
New Day Herald

We Love You Ali Pashka

Dear Ones,

On the first day of summer, June 21, our beloved Ali Pashka passed into God’s arms. He developed a severe colic and we took him to the hospital, but he could not be saved.

25 years old, Pashka had a wonderful and full life at Windermere since he was 6 months old. Uniquely beautiful, J-R used to call him our little “filigree” horse. Pashka was a trusty steed for many of our visitors and staff, and John Morton also rode him on horseback rides with John-Roger.

While beautiful on the outside, Pashka was also beautiful on the inside. He had a sweet and cooperative way that touched the hearts of many people. His essential quality of Peace was “Freedom of Choice”.

In honor of Ali Pashka, here are some beautiful sharings by dear friends who loved him.

God Bless Ali Pashka, and God Bless us all,

Love to Ali Pashka,
His quality was Freedom of Choice. When I have freedom to choose I also have the open loving and caring personality that I strive to be. Ali expressed these traits and the reminder that I do have the choice. While working around him I received his natural energy. I am going to miss Ali’s inner and outer beauty, but the opportunity to work beside his loving energy will never be forgotten.

Love & Light,
Janet Bishop

Pashka was such a beautiful horse and always a gentleman around me. I feel honored that I got to spend time recently grooming him and getting to know him better. That was my “freedom of choice” to do and I was blessed by his loving energy. He will be missed.

In gratitude, Susannah

My dear Pashka, I am so grateful to have had the chance to partake in your sweet, gentle and loving energy. It always sparked joy in my heart. I cannot find the words to express my sadness at your passing. You will be sorely missed

Love, Ivy

When Ray Hunt, the greatest of horse whisperers, came to Windermere to do a clinic for the young Arabians, he said of Ali Pashka, “He’s the best of the bunch!” Clearly Ray was referring to the refined sensitivity and lightness. But Pashka also had a generous spirit, and a willingness be with people in ways that touched our hearts. His presence will be missed, yet somehow he will always be a part of Windermere Ranch.

Love, Linda

“Ali Pashka what a true beauty you are, returning to the Great Pegasus in the sky, heaven waits for you now! Thank you for Gracing us with your loving presence, and yes we all have been-E-fitted from having you share your tender loving nature with us…

Love you Ali. I will see you there!
your Bobby !!

I really loved Pashka and he has a very special place in my heart and experience. He was the horse that helped me really learn about horses and riding. Pashka was so patient, never got upset with me as a human and aways did his best for me and those around him. When I finally committed myself to learn to ride, I needed a horse that wasn’t “a project” that I could really learn from. Pashka was the obvious choice.

I think I learned to listen and even communicate with horses from J-R and Sonlight; and then by talking with and listening to Sonlight in my own way taking J-R’s lead. But of all the horses, I spent the most time with Pashka doing a very soft and intuitive form of this where we learned from each other. One of our focuses together was asking for and placing light on the property and the surrounding area. The ability of this horse to hold and radiate light was simply amazing to me and made me quite humble in the process. I could write for two days on experiences of with him and at the same time, I am just grateful for his place as a teacher and partner in my life and the gift he gave to all of us.

Love, David

What comes to mind when I think of Pashka is: quiet, gentle, unassuming, mind your own business, don’t make waves, fly under the radar, present…..but not…..present, almost mysterious, like he knew a secret that you didn’t. And THAT would make me chuckle. Yes, his still waters ran very deep. Yet Pashka was so lovable and never gave anybody any trouble. He was an all around true-blue, gentleman of a horse but I guess he was ready to move on, to be with his buddies in the spirit world. Drat, we shall miss you dearly gentle soul. Until we meet again……
Love, Cat

I am saddened at the loss of Ali Pashka, his wonderful spirit will always be in my heart. He was such a gentle soul, a genuine Peacemaker. One of the trusted ‘gang of six’ who came to Windermere when they were 6 months old. I first met him when he was around a year and half. He loved running free on the land with his buddies. As time moved along he became a very solid riding horse. We spent many hours riding together, exploring and learning to trust each other. Thank you Ali Pashka for being such a bright shining light. Your presence will surely be missed.

Love, Teresa

Ali Pashka was one of my favorite horses to ride. Always willing, always cooperative, you could just think something, and he would do it. Once a gifted healer who worked with Ali Pashka commented, “He’s a Master horse. You can tell him anything, tell him your problems, and he will help you with it.” At first I didn’t really understand this, and I would amuse myself by having conversations with Pashka as we spent time together. Over time I found myself telling him more and more, and had the sense that he had a deep understanding of things, that he was truly my friend. There was a softness and a loving about Pashka that touched so many of us. I will cherish his friendship and loving always.

With love, Lynn

Excerpt from story written by Beth Hinman, illustrated by Susannah Kaye

“Presently, as he became aware once more of Ali Pashka and Windermere all around him, he remembered Ali Pashka’s quality–Freedom of Choice. And he knew this was the gift he had just received. The choice between living in disturbance and living in joy and loving was his to make, and the outer circumstances of his life had only as much power over his experience as he chose to give them.”

1 thought on “We Love You Ali Pashka”

  1. I love you Ali Pashka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FYI Ali Pashka’s quality of peace is “Freedom of Choice” — and it’s still energized by J-R. I love this quality. Thanks for posting.

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