
New Day Herald

Loving It All, John Morton

Loving It All


When we come into the consciousness of who we are spiritually, who we are as God — when we awaken and become conscious of who God is, the one that’s dwelling within us as us — we are loving consciousness. – John Morton

This article comes from a sharing John Morton had with a participant in the PTS Master of Spiritual Science program in January 2000.

One of our great truths that we espouse over and over in MSIA is “you are never given anything you cannot handle.” It’s a basic teaching, similar to, “Out of God comes all things.”

The good part about that is God’s attitude, which is to love it all. Regardless of how you experience it, your attitude is a big key in all of this. What’s given from the Spirit is always according to who we are. It’s always in harmony. It’s always in balance. That’s a big key. The illusion would say, “No, it’s not.” The illusion would say, “I’m overwhelmed. This is too much. I can’t handle this.”

It’s very important to remember that there’s a tendency, mentally and emotionally, to perceive something as, “I can’t handle it. This is too much. This is beyond me, etc.” What’s interesting is that it then tends to move into what I call a reactive response. We then perceive it negatively and in lack. Then, we may reinforce the negative by the way we behave, the way we focus ourselves and respond. That becomes the dis-ease that then has to manifest itself in some way because we are creators.

We are not just creators. We are a particular kind of creator. What is the particular adjective that goes with our type of creator? We are responsible creators, even when we behave irresponsibly.

Do you follow that? We have the capacity for freedom. We have the freedom to act as though we’re not responsible. And sometimes the way that looks is, “I can’t do that,” when the truth is, yes, we can. That’s a lie and irresponsible.

What’s there for us is “How do I take on the knowing and the strength? How do I find the ability to do?”

There is a convergence that happens. John-Roger talked about this several times in a particular way. He asked, “Could God make a rock so huge he couldn’t lift it?” At some point somebody said, “Well, why would God do that?”

Do you understand? Why would God create something he couldn’t lift? If you are creating it, why would you do that to yourself? In your wisdom you wouldn’t do that.

If you’re following this and you have an intelligence that comes with being a responsible creator, that’s a form of knowing. It’s a knowing of all things. We wouldn’t do something to hurt ourself or incapacitate ourself. That’s what comes with understanding who God is as a creator. God does things in ways that are always loving.

Following up on that, “Out of God comes all things” and “God loves all Its creation.” That’s very important to keep as a reference when we find our consciousness not loving. This works in a couple of particular ways.

First, it works in our way of responding. If we find ourself not loving, the reference point is, God is always loving. When we come into the consciousness of who we are spiritually, who we are as God — when we awaken and become conscious of who God is, the one that’s dwelling within us as us — we are loving consciousness. So when we are not loving, we have obviously lost track of who I am, as God; we have lost track of who we are spiritually.

It’s like a big flag waving, or a big bell ringing. “Watch out! Wake up.” You know you’re not loving and it’s not a cause to be more ‘not loving.’ If we look back at our little track record we go, “Hmm, I wasn’t loving.” We may become more unloving, and then even more unloving.

At some point the wisdom of who we are realizes the stupidity of it. Not only does unloving not work, but it’s also not necessary. It creates problematic situations and experiences for us that are difficult. The good news is we are learning from every aspect of creation.

That is all about taking on a bit of negativity and loving it. If you want to know what graduation is, it’s loving it all. If we had one of those massive buildings with words across the top: “Who were they that came into this building and who gathered here?”

“They are those who loved it all and moved on.”

That’s how we graduate.

Baruch Bashan


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