This article by John Morton was first published in the New Day Herald in March of 2015.
In this world, we can all imagine how many are disturbed right now: upset, bothered, in excruciating pain, suffering loss, depression, and on and on. Because we are Light bearers, we are called into this, as a choice, right up to our ability to minister. People really need to know we care. – John Morton
By our nature, we are hallowed ground. We are blessed. We are the Lord, we are the Christ, we are the Traveler. We are one with God.
We can shift our awareness so we are more conscious of this. We feel the vibration of that majesty. We can shift our awareness so that this is activated. Activated, so it is an energy field. Activated, so that when you walk into a room, you hallow its ground.
Even a rock is blessed with the vibration of the divine in it. How activated is it? There are degrees. God is found in the most potent, concentrated form in a human being. That is because the Soul is active and individualized in the body. We are walking around with a very potent energy field.
What we do with that energy field is what makes it really interesting. Are we awake? Are we doing things of a lower nature? Or, are we loving, caring, and bringing in the peace vibration?
We could all do this more actively. We could do this all the time, “twenty-four seven,” so with whatever you do, you bring a blessed nature. We can activate this through intention.
In this world, we can all imagine how many are disturbed right now: upset, bothered, in excruciating pain, suffering loss, depression, and on and on. Because we are Light bearers, we are called into this, as a choice, right up to our ability to minister. People really need to know we care. Caring can just be a walk around the block, or maybe it’s two blocks, yet with the dedication:
“Use me, Lord. Right now. I’m a battery. I’m an energy field.”
And leave it open, so that if you are called into something, not just observing or sending Light, but actually called in to become involved, you do that. At times, that’s how it works. That’s going forward into the world, ministering. You talk to somebody. You touch somebody. You do something that is in response to their need.
I find that it’s very natural, very ordinary, as if the Lord was in the room: “in the flesh,” as Jesus spoke of it. How would we know that presence? It would be very much like us, and yet there is joy. There is peace. There’s sweetness. There’s ease in the nature. Some things would be amazing, because it starts transcending the lower nature.
But it’s not something weak. How would the Lord confront someone who is trying to bother or disturb, or afflict or destroy? How would the Lord respond to that? That is an excellent question, not necessarily easily answered — the response is in whatever would demonstrate the love of God. Part of what we are doing here is learning how to stay in that presence, so that we don’t lose our peace, even for a moment. We stay in the loving.
My experience is loving often works in a very silent, invisible way without fanfare or recognition. Loving is as close as your breath. If you are breathing, you activate loving as a living truth.
We may need to release preconceived ideas that define loving. Even if there is a proven way of loving we still need to make room for loving to show up spontaneously. It makes itself known here and now.
Consider that all of us are answering the call to be loving here and now. What if the way that always works is to be living love? You’re in that presence now.
What if we were told that this world is, in fact, the Garden of Eden, and that we have the opportunity to replenish and restore it? What would we be doing, if we understood what that really means? I am speaking of the way Paradise would be flourishing in our midst. We would be in a kind of Paradise. Doing this would transform this world.
It starts with us, as a “portable paradise,” which is another way of speaking of us, as a “walking blessing.”
Baruch Bashan
Thank you for these words which resonate deeply with me. And challenge me to stay in that presence more and more, to be used as God wills, all the time. And to be okay with and love my human self all the time. Love and Light to you!
I love this article and the sweet wisdom I read in it. Thank you, John. Again your ministry inspires me.
Gratitude infinie Tout est si clair et simple lorsqu’on se place chaque dans le coeur de l’Amour Vivant . Chaque respiration est un privilège, chaque expérience aussi pénible soi t’elle devient une source d’inspiration , un message de Dieu directement adressé à l’Âme . Le Paradis est dans la présence consciente de chaque instant . Il n’y a plus rien à vouloir qui ne soit déjà là. Quel cadeau de participer pleinement à tout ce que la Vie nous offres.
Merci de tout mon coeur .