
New Day Herald

Contributions: Poems by Louise Davidson


Louise Davidson recently submitted these poems to the New Day Herald. We share them with you. Enjoy.

©️Louise Davidson 26-09-19

Christ guide me with your light
Through each day and each night
Christ your love to keep me warm
Lifting me beyond each storm
Christ my guide by my side
Carry me on your tide
Christ rest me on your shore
Keep my heart forevermore

©️Louise Davidson 14-04-19

Eternal light living Christ
In every heart, in every breath
Unconditionally loving all
Through birth to mortal death
Into the light of all that is
Where all is one and one is all
Forgiveness is the key for us
To rise from every fall
Light go forward into all
Surrounding all with love
So below will always be
As it is above.

©️Louise Davidson 17-3-15

Golden Light of Living Christ
Blessing the Dawn of each new day
Beloved Traveler our Living God
Loving all in every way
Each new morn of Deep Peace
When every heart surrenders the old
Each Heart a Living God
A Chalice crafted
from Christ’s Pot of Gold

©️Louise Davidson 1-03-18

Christ be with me,
Peace be still,
Guide me with your light,
Keep your arms around me,
Through every day and night.
Love me like a new born,
As I’m born new each day,
Eternally with you Lord
I’m one in every way.
Christ be with me,
Peace be still,
You are my Heart and Soul,
Every moment here on earth
Loving is my goal.
Loving all who come to me,
To drink of your wine,
I place my arms around them,
To share your love Divine.

©️Louise Davidson 20/7/13

You kissed the door of my heart, awakening residual slumber, time to walk out and play in the light. The garden of Eden is here, no fear. The sunlight of the morning shines through your eyes, look into me beloved, we are one, we have begun what started eons ago, embraced by love, dancing slowly, moving in and out of time we rhyme like poetry from heavens heart. I kissed your soul, you kissed mine, sweet surrender to the divine … Let us dance through eternity in Gods loving arms.

©️Louise Davidson 27-11-17

Unfurled, awaiting the presence of my beloved,
Naked to my maker,
The breeze kissing my skin as it passes by going everywhere and nowhere all at once.
Time passes and I move through it the best way I know how, basking in the beauty of each moment linked together through the expanse of worlds with no end, I am, I Always was and always will be one with my maker.

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