
New Day Herald

Editing with Love | The Life & Times of Nancy Carter


Heart-to-heart healing is the goodness of one heart moving and touching another heart, which can remove [edit out] hurts, regrets and envies. This other heart will then come forward and touch back to the first heart, and these hearts will start to heal each other.

John-Roger DSS

Having spent the last few decades experiencing the teachings MSIA far from LA, I find a great support coming to me through both through the free seminars online and recordings for sale at the MSIA store. As a result I have developed a deep love for a person I never met, our very own Moment of Peace (MOP) Queen, Nancy Carter. If you don’t know what a MOP is, it’s a short video clip combining an inspirational or thoughtful message with captivating scenery (including J-R, our founder) often played at the opening of a video or on its own.

Enjoy a favorite Moment of Peace of mine – Click Here to view a Moment Of Peace on Soul Transcendence

Nancy has created and edited nearly every Moment Of Peace published. On my most recent trip to California I tracked down this amazing artist.

“I have the best job in the world.” She said at the opening of our interview “I hear J-R all the time, word for word. All the time would be like every day.”

Can you imagine searching the archives for the very moment when J-R’s or John’s words coalesce into a brief but complete teaching, then coupling that with music and video? Creating an experience that changes you right then and there? Nancy can, and she’s done it hundreds of times.

“I always start with the audio … ” She explains of her editing process. “It takes a lot of research to match footage—to match it up with what J-R said in the form of a learning lesson. Sometimes it’s just funny, sometimes it’s just beautiful …”

Nancy looks for a certain quality of message that serves as her inspiration. She is “mining” J-R’s works … literally.

As most of the J-R seminar material has already been published, NOW Productions is turning to J-R’s Q&A’s. Finding sound bites from these seminars takes more listening time.

I was of course curious how Nancy made her way to be an editor for MSIA. Had she suddenly felt a pull to serve Spirit or did she have spiritual yearnings as a child?

“There are people who saw this bright light but that’s not me… for me it was more getting on a bus, jumping to the back seat where only the black people were supposed to sit and knowing how wrong that really was.” She innately understood unconditional loving.

Nancy added “I remember being small. I used to ask myself if I saw someone in pain or having a difficult life, ‘is this what I am supposed to do?’ I spent a lot of my life thinking, ‘What are we doing here? What is our mission, what is my mission?’

“The answer was—and in hindsight I live my life based on this—What’s next in front of me to do? … The message was ‘you are noticing it but it’s not for you to do.’”

What was in front of her during high school in her Cincinnati living room was her first TV. “I made a deal with my mother that I would do homework right after school so I could stay up late and watch the show “Broadway Open House,” a precursor to the Tonight Show. This was before videotape was available so the show was live and great fun, and they made creative use of the cameras, using them subjectively for instance, as if they were another person in the room. That’s when I told myself I wanted to work behind the camera, dreaming up ways to use the resources creatively.”

Nancy was true to her dream and eventually made her way to NYC where she progressed from a talent director, associate producer and then producer. “Women had no power and were secretaries … I said, ‘I’m not going to do that’ … I worked my way up very quickly.” She was instrumental, and either the first or second person to put Barbara Streisand on the air.

After 15 Years she found NYC smoggy and unpleasant; greed became evident in the industry. She and a few friends decided to take a sabbatical in Greece. “Why Greece? Why not? The island of Mykonos was open minded to more unique ways of living.”

The time away in Greece did Nancy well. She had always been interested in human relationships and formulated a goal of training to do “what people had asked me to do much of my life…be a counselor. I felt my mission was to help people love themselves enough so they could love others.” And again, though not yet in MSIA this was fulfilling a core teaching as noted by John-Roger …

“Sharing with another human being is not only possible but available according to your loving source. You need not be a whim of anyone else’s love-quotient. As love comes out of you as a natural state, that attracts the essence of others who may choose to share their love with you. Then it becomes a matter of each person sharing the loving that is inside of them.”

John-Roger DSS

A friend had written to her about Psychosynthesis, so after three years in Greece, she went to Montreal to be trained at the Canadian Institute of Psychosynthesis. She now practices as a Marriage and Family therapist, in addition to her work with NOW productions.

Some people might be surprised to see connection between editing and therapy. She explains: “To be a therapist you need to be able to see where peoples’ issues are that they may not be able to see. The rest of it is something to note…but it gets edited out. It’s very much what I do now [at NOW Productions, the audio-visual part of MSIA] … to see what is useless and what isn’t.”

Following her training in Canada she traveled to San Francisco to attend a graduate school “much like University of Santa Monica,” but eventually this group turned “cultish”. They began practicing “as if you didn’t spend every second doing their work there, you were taking away from God’s work. I didn’t dare shop for Chapstick or see a movie.” Not a balanced, loving, giving-from-the overflow approach! Thus her quest continued. She was “looking for a guide – I was doing good [on the] inner but looking for an outer teacher.”

And in the magic of spiritual coincidences one of her old friends, Mark Holmes, suggested she connect with MSIA. “Someone had already told me about J-R. At the first seminar I really took in the tool ‘Take care of yourself so you can take care of others’ … I said if he means it, I am on board. It gave me new permission to take care of myself.” This remains one of the foundational teachings of MSIA.

Nancy has participated with MSIA ever since. “I was looking for spiritual community.” At one point she learned they needed film/video editors and told them “Well, I can do that,” and thus her MSIA career officially began… more or less…as she started doing per diem work. MSIA wanted to hire her full time two years before, but she declined the initial offers. “Why?” she told them – “This is working just fine.” But eventually she agreed and has been on MSIA’s staff since.

When asked if Nancy ever went “out of her body” when listening to J-R, or found concentrating difficult, she said “For me…to carry a J-R vibration that is very healing, attention-getting and beautiful … the answer is not really. I pay attention when I am working with J-R’s material.”

Has being embedded in the teachings of MSIA nearly every day helped her? “Over the years I worked with J-R’s teachings word for word and listened. I know it has definitely influenced me so that I feel very clear and very solid in my spiritual life. So my experience is that I am totally guided and I can trust it.”

That said, Nancy admits she benefits from reminders. “Yes – I would guess that everybody [does] because there are so many distractions and we are human”. And the lessons keep coming. Did Nancy have an example of this? “I have a good one,” she said with a laugh.

“I have some responsibility for the Christmas eve events. In 2014 I was exhausted and out of balance and pushing myself, and I was distracted from taking care of myself. I needed to stop and rest and gather my head up. My body gave me a wake-up call. And I had to stop and apply that teaching to my life.”

“Take good care of yourself. Find out what works to fill you and balance you; then you can give of your overflow and loving to your family.”

John-Roger DSS

And did she find her spiritual family in MSIA?

“It’s fabulous … we’re a team,” she says of her coworkers, the NOW staff/volunteers whose work recently has been devoted to finding messages about the Christ for MSIA’s 2015 Conference. Initially the inspiration for this came from Paul Kaye, who was looking for material for his 12 IHOP classes this year, but now has morphed in the newest packet, The Christ Consciousness This Too You Shall Do.

When describing the conference release Nancy says: “The project is researching everything J-R said about the Christ and making excerpts about it. That package is really interesting. I am using footage that no one has seen before unless you were at the event.”

“It is very focused—a packed group of excepts in which J-R talks very intimately about the Christ, the Christ energy, and why we should even care. And what he comes to over and over and over, what he assures us, is that we are the Christ already. Our job is to accept that and behave like it. He keeps citing, ‘And this too you shall do.’ saying that we can do that if we choose it, and the ‘that’ is to be loving.”

Thank God for small miracles, or in this case, a big one, our amazing Nancy Carter.

“Love is given to everyone, just as the sun shines on everyone.

Not everyone, however, wants to stand in the sun. So, you are the one who determines the level of your experience with love.

Love sits by you until that time when you will let love flow through.”

John-Roger DSS

This article was published in the September | October 2015 edition of the New Day Herald Online Magazine, available via ISSUU.

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5 thoughts on “Editing with Love | The Life & Times of Nancy Carter”

  1. This is wonderful, thank you. I have long been a Nancy Carter fan and love the Moments of Peace, short, get to the point gems from our Travelers. It does sound like a great job!

  2. How blessed we are to have Nancy among us. I remember in the early 80’s coming to an MSIA event on the West coast for the first time. I stayed at Nancy’s and was so touched and impressed by the purity and power of her loving and kindness. She’s one of our greatest treasures!’

  3. Sylvia Giussani-Baillie

    What a beautiful story. And so nice to know more of people we serve with. Sometimes I am just involved in serving and so giving myself the time to know more about a ‘sister’s’ path is delightful. Well done Nancy!

  4. I still think it would be great and probably a best seller if NOW would put together a bunch of JR’s funniest seminars…..some of the seminars are absolutely hilarious…..I would buy it for sure.

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