
New Day Herald

Bringing The Light To Lubbock Texas


We began meditation classes August, 2013.

Currently 52 people have joined our group, and 3-6 people attend each month’s seminar. We meet once per month to explore how peace can improve your life. The classes are free.

Since moving to Lubbock, Texas from Dallas in June, 2010 I have missed a spiritual community. My husband John suggested I offer MSIA home seminars. In 1973, I found MSIA and the Traveler through Rama Fox and Laren Bright, who opened their homes for people like me who were searching for the spirit. I wanted to share my enthusiasm of the teachings with people who were searching for the joy of the spirit in West Texas. Lubbock is about 6 hours west of Dallas and 10 hours north of Austin. The greater population of Lub-bock and West Texas is in the Bible belt, and offering peace through meditation and spiritual exercises was a simple message that I could communicate to them.

In August, 2013 I began advertising a class on the Lubbock internet site. The class is called “Finding Peace through Meditation”, from 7:00-9:00 PM in my home. I am not charging for the classes.  Here I found an excellent opportunity for my ministry. The evening begins with calling in the light, J-R’s  “Our Song of Love” prayer, spiritual exercises, sharing and a J-R video seminar. There is a charge to use; however the results far outweigh the cost. Today fifty-two people have joined our Lubbock group. There are between three to six who attend each month. Several are considering discourses. I plan to offer correspondence courses when we have people on discourses. is the world’s largest network of local groups and has more than 18 million members worldwide. I encour-age those who want to reach out to the community for home seminars to join Meetup.  More than 9,000 groups get together in local communities each day, each one with the goal of improving themselves or their communities. Here is a link to my site

At the end of class, I offer a free two-minute meditation in my voice that they can use anytime, anywhere. I also send them a link to the MSIA website where they can explore MSIA meditation techniques, books and tapes. During the month, I send MSIA links of The New Day Herald, Peace Meditation and the Daily Loving Each Day to keep the new-comers connected.

Class member sharings:

“Grace, the class has taught me how to look at myself and know I deserve to be happy with who I am. That love and peace come from within me first, before transmitting to anyone else. It has taught me how to find a balance in me, when the outside world is out of balance.”

“I have been interested in meditation for some time but could not seem to find, the right person to help. I have now attended three classes with Grace, and I feel this has changed my life.  MSIA is a place I can learn to open myself up to knowing God more and has all the tools to show me what I can do.  Grace has helped so much in opening her home and knowledge.”

The teachings of MSIA and the Mystical Traveler gave me a new lease on my life. Now like a pioneer of the west, I am bringing the Light to Lubbock.

My ministerial blessing: “Call yourself love and minister through the spiritual heart, the Holy Spirit, The light of the Christ and the Mystical Traveler to all.”

Want to create your own meetup group?

1. Click “Sign up” at to create an account.

2. Then click “Start a Meetup Group” and follow the user-friendly form.

Interested in connecting with others?

We’d love to have you join the group and be part of our monthly support calls – held over the phone and via skype.

If you’d like more info – or would like to join our monthly calls – email

This article was published in the September | October 2015 edition of the New Day Herald Online Magazine, available via ISSUU.

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