from an Easter seminar given by John-Roger in Santa Monica, CA, on March 3, 1991.Ā The full seminar is available through That Which Is and in the MSIA online shop.
I want to talk about attunement to the Soul, and I also want to explain how you lose – and gain – your power of Spirit.
We have five senses that we generally refer to as the exterior senses, and those exterior senses are the personality. The personality wants things, and through the senses it wants to smell, taste, touch and feel, hear, and see. Since it wants those, it’s already set up for temptation. It’s a set up, folks. Nobody’s going to get out of here, off the planet, without being tempted about something.
Whenever you are faced with a temptation in the world, you have to ask yourself two questions. The prime question is, āHow is that going to affect me?ā (If you can’t answer that question, don’t bother with the second.) The second question is, āHow is that going to affect other people who are around me?ā Once you get those two answers, you are now making responsible choices. And get this real clear: responsible choices (as opposed to your own personal choices) bypass the personality and the senses and go to the thing called attitude. In this, you’re tapping Soul energy, the energy that is authentic and real, that has as its attributes loving and compassion and caring.
Can you imagine a world full of people using Soul energy as their main focus, and producing loving, caring, and compassion as their method of operations instead of the personality/ego? There would be no reason to be angry. There would be no reason to be greedy. But letās look at those. What happens when we get angry? We’re really saying, “You are not doing what I want you to do.” And where does that statement come from? Personality, ego, the senses, “I saw what you did. I heard what you said. You did not do what I wanted you to. In fact, you did it wrong.” That is now the judgment.
When we are angry or judgmental, the body has a way of telling us; almost where the ribs come together, down to just above the pelvic bone, energy drains out. We disempower ourselves. We go into fear as an automatic response, or we go into our judgment of “them” and how wrong they are, which is the righteousness of the ego. People who do this are continually disenfranchising themselves, disempowering themselves. They are going to start losing in this world as human beings who can have an authentic, real experience with the Divine and know that to be so.
For “attitude” we can substitute “Divinity”, the divine energy by which you are going to call forward Light and love into this world. (Grace is really clear Spirit energy coming to you without any conditions on it. None. That’s grace. And it’s an elixir to the Soul.) All of the various things that you do take energy. This energy is infinite if it’s divine. It’s finite if it’s out of your own energy field. If it’s out of your own energy field, pretty soon you’re burned out and you have to go rest. Maybe you go die. Maybe you go and be sick. There are a lot of things you can do with that.
When the divine energy starts coming down, we can think we are going to do this, that, and the other thing. Then this energy becomes fragmented and we feel frazzled by what we’ve set in motion but haven’t completed. We look at it and, once again, we judge it. This is a judgment of the divine energy of the Soul being fragmented through the personality into the world. And that’s when we sometimes feel as if God has moved and is no longer present in our life – because if he were present in our life, why on earth would he let us do all of these things? The answer is because he’s not dealing in this level. We are, through our senses, and our personalities. This is how we disenfranchise ourselves from our own divinity, the Soul.
But if you really can say, “God, Thy will be done,” even as Jesus said, in the eleventh hour, “Father, if you can, take it from me, but nevertheless, Thy will be done” – if you can say this and can have that meaning take place, you surrender up self-presentation and enter into eternal life.
Above the personality and the exterior senses (above the physical, astral, causal, mental, and etheric levels) are multidimensional senses, multidimensional awarenesses. There are millions of them. You don’t have to be concerned with that. Here in the world, you’ve got to be concerned with all the effects of the things you do because you are learning to be a responsible creator. But in the Spirit world, you don’t have to do that. All you have to do is authentically (which means not by trickery) ask of the divine nature (which is prayer), sit in that divine energy (which is meditation), and utilize that Divine energy (which is spiritual exercises). And in this way, you start to authenticate the realness of your power.
You do not then become president of anything. You become present in yourself. And all you have to deal with are two attributes of these higher senses: compassion and loving. (Those are not quite the same; loving without compassion is self-contained and goes back to the ego.) The loving and the compassion open the personality. The exterior senses are then utilized through divine dominion, and you’re seeing where best to put your efforts for the greater good of all who are going to be involved in whatever you’re doing.
It is not an action of doing work, extracting the pay. People who do the work, extracting the pay, are not getting the divine energy. Instead, they’re going to get the temporary satisfaction of a job well done. They’re going to get the temporary satisfaction of the new car. They’re going to get the temporary satisfaction of paying the bills of this big powerful, wonderful thing they have. And inside, they will be fallow and empty of the loving and the compassion that is theirs, that is the Soul’s nature.
We cannot go out in the world and produce fear for people by threat, by intimidation, or by national decree and expect our nation to thrive on a personality level. It will not. This United States of America says, “In God We Trust,” but where is it written? On the dollar. So we trust in God in the dollar, and we are not trusting in the divine energy that is God, that is us, that is every one of us, that is this nation, that is the world and this planet. This energy is specific and particular to this planet. Even the Mother-Logos and the Father-Logos of this planet are bringing about revolutionary changes on the multidimensional senses because we, down here, have not done that through bringing in the authentic empowerment of the Spirit and living as brothers and sisters, as caretakers of each other, as people who share of the overflow, as those who do not become a burden to their own existence or a burden to anyone else’s existence.
You must also bring the compassion into yourself and nurture yourself; you actually kind of feel sorry for yourself when you have become caught up in the exterior senses. You sit down in a chair and say, “Oh God, I didn’t know what I did. I am really sorry that I did that.” It’s humbling of the self. “And now that I know, I do want changes.” It may not change right away. Not at all. When it starts up again, you challenge it once again, and in that challenge you once again strengthen yourself and empower the Divinity to come into you as a natural source of your energy, like breathing.
Do you know what forgiveness is all about? It’ not about you forgiving me anything. It’s about me forgiving me for giving up myself to the exterior senses and selling myself out and not having a wonderful, joyful life inside. That’s the greater forgiveness. If you forgive me, you’ve done yourself a wonderful favor, because I am now no longer draining your energy (though I’m not purposefully doing this). You’re now reclaiming the energy that was being utilized in a very destructive way towards you, a corrupted way, and you’re starting to pull the energy in.
In that eleventh hour that you’re on the planet, you will reach into your body physically, emotionally, and mentally and pull the life out. All those things that are not life, which are death, will be left here, and you’re going to lift above this plane of effect.
You are going to get a look at what you did. You’re going to get told what you did. You’re going to devise plans of how to do it more effectively. And the plan is going to be as simple as it ever was: to enter into this world and to be taught compassion and loving for yourself and others. It’s what the resurrection of Jesus Christ is about: giving up the exterior, the personality. Even when Jesus was tempted by Satan to worship him and receive all of the things of the world, he knew they were exterior senses and they were going to die. He knew it. If he had given in, what would we be doing today? Not having this meeting. This meeting is based upon that.
Jesus did miracles, healed people, cleaned people of leprosy, and did all sorts of other things. His disciples saw him do all this, and Peter still stood and denied him three times. In a way, that can really shake you. But Peter was in the exterior senses, and so he followed true to form. And all of us who are in the exterior senses and judge from the exterior senses – we follow true to form. We deny Christ Divinity in ourselves and others in the world in totality. We stand and deny it through our pettiness and our bickering and all the other nonsense.
And I’m as guilty as anybody else. I know it, and I also work at it. Years ago, someone said, “If someone asks what John-Roger is doing, what should I tell them?Ā I said, “Tell them I’m working to correct my bad habits.” What are they? Exteriorizing into the world and getting caught. I know that once I’ve overcome those, that exterior essence that goes out is going to come in and open me multidimensionally. It’s already done that, and I swear that to you. And others of you know that, too, because it’s also done it to you, and you’ve glimpsed intuitively into the whole concept of the cosmic Christ and the glories of God and creation. Then you’ve blinked, opened your eyes, exteriorized through the senses, and forgotten once again. My job is to remind you of those glories and to remind you that God loves you.
Is it strange to you to hear that God loves you? Do you feel God loving you? If you do, you have pulled some of your senses of the world back inside and you’re starting to build those and to lift those. They’re transcendental by their very nature; they’re multidimensional. They keep going into the supply of Divinity, and because we are heirs to that, because we are created in that, that is ours for the taking and for the using.
To pick up the multidimensional awareness, you must do one thing first. You must forgive yourself all things. You must have compassion for all people and the things they have done. When you’ve done that, you’ve done it to the least one of these, you’ve done it to me. When you have done it to me, the Divinity makes itself known and floods the system. You then see God, the Divine, in all beings.
What happens until we get multidimensional awareness coming down? A sense works in there, called intuition. We get a sense of something. We get a niggling about something. We get an idea about it.
Instead of going crazy with the senses, we start to pull our mind, our emotions, and our body back in, and we focus it down on this intuitive essence that we’ve got. We start to put it to form – maybe to sound, to music, to poetry, to design – and we start to create the mastership the Divinity is guiding. But if we’re so busy yelling and screaming and cursing and being self-righteous to the world, we are not too likely to hear the small essence of intuition flash on us.
Intuition is wonderful to have. Shall I tell you why I think it’s wonderful? Because it gave me all of this. I didn’t get this. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I walked up here, and the intuition of Spirit flashed and said, āFor these here now and for those who are coming, let them know. It’s time now that a new knowledge be revealed about the Divinity and how to have that here and how to follow it up into the greater area.ā
We’re not doing battles for Soul anymore here in the physical world.Ā We don’t have to. We ‘re just recognizing the Soul essence and rising into the occasion of it. Then we do the loving, caring, and sharing, and the health, wealth, and happiness – and along comes prosperity, abundance, and riches. Some people who have a great deal on this planet may not have a great deal in the world to come. And others who do not have a great deal here but have the essence of the Soul energy are going to reap tremendously of the Spirit world.
“Seek first the kingdom of heaven” – and where on earth is that? Ā Where inside? In its place of nature, of divinity. The kingdom of heaven is found in the place of your compassion.Ā It’s found in the place of your loving. It’s found in the place of your generosity. It’s found in the place of your healing of yourself and others.
When we stop using the intellect of the mind and come to the wisdom of the heart, we access the door to Divinity. Because out of the heart comes this compassion and forgiveness. And you must first stand and forgive yourself all the things because it was ignorance that produced them in you. It was not Light. Christ himself said that he came into the world and the world didn’t know the Light; it was full of darkness. And so we forgive ourselves the darkness of our being and celebrate the Lightness that we are inheriting and going towards, and we put the Lightness into us.
We also gather people around us who are going that direction. We put people around us who are joyful. who are laughing, who are uplifting, and we secure them as friends. We don’t patronize them and glom onto them. You may not see some of them for fifteen years, and they’re still your friends inside of you. Inside of you is where this resides, and inside of you is where you’re going to live it.
And when this body falls away, that Spirit form that is you will not have any of the personality things pulling on it. Pull up inside of you. Bless the exterior senses. Bless what you see. Bless the food you eat. Bless the bodies you touch. Be thankful for the clothing you have. Have compassion upon this planet; it’s in need of it. But it can only have compassion by someone who carries compassion. You carry compassion. Exercise it through your senses, and you walk through it karmically free.
Baruch Bashan
Never knowingly does JRs seminars, such as this one under delivers, instead it surpasses all expectations and becomes a strong shining jewel of a ROCK, that anchors me, us, to an absolute ringing truth that we are, I am on the right path!