On Sunday 21st July 2024, my husband and I visited the British Normandy Memorial in France, (www.britishnormandymemorial.org). With the 80th Anniversary of D-Day on 6th June this year, this relatively new memorial had been televised with interviews of the few remaining veterans who had arrived in France on D-Day. The programme was very moving and we decided to visit.
The energy in that place was incredible. Although there were a few hundred people walking around, everyone was silent. My husband said he was too choked up to speak and I had tears running down my face. The sheer enormity of the event that had taken place was quite overwhelming and the residue of energy in the air was palpable.
Every few yards I stopped to blow my nose and wipe away my tears, although I do not think the tears were just my own. I started to plant light columns on each occasion that I paused, and I felt the emotions clear completely, until I read the next message. There were messages from families to the loved ones they had lost.
However, the most moving message that I read was from someone who wrote “The ultimate sacrifice these brave young men made, allows me today to write these words!” I must have planted 20 or 30 light columns.
Back at the Churchill museum there were stories from ordinary young men about what they did and who they had lost. God bless them all.
Thank you for sharing Caroline! Thanks for the reminder to help clear emotional energy which can feel like mine, and has an attraction to it (in my experience ) – that light columns can help clear the way and lift me up and can be helping others.
Hugs to you!
What I’m moving description of doing the light work in a highly emotionally charged setting and historical circumstance. It was great to see you in person at Prana Caroline! Thanks for sharing some of your experience ministering through the line of our ordination!
Thank you Caroline, for doing this ministry and sharing it with us. as I read your words, saw your pictures and their website, I planted light columns from afar. Thank you for reminding me I can do this on my street or even far away.
Blessings to you and your service to humanity in Light and Love ❤️
I am a frequent Light Columns ✨️ planter. Such a huge part of my ministry at large.