There is another promise, a spiritual promise made to us by God, that we are already loved and valued for who we are, not for what we do or say, not for how we look, not for our jobs, and not for whether or not we agree with those around us. The spiritual promise is that we are all heirs to the kingdom of God because we are the sons and daughters of God. And our Souls are our beacon to guide us home to that safe haven, no matter how difficult we have made our journey. – John-Roger, DSS (From: When Are You Coming Home?)
The past year and a half has been a period of great change which, at times, has brought grieving in its wake. Experiencing the passing of loved ones from this world, and endings of other cherished situations and circumstances in my life, has brought forward the question in my consciousness: “What am I doing with the remaining time I have on this planet?”
My mother passed into Spirit — which was expected after many years of a lingering illness. Then, 11 months later, my father passed into Spirit — which was sudden and unexpected given his vitality and love of life. Within those same 12 months, my husband Greg’s father passed into Spirit. Currently, my beloved cat Hoshi of 16 years is declining in health and may not be long for this world.
While losing parents physically has been painful, one blessing is that I have a much closer relationship with my younger brother than ever before – we text each other daily, often with humor to Lighten the road. As J-R often commented, “You can go on crying, or you can go on laughing. If you have the choice (and you do), you might just as well go on laughing. It’s more joyful.” (John-Roger from The Way Out Book)
Much of 2020, for me, has been about cooperating with what is. In these past nine months under the Covid-19 safer-at-home conditions in Los Angeles, I’ve been to one social gathering with people outside of my household. This was a delightful and memorable occasion, even though our small group of five dear friends sat 6 feet apart wearing masks, with the doors and windows wide open on a very chilly, windy day. That gathering was one of the highlights of this very different year.
I am blessed to be working, and to have work that allows me to use my talents and to serve the Traveler from my home office. I consider making the Teachings available to those who are looking for them, including myself, a sacred calling. I am grateful to continue to serve, learn and grow in the Doctor of Spiritual Science (DSS) class. As a facilitator of that class, I truly enjoy the online and worldwide aspects of the class. At the same time, I’m the first to admit that I miss having students in-person in the classroom at Prana West.
To me, the combination of in-room and online students is the ideal combination for the DSS class. It provides the worldwide aspect — gathering ministers and initiates all over the world in multiple languages and from multiple cultures and countries — with the closeness of family coming together in-person, hugging, bringing small gifts of coffee or bagels for the group to enjoy on breaks, and gathering for lunch together in the Prana Dining Room. I do miss that in-person family aspect, now that the classes are online only and my access to the students is through small boxes on a Zoom screen. And yet, Zoom is such a blessing in that we can still see and be with each other regardless.
Given the pandemic conditions in 2020, I am also grateful to be healthy. I have such appreciation for my Basic Self and my stalwart immune system. I don’t always do my best to take care of myself first, so that I can help take care of others. I’m learning that it is not wise to take my good health for granted. Even when I’m not at my best physically, all of my selves sure show up for me time after time, holding with me through it all, with my Soul as my pilot. I’m thankful for all parts of me, and thankful for the Traveler and the Christ that guide and support me along the way.
One other challenging aspect of this year for me is the separation and division that at times seems pervasive in this world. Ever since I was a child I have sought the oneness in the strife — whether it was friends taking sides against each other, cliques leaving people out because of outward differences, family members or co-workers fighting over opinions – I go for oneness. When I’ve been asked to choose a side in a disagreement or dispute between loved ones, I have — I choose in-side. It’s the best way that I know how to source the oneness, the fulfillment. I go inside, beyond beliefs and points of view, to a higher viewing point. I don’t always do it, I get lazy and distracted and choose busy-ness or self righteousness over the inner calling, at times. Yet, again, every moment is a new opportunity to move into oneness, it’s a moment-by-moment choice for me.
So, “What am I doing with the remaining time I have on this planet?” I think it is a worthy question to ask myself. The best answer that I’ve come to during this challenging year is: loving and being loved. Regardless of what may be happening in me, around me, between myself and others, and in the world, I know that I can choose to be loving to myself and to all. I can choose to give love and receive love, to be kind and to be caring, and to be the Light, hold the Light, send the Light, receive the Light. It’s a choice I can make here and now. And, when I don’t seem capable of loving someone or something from my limited point of view, I do the best I can to choose Soul Transcendence – to look for the good in people and things and all the rest leave to God. It’s about how I am being, regardless of what I am doing.
In The Spiritual Promise, J-R put it this way: “Look with the eyes of knowing, hear with the ears of knowing, understand with the senses of knowing, nothing else exists.” I look to J-R and the Christ for inspiration. In my personal experience, J-R shined that living love always in all ways. He is my role model, a guiding star, and the best way I know how to honor him is to live the Teachings he so generously shared. I’m not perfect, I mess up, but one thing I know about myself, I keep going. I keep endeavoring to learn and expand myself beyond situation, circumstance, environment or separation and into even greater loving and illumination. I choose the Spiritual Promise, and I know in my heart and Soul that the Traveler delivers.
Thanks for listening.
May the holidays bless you with your spiritual heart’s desire. May you be graced with health, wealth and happiness in 2021 and beyond.
Light to us all.
In loving,
Every aim, every goal of every atom on this planet or anywhere else is to usher you back into your own personal kingdom where you are the god of your own universe, where you are divine in all your levels of consciousness. There is so much love, so much glory here now, and if you do not take of it, it is because you will not take of it. You are blessed and you are loved because you are divine. And one day, as the spiritual promise has been given, you will see the face of God and be able to know it. – John-Roger, DSS (From: Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise)
Your heart beats in perfect harmony with the Traveler. Thank you for being there for all us Light bears.
Beautiful Deborah, thanks for sharing, and I’m always listening to you
May God always bless you with the Holy Spirit light to guide you in your way back home. I’ll be just behind ( or maybe beside) you following the same steps.
Much love and light to you
What a beautiful sharing Deborah. I could easily say ditto to much of what you shared, and I really enjoyed the part where you choose ‘in-side’ yourself. Have lovely grace filled season.
Thank you Deborah
I can feel the dance of the last year’s challenges and the learnings. Moment by moment we have that choice to adapt or choose how we respond to this now!
Thank you, love and light Caroline
Great to have read this on the 5th day of 2021 when decorations are to be taken down and stored as we continue to have hope in the future as we do our best to walk our path and be “way showers”.