Watching the baby green leaves become verdant rich green as we traveled from Boston to Washington, D.C. is a bit like watching the people along the way being touched and blossoming in the work and play of the Traveler, John Morton. Whether through MSIA Seminars, Q&A’s, sharings at MSS or DSS classes, MSIA Services, initiations and ordinations, the unfolding and expanding is so awesome to witness. We staff — Vincent and Lesley Dupont, Cleora Daily, Roger Wakefield and myself — keep on moving, enjoying our own camaraderie as well as the abundant caring, loving, support and fellowship that is continually shared with us in each city. Leigh Taylor-Young, is a joyful spirit for John and all of us. Whether it’s driving, watching over vitamins, MCing, sharing about her ministry and much more, her bubbling laugh keeps things light.
Each city brings its special highlights.
For starters it’s nippy in Boston; we put back our summer outfits and pull out the fall-ish weather wear. Boston MSIA Rep, Leslie Fabian, checks and double checks that everything from service supplies, schedules, assistance for Roger’s set up, and much more is in place. Randall Richard stepped forward as team captain. Charlie Verge, our dashing MC, also gives of house and office so that we have locations for Services and events. Monica Simpson facilitates the Boston MSS2. We very much appreciate the musical contributions of Valerie Walsh, Rick Bloesser, Charlie Verge and poetic contribution of Ardythe Phillips that prepare the space for the Traveler. We’re enchanted by the little town of Wellesley where some of the events take place, the flowering pink trees shimmer against the overcast pearl grey skies and the river that flows as backdrop for John’s sharing at the MSS class.
We have a lazy, easy drive to the Dolce Retreat Center in Norwalk. Here there’s more green, swans and ducks on the big pond, a forest to walk meditatively through and even a gym with a basketball court to play and work out in during our SE retreat breaks. Doing and doing more and more SE’s, listening to sharings with John and J-R meditations is sublime. Leigh Hamel, the Connecticut/Northern New York MSIA Rep, has been an incredible point person for both Services there and the retreat. We’re always amazed at the font of joyfilled energy Leigh is. We feel loved, nourished and cared for many times over every time she is with us. How wonderful it is to do Services in this serene location. One day Cleora and I pop onto the local commuter train and buzz into NY for a day of Services there. Jim Lynch plays the host with the most and whips us and his place into action. At the end of the day I get to take an espresso break at a park near Grand Central…it’s as if I’ve been transported to a cafe somewhere in Europe this warm afternoon…in fact a handsome man from Finland spontaneously keeps me company to complete my European fantasy. But can’t get too carried away as I bid goodbye to the kind gentleman and whisk off to meet up with Cleora and Kate Ferrick, one of our balancers-in-training, who are going with me back to our retreat center. We grab some rocking SE’s as our train takes us to Stamford and Roger picks us up. Then it’s full on for a weekend of SE’s.
Oh my, it is hard to leave these surroundings, but this is not called “the Movement” for nothing! Moving we do, let go and get going on to New York. From the sublime to the bustling. New York is in full motion as we arrive, even this late on Sunday evening. Takes us a while to get our land legs here…I do it by walking around for awhile…it’s the best way I know to acclimate. Then we’re off and running in the morning with full on Services and set up for the first NY event, the Q&A fundraiser being held at Heide Bank’s lovely home. Thank you, Heide. Joan Witkowski and Wayde Binder have really held in there, especially Joan, to create this beautiful evening of tastes and sound, sound current that is, courtesy of the mellow tones of John Morton. As I listen to John’s sharing with each donor, it doesn’t matter what the content is, the energy is velvet, embracing and uplifting. The next two days are full full full with Services all day and an open seminar and closed Q&A for ministers and initiates. Our deep thanks to Lena Perotta, Kathryn Kienke, Tom Ligon, and Edi Holley who contributed from their passions of poetry and music to open our hearts. AND to Christine Lynch and Steven Flam who stepped up to be suave yet warm MC’s, John just keeps on giving, allowing Spirit to minister to each of us as he stands there just being himself. One more day of Services and a “free” night which we each use for individual refreshment.
Then it’s off to Little Silver, New Jersey for Cleora and me and Philadelphia for Roger, Vincent and Lesley. John and Leigh will follow shortly. Karen Faherty-Rosen, the New Jersey MSIA Rep is in ready for us as Cleora and I no sooner arrive then it’s time to do some Services. Roger, Vincent and Lesley are deeply grateful to just have the day for travel and settling in. Saturday brings set up for Roger for the Philly events, Services for Lesley and Vincent, travel to Philly for John and Leigh, and Services for Cleora and I in NJ. Then it’s full-on for the Philly crew with sharings at the Philly DSS3. Cleora and I take a quick R&R walking around the Revolutionary War town of Red Bank and at the movies with Iron Man 2–ok, I’m a sucker for Robert Downey, Jr. Sunday brings a Philly Ministers meeting sharing with John, a peace-pole blessing at the Rosemont College campus, then more Services. Cleora and I finish the NJ services and drive down to join all for the closed seminar that evening. It’s so much fun to be re-united and be a full crew again. Marilyn Bullock and Betsy Washburne have been going full out too with Marilyn overseeing all the event logistics and Betsy — sometimes via Skype during her Taiwan trip — overseeing the Services logistics. It’s great to hug them and thank them for all they’ve accomplished. Elizabeth Frumin and Bruce Rosenfeld also balancers-in-training have been assisting in every way they can as well as continuing their learning in Services.
Our gratitude flows out to each person who helped from set up to registration to hosting for Services. And special thanks to Jay Raspen and David Kronheim for their unique MCing. More special thanks to Elizabeth Frumin, Jeanne Andrews and Alice Fisher who each shared their lovely homes for Services, and, once again, Tom and Barbara Knight-Meyers who gave of their beautiful space for the fundraiser. Kudos to Lou and LinnieTenaglia and Tony Giuliani, the head chefs and their merry band of assistants. Two thumbs up and five forks!!! John Morton has often says he “just shows up”, but what we see behind that is the great willingness to put his body on the line to be there day in and day out, city in and city out. He and Leigh even take time to get up frequently along the way and have breakfast with some of us crew, checking in with how we’re doing…I call these mornings “Light huddles” with the Light coach. Pretty cool way to start our day!
A traveling we go down south to my favorite town, Washington, D.C. Yep, though I’ve been to beautiful and wondrous cities all around the world, this is still my favorite city to come back to…and it helps that I have beloved family there too! Linda Mathieu, a newer MSIA Rep, with help from Tim Fiocchi and Renee Panagos, have prepared the way for the Services and the events to take place. This Thursday night we have a team dinner as it’s the last time we may have the opportunity for this trip. Tired though we are it’s still fun to chat as we grab a late meal. The next two days find us thoroughly booked with Services and evening events of an open seminar and then a Ministers meeting. A special treat for me is introducing my kids’ kids to John and Leigh before the event starts…very riotous, but a blessing. Alex Beau has been tireless in assisting Roger to get the best sound in our tree-house-like building at the Cedar Lane Church. Michael and Brooke Thompson are the MCs and they are so heartwarming and natural. we are also treated to three contributions: poems from Pearl Boyd, a graceful dance from Patricial Lyne and song by Alex Beau. Special note ā you should hear Alex accompany Pearl as he plays the harp and simultaneously the harmonica — a delightful first for me! John completes the evening with a most wonderful and touching introduction to the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness inspiring us to embrace our humanness as beautiful spirits having these human experiences. Then it’s another day of Services capped by a Ministers’ gathering where John graces us with a sharing that is more like a seminar. It is the capping event of a long and glorious trip! The next day Cleora heads off bright and early, Vincent, Lesley and I finish up the last Services. John and Leigh and Roger fly to LA. My family picks me up for a few days of family touch-in and I say goodbye with big hugs to Lesley and Vincent who have just found out that their flight has been cancelled — no worries they get a mandatory rest of the day and night and next day of rest as their flight has been re-booked for the next evening! God is in charge, so we all move into the most delightful high state of cooperation. We give thanks, especially, for Ezra Mack who has done double-duty all along the way as set-up assistant to Roger and event photographer and camera man. His sweetness and dedication is pure gold! Again our thanks to the DC gang for all the many ways they reached in and out to serve each other, the Traveler and us. Our heartfelt thanks to J-R who has held us in the Light and in his heart each step of the way, and to all of you who send us Light too! We are so grateful.
And now it’s back to L.A. for clothes washing, a little catch-up on mail, and then re-packing for the next trip is literally right around the bend.