
New Day Herald

Loving – the Way to Go

“More than ever, I look at loving as absolutely the way to go.  We are not ignored here.  Spirit does bring grace to us. I hear it in the way so many of us share our stories.  Amongst whatever is going on that is difficult in any way we could think about difficulty, we are blessed.”  – John Morton

This article and blessing come from a seminar John Morton gave in April 2024.

We each carry soul consciousness. It’s one thing to be aware of it.  What do you do with that awareness?  In this world, that can be very awkward.  Wanting to be loving in every way with all situations can be challenging.  How things are working out often needs great, tremendous loving.  What we do is often misinterpreted, like saying we’re holier than thou or “We have it, and you don’t.”

At the 1984 Olympics, which I attended, there was an electronic message board.  It was nothing like the big screens we now have, but there was a message that said, “The Beginning of the Family of Man”. I thought, “What? This is about sports, competition between countries to win gold medals.”  But someone had something else to tell us.

Something was going on in the world at that time.  I have very fond memories of that and how things have come forward.  I look at it as a continuation of what we have all heard in some way about a “New Age” or a “Golden Age.”

What does it really mean for us to hear the truth, a way of experiencing the blessings that we are in?  We have come to this world to complete what we are doing. While we are here, we can contribute to the family of humanity.  If we understood what human beings are, we would see that in a simple way, we are brothers and sisters.

We can learn a thing or two from each other.  There is enough space.  This is in our teachings.  There’s plenty of space in the world, even with the current issues in the environment, politics and wars still raging.  We have come here to demonstrate what Spirit has in mind.

Why would I say, “In mind?”  Maybe that’s the place where we need the most transformation.  Our minds would be changed towards the loving of one another.  We would be open to allowing what Spirit would do to transform us so we would get along.  It would become a paradisiacal place where the garden would return because we are harmonized as caretakers of one another and the world. This world would powerfully demonstrate as healing.

Not that we are supposed to be building our destiny in this world.  I don’t see this world in that way.  I see this world as a transit.  We come through to demonstrate that we have the awakening of consciousness that would now go home.  We demonstrate that for others who ask, “Who are these people and why are they still talking about loving?”

More than ever, I look at loving as absolutely the way to go.  We are not ignored here.  Spirit does bring grace to us.  I hear it in the way so many of us share our stories.  Amongst whatever is going on that is difficult in any way we could think about difficulty, we are blessed.

One of the greater blessings is the way we love one another in a quiet way.  I may not have spent a lot of time to get to know each of you on a personal level, yet I feel I know you because you are in the choir.  You are singing what we are singing together in the chorus about loving.  Loving is who we are.

God bless you.

It has been a very rich part of my ministry to speak the blessing.  Here we go:

Blessing of Loving One Another

Dear Lord,
Let’s consider that we’re all at once in Your embrace.
The majesty of Your power is that You can touch each one of us at once.
We are in Your loving embrace and the power of who You are in us
as our own consciousness of the Beloved.
You teach us that all the powers of God are within us.
Then in this world it becomes that we would be kind.
We would be willing to step out of our own interest to be caring,
to help someone or something have a better day.
We give thanks that we have been in the grace here.
I experience clearing for all of us.
I experience a beautiful blessing.
If we’re looking, we’re not ever alone.
We’re not ever in any way in need of what is present in this world.
We take in the gifts of Spirit.
We also take in the guidance that we all have to continue.
If there’s a contribution, let’s call this seeding.
We have given to the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness today
and what is the miraculous ability of Spirit to multiply gifts.
Let’s take a moment to imagine what God can do with the seed we have planted
in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
We would ask that grace would allow whoever is seeking their soul’s journey
and how that’s delivered and residing in the heart of God,
we would in some way be those who pass that on first
in the way we demonstrate the loving,
the willingness to be truthful in a way that’s caring.
We would seek to place peace, to place healing,
to be a demonstration of the freedom of the Spirit that honors everyone
as essential to the love of God.

Baruch Bashan.

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