
New Day Herald

Spiritual Serendipity; A Story


Susan Gerke at John-Roger Seminar in December, 1989.

In 1972 while visiting a friend in California, I was told about John-Roger and his nightly talks in people’s homes that she attended.  She showed me his picture on the front page of On The Light Side, MSIA’s newsletter at that time.  When I saw John-Roger’s face, I swallowed hard and experienced something for which I have no words.  She explained about the “contributions” and that J-R could read people’s minds.  In horror, I asked her if that was scary for her.  She replied, “No, because of his great love for everyone.”

That night, while asleep, I received my astral initiation, although I didn’t know what that unworldly experience was at the time.

I began studying the Teachings, having many inner experiences and dreams, and I wrote the following about J-R, my beloved spiritual teacher:

Presenting to us what we need to grow
Awakening heart centers of those who choose back
Showing us the keys so that we may unlock the doors
Always serving for the Highest Good
I stand before you like a blossoming flower.

When my husband and I moved to Flagstaff, Arizona in January 1974, the Welcome Wagon lady soon knocked on our door with a basket of muffins and a big welcome to the community.  She told me about various ways to get involved.  One was the Flagstaff Community Theater, of which she was a member.

Being a Leo — albeit a shy one — I was immediately drawn into this chance to be on stage.  Small town, small theater.  Safe, right?  She said there would be tryouts for a play the next morning and invited me to come and do a cold reading.  “Being in a play sounds like fun, but oh, no, I couldn’t do a cold reading!” I replied.

That night while sleeping, J-R appeared to me.  He was sitting in a rocking chair.  As he rocked to and fro, he said to me, “I thought you wanted to be in the play.”  “I do, J-R, but I’m afraid to try out.  Too shy.”  He looked at me, smiling, saying nothing, and continued to rock.

The next morning the lady called me on the phone and said, “Tryouts for our play are over, but we still need a role filled. Would you consider coming to our first rehearsal and just stepping into that role?”

Inside me, I saw J-R’s face.  Just like the night before, he was kind of chuckling.  I was 100 percent sure he had arranged this opportunity for me.  Out of the depths of his loving.

I went on to act in several plays there.  My confidence grew.  I even did a soliloquy on stage.  It was a wonderful time in my life.


3 thoughts on “Spiritual Serendipity; A Story”

  1. Susan and I were neighbors in Chatsworth Lake Manor, California through the 1990’s and early 2000’s.
    Susan held seminars at her house and taught me a lot about our ministry.
    We used to hike with our dogs. Highlight and Bo.
    When she was away, I would feed her chickens.

  2. Susan you brought so much Light to Flagstaff! We had some sweet seminars didn’t we? So glad you and Mary and I got to spend those few years together. God Bless

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