
New Day Herald

Living in the Magic


I first met John-Roger physically in 1992 in Los Angeles, I was 20 years old at the time. He was introduced to me by my friend Steve. It was outside a playhouse where Steve and I were about to see a play written by an MSIA minister. I had a strong feeling when meeting J-R that I knew him already. At the time I knew little about him and saw him primarily as a good friend of Steve’s. J-R welcomed me warmly and gave me a big hug. My life was about to change but I didn’t know it.

At the time I was a music major at college. I came from a musical family and loved creating music. I grew up expecting to have a career as a professional musician. My friend told me about a seminar series created by J-R and Russell Bishop called ‘Insight seminars’. I had little idea what the seminar was about, however I just knew powerfully inside me that I wanted to take the first seminar in the Insight series. I signed up for the next three day seminar.

I turned up at the seminar and was feeling a little shy as I didn’t know anyone else taking it. I attended all three days of the seminar and by the end of it felt like I’ve never felt before. I felt so alive inside myself, I was feeling so much joy and peace inside. I felt like a Christmas tree that had been turned on for the first time. I was in touch with my authentic self and my life’s purpose.

The Insight seminar made me rethink my choice of music as my major. I saw how psychology had always fascinated me, and after the seminar I was in touch with how much I wanted to assist other humans in their journey. I changed my major from music to psychology shortly after the Insight seminar. This was to the surprise of my family and friends.

This crucial decision led me to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I remember that shortly before I was due to complete my degree I had the opportunity to speak with J-R privately. I was travelling with him and some staff members in a van in Sydney, Australia and he told me to “get as much education as you can.” I was already thinking about doing further studies and having the encouragement from J-R gave me clarity about my direction. It became very clear to me that I was to continue my studies and complete a Master’s degree in Psychology.

I felt like if he had told me before I started my studies that I was going to do a post-graduate degree I would have been overwhelmed and not wanted to do any degrees. When I met with my Master’s supervisor he talked to me initially about doing a Ph.D and it made sense to me. I decided to set the goal of doing a Master’s and Ph.D by research.

I did complete my Master’s degree and I was two thirds of the way through my Ph.D in Psychology when J-R’s influence once again came forward to assist me. I remember saying to people “If I knew how hard doing my Ph.D was going to be I wouldn’t have signed up for it.” I felt like I had lost the wind in my sails and had no more drive to complete my thesis. I always liked to complete things I had started, but in this case just felt like I couldn’t go on. I was torn inside as I felt like I was letting many people who had been supporting me down. My dear husband took me to another Insight seminar called ‘The best of super II’. I knew J-R was likely to be there personally so I was eager to attend. After a number of hours in the seminar I got my opportunity to stand up and ask J-R a question. So I asked for assistance with finishing my Ph.D. J-R spoke with me for 45 minutes on the topic. He went into great detail with me down to what color the words were on my computer screen. By the end of the conversation I felt like my battery had been recharged. I once again had my enthusiasm to write my thesis.

I did complete it soon after and graduated from the top university in my country. I felt like J-R had spread some of his magic my way once again. He assisted me to find my true calling and then take it to completion. It supported me through a 15 year process of becoming a Doctor of Psychology. I believe he saw my true potential and assisted me to reach it. He empowered me and I will always be in gratitude for him and how he changed my life.

1 thought on “Living in the Magic”

  1. Beautiful Katie. We are so blessed to have had JR in our life in the. Physical for so long. And in spirit now ever more. Thank you for sharing XO

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