
New Day Herald

So Many Things To Be Grateful For

j-rs teachings

This has been an amazing year and we couldn’t have done it without you. Here is a list of 10 things we are grateful for. This Thanksgiving we will be celebrating you in our hearts.

What are you grateful for?

1. John-Roger’s Teachings

J-R’s light keeps shining so bright and his teachings keep on bringing joy and loving to those who are looking for them.

2. Conference of the Christ

It truly was an amazing Conference. John really brought us home to the heart of the Christ. If you haven’t you might want to read the article he wrote for the New Day Herald. Click here to read.

john conf

3. Live Online Events and DSS Online

We are so grateful for our Live Online crew! Making videos available through out the year. From streaming live the South America Trip right now to posting videos On Demand. We love you guys!


4. Home Seminars

This year we have totally made a shift in bringing new life into our Home Seminars as a way to experience community and Spirit. It has been beautiful to see you all join our Facebook Group and post your events. You are the ones that make all of this happen.


5. John Morton, Our Beloved Traveler

It’s amazing everything that he does and we are forever grateful for his love.



6. MSIA Staff, Products Department, PTS all of the Light Workers In The World

We are grateful that we can count with such an impeccable Staff for all the events, trips, translations and products that happen every year. This is our little pat on the back 🙂

7. NOW Productions

NOW releases new material, from J-R in cd’s, mp3’s, mp4’s, dvd’s and thumb-drives. Every. Single. Month. Your job is heartfelt and it’s palpable. Here is an article from the NDH about the work of Nancy Carter . Click here to read.

8. PAT 8

The Traveler has really taking it to a whole other level in France and he is coming back for more. Thank you Traveler for this amazing gift of a retreat. Here is a photo of when John wore that cute red french hat. Here is more info for the upcoming one. Click here.

france day 1

9. Light Columns

That time that group of MSIA ministers went to the 9/11 Memorial and planted Light and love there. Magnificent presence. Click here to read the article.  Also we are grateful for ALL YOU PEACE MAKERS. That plant Columns Every Day. Thank you!

10. You! Our Reps and Volunteers

We can’t make it without you! We are so grateful for you and all that you. Seriously! We adore you!

4 thoughts on “So Many Things To Be Grateful For”

  1. Glorious write-up, Divine pics, Thank You, Thank You, Thank HUuuuuuu!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Immensely Awesome Loving Light To All + Bless our Beautiful + Beloveds Johnny + Leigh all ways!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. That is so true SO MANY if I start it will be endless. What i am grateful for above all is my incredible Blessing to have meet JR, listened to him, sat at his feet, shared with him, laughed with him, and above all I am grateful for the love he stired in me that day I meet him, that was something I could never put into words. I am deeply grateful to him for providing me the keys to my heart, my loving,my soul. . I am still turning that key and for that I am eternally grateful. My heart is full with this most Beloved man.

  3. I am eternally grateful for being an initiate of the Traveler and minister in MSIA….there are not words that express…..AND I’m grateful for the teachings, all the millions of choices and resources that guide me into attunement with the joy of my soul, the abounding blessings that are always present, the peace and loving that are always available, Johns many invitations and reminders to choose into the blessings…..the sweetness of everyone’s expression, the knowing that goodness holds everything, that God’s purpose is loving……and then that within all of that I live a blessed life… relationship with Jay, my wonderful children, my grandchildren, Zoe’s baby girl that is on her way in Zoe’s tummy……my health, my abundance of everything that I need with plenty to share, facilitating for PTS, all the MSIA video seminars and folks that come, our ministerial community, trees and the beauty of nature, being able to physically see so well with my new lenses, participating in the amazing trip to France, knowing service was going on in ways known and unknown, etc. etc. etc………AND even when things are challenging AND if I am off balance, EVEN THEN there are the blessings of learning, getting stronger in my focus to expand into the Light……..The blessings and the gratitude are more numerous than I have words for here in this window of loving……THANK YOU JR – THANK YOU JM – THANK YOU MSIA – THANK YOU BELOVEDS – THANK YOU GOD XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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