
New Day Herald

John-Roger Signed Books and Shared with 150 People During an Incredible Four Hour Event at the Bodhi Tree April 2nd

The Bodhi Tree graciously hosted the recent Workshop, Q&A and Booksigning with John-Roger, Paul Kaye and Jsu Garcia on Saturday April 2nd in Los Angeles. Quite simply J-R was on fire. He shared at length with at least 150 people as he signed books and chatted at length with folks. To see the loving flowing both ways in these intimate sharings was priceless. God Bless You John-Roger.

Quotes from participants:

Being in the Workshop with J-R really makes it so special. The value I get from doing the processes and hearing him speak are always priceless.
– Kelley Raleigh

Saturday at the Bodhi Tree with J-R, Paul and Co. was another example of Light blessings in action. Though I tend to forget it, Spirit is as close to me as my next breath, love no further away than a simple touch, and in the awareness of my oneness with the Source, I can be healthy and thriving. Thank you for the reminders and the demonstration.
– Vincent Dupont

I was in that lucky DSS group that we had J-R sharing with us every Saturday. In one or two precious occasions we had him on Sunday too. I basked in the teachings and yes, in his ever-loving presence; magnificent, working with a big crowd, reaching each one to offer his way out.

So now that we have him in the book signings, I am having the opportunity to have, like the old timers had, that very personal so intimate moment with him. Because I no longer take for granted that I will see him ‘next class’, he is teaching me, while I am in line waiting to get to him, to really go inside into the truth of where I am at the moment, so when I get to his presence, I will make the most of the opportunity. I do my best to approach him in body, mind and Soul, all that I am, and to present myself fully. And he always gives me SO much back. Probably even more than I can realize.

Pure loving pouring from his eyes, his contact reaching out to me with the softness of Spirit and his inimitable way to come and meet me at my level, to just lift me. And he receives me and accepts my loving and he gives me, of him. It is. It is.

I love him, I am grateful, I practice what he tells me and pray for the next book signing to come soon!

Because I am collecting so many books what I do now is I rip the page with his signature and Paul’s and keep it. Then I give the book away.

I was blessed to be in Zoe’s crew. Wonderful! Loving, we just pitched in as we saw fit, we were as one.
Thank you J-R. God Bless You. Love you.
Can’t wait for the next one.

– Sylvia Giussani

I really enjoyed it! It was a very peaceful and full of loving event.
– Luz Doynel

To watch John-Roger working with everyone individually over the course of several hours was an incredible experience. There was such loving to and from him and those he worked with. This was truly an extraordinary day, and I am very grateful to have been blessed with being present and in the presence of Spirit.
– Laurie Lerner

This was so much more than a book signing. The few moments I got to spend with J-R just prior to him signing my book was like manna from heaven. The transference of loving and energy from Traveler to Initiate as he held my hand, gazed into my eyes, and spoke a few words, was a priceless gift . It is something not to be missed and I am grateful beyond words. Thank you with all my heart.
– Jan Shepherd

How do you write words where there are no words. How do you write about receiving pure love when there is only experience? How do you thank someone who gives new and full each moment each time to each one — and beyond?

We drive there, listening to music on the way, on a bright sunny day. We drive up, there is free valet parking. We stand in a short line — ’cause we are there really early. We chat and laugh and have fun. Someone gets lattes from the cafe next door, we hold their place in line.

The best part comes — we behold Beloved arrive. Later we take our seats. And chat and laugh some more. Or sit in silence — and receive — of the nameless.

They take “sharing” — we listen to wisdoms and behold love and nameless some more.
Next we stand in another line — and chat and laugh while we wait — to get our book “signed.” It’s fun.
It takes time.
He shares — with each one, regardless of the line. With each one — he is sacred, nameless, be-loved.
It’s not so visible — to look around — you can’t tell to look — all is normal family, fun, people chatting away.
But with each one is their gaze, their exchange, their love, with intimacy — with the formless, the Beloved, the Nameless One.

We received a “signature” more than on a book — on our hearts — in our Beloved One.
How do you write words where there are no words. How do you write about receiving pure love when there is only experience? How do you thank someone who gives new and full each moment each time to each one — and beyond?

Thank you, J-R. I know you give equally to those who could not be there, too.
And I am so blessed and grateful that I was able to be there.
God bless you. Thank you beyond words.

– Kim Guisinger

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