
New Day Herald

The Soul: Your Truest Reality

…an article by John-Roger, DSS, Founder of The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA).

Many realms of beingness exist simultaneously. Most people are readily aware of the physical realm and can identify it easily. It is very evident: you have a physical body, so you exist on this physical realm.

There are also other levels of which you may or may not be aware. Above the physical realm is the astral realm, which equates to the imaginative process within you. The fears and fantasies that you create have form and substance in the astral realm. The causal realm equates to your feelings and emotions. The mental realm equates to the process of your mind. The etheric realm equates to your unconscious. And the soul realm equates to the Soul, which is your beingness. The Soul is your truest reality. The lower levels (physical, astral, causal, mental, and etheric) are illusionary and transient.

The outer, physical world is always a reflection. Your inner world is the reality. The physical world is represented by sensation. The inner world is represented by peace, joy, and love. As you attune to that inner world, you find that you begin to experience peace. The emotions subside, the mind becomes quieter, and you find that deep within your beingness, you open to receive that which is of God. You feel the Spirit touch to you. You may hear a voice whisper, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ And you will know that you are awakening to your Soul, your true self.

You are at the threshold of your knowingness; now it’s just a matter of moving into that knowingness. You are at the threshold of beingness; it’s your choice when you move into that. You may stand on the threshold for many, many years, or you may move into your knowingness right now. It’s difficult to make that step into knowingness, into beingness, unless you are willing to commit totally to yourself, to the Soul that you truly are.

Those who are dedicated to self-discovery, or Soul discovery, find that experiences on the various realms of existence become as real as physical-realm experiences. As you come to trust your own experience of realms other than the physical, you begin to experience the transcendence of the Soul. With Soul Transcendence, we are speaking of moving the consciousness into the Soul and activating the Soul so it can move into pure Spirit.

The Soul extends into the lower realms in order to experience the totality of God. In essence, the Soul’s purpose is to experience. For the Soul to evolve, experiences do not need to be repeated because the purpose of each experience is fulfilled with the completion of that experience. Therefore, there is no reason to judge anything in your past. You only need to learn from your experiences, forgive any judgments, and move on.

When you begin to work with the Mystical Traveler Consciousness, you often find your spiritual progression greatly speeded up. This is because the Traveler’s work is Soul Transcendence and awakening people to the awareness of the Soul and of the realms above Soul. You may find yourself moving through many experiences and just letting them go as they complete themselves. There is less and less need to hang on to the old, more and more excitement with discovering what’s next.

One of the biggest keys is that Spirit is a process of now. Soul only exists now. If you try to attach to the past or to the future, you get stuck and may not feel the presence of Spirit because it cannot exist for you outside of now. Living here and now is freedom. Spirit will never give you anything you can’t handle, so you can be assured that you will always be able to handle what IS. You do that by staying present in the moment and moving through each experience as it appears. Those who work with the Mystical Traveler Consciousness know that it goes through all things with you. You are never alone. You are perfectly protected at all times.

When you are in the Soul, you can more easily see the pitfalls and the obstacles of your life on the lower levels. You can experience a love for and a oneness with other people that is beyond anything you have ever experienced before.

So, how can you learn about the Soul? Be open about the possibility that it exists, and accept the possibility that you are more than your body, your thoughts, or your feelings. You don’t have to believe it. You don’t have to have faith. Just be open to the possibility that it exists. Soon, more information will probably start coming in to you. You might bring back memory of a dream, tell someone about it, and find out they had the same dream. You might be having difficulty making a decision and, in a moment of quiet contemplation, see the decision made and even experience the result of your choice–and come back knowing which way to move. You might suddenly find yourself in two locations simultaneously and know that you are experiencing Soul Transcendence.

These types of things could represent only the beginning of your experience of Soul. There is so much there for you once you open to it and place yourself upon this path of unfoldment. It’s magnificent. And it is all a manifestation of love. Love is the matrix that makes it all possible; it is the energy of Spirit that is the essence. And it is through love for yourself that you find the Soul and learn that its expression is your reality.

God is present within you, manifesting anew every moment. It is not your emotions, your mind, or your physical body. It is Spirit–expressing through those levels, but always more than that. You sit right on the edge of Soul awareness. It’s so close. It’s there each moment. The Mystical Traveler is totally free and totally of the moment. This consciousness resides within you AS YOU, and it gives you the keys to unlock your awareness into Soul. You must receive the keys each moment, for they are different each moment.

When you live in the moment and live free, you’re living in Soul. So let go of each moment as it passes. Forgive any judgments. Detach yourself from this earth, from memories of the past, from expectations of the future. Do those things that awaken you to your Soul, and let the rest go.

Baruch Bashan. (The blessings already are)

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