
New Day Herald

New Year’s Day 2012 — A Resolution Spa Day with John-Morton

“If you build it, they will come,” so it is said. Thanks to a great deal of planning by staff members, and an abundance of volunteers, everyone stepped up to create an especially “bright” first day of this new year, and a new you.

Early arrivals were streaming into Prana by 8:00 am, as the doors opened early. Prana was just buzzing with activity as our precious volunteers were putting last minute things in place, and the early arrivals looked to the dining room for fresh coffee! And still folks kept coming, the rooms were filled.

I found my own seat near the fireplace in front of the NOW crew, and amidst so many, found myself an intimate space, a sacred space. All around me, this fresh new year brought fresh new energy with so many people sharing with each other, as they waited.

Then our Mistress of Ceremonies, Leigh Taylor-Young, also known as LTY, introduced our first moments together in this 2012 new year. First sharing the upcoming program, she then called in the Light, an invocation calling on the Light and the opportunity as we become powerful creators and lovers of God, in the Spirit of God. This was followed by everyone chanting Ani-Hu. HU, is an ancient name of God, and Ani, creates oneness and empathy with God, and with all our hearts with one another.

Leigh announced our next upcoming musical concert event at Prana, on February 11th, titled “In the Name of Love.” And finally, she introduced Beloved John Morton, as a world traveler as well as a Mystical Traveler.

It became obvious to us that today’s key note to set the tone for the day was all about Loving and being Loved. John shared that 150 were online to share this Spa day with all of us in the room.

John shared so much on our co-creatorship with God, and the responsibilities and opportunities we can create, and how important it is to be careful about what we allow ourselves to think about and create inside ourselves. I heard him tell us that we are the Beloved of the Traveler. He shared about how we can shift our focus inside, for example from having pain and thinking it’s painful, to feeling less pain, or even pain free. I realized that shifting our focus to what we want to focus upon brings the clarity.

John went through some of the definitions in our Spa Day Journals, and explained how Intention is the core of Resolution, because in the resolution, is the solution. And the Re, is to repeat, so we really are to re-solution, and keep our intention clear and correct is the solution.

He shared a childhood memory when living on a military base, about the call to attention, and he suddenly began to sing revelry to us with many folks accompanying him! Okay, okay wake up folks, Johnny said everybody counts.

John shared definitions of Determination too. It is fascinating to see how John’s explanations and definitions of one term can segue into the next one, and yet still bring forth more definitions of Resolution again. Like the ending of a medical condition is to bring the disease into ease again. Or like a harmonic progression, when something is off key, the resolution in music is to bring it back on key, through playing the proper chords. Once in it’s proper chord, the resolution is into harmony again.

I loved hearing him tell us about finding the good inside, even if it’s the little toe, and let that part sing out and bring the entire body back into harmony again. Find that part of you that is in joy and peace, and ring that. From my own experience, I know when I played harp and found someone’s key note — their inner sound ray, when they are in harmony — all those on that same note came into harmony and balance. So too, we find our own key note, the whole body will harmonize with it.

I heard John sharing then about the final note we have with our last breath, and how are we picturing that, how do we see ourselves in harmony when it’s time to leave this world? What a concept! What is going to be our final note? Well, loving is a key note for me, for sure!

John shared about definitions and meanings of Commitment too, and how to take your energy and commit it and direct it into what you want to create. He quoted a Christmas seminar tape by John-Roger, “God Is Not Dead”, and said, “Commitment does not allow for an alternative.” Good enough! I am finding through John’s sharing that commitment is also great trust, Trust in God, and God trusts us, by giving us only what we can handle. Again, I’ve awakened to something new, God trusts me! Not just I trust God, or put my trust in God, but God trusts me!, so I trust me too.

John shared how Dedication and Devotion lead to Consecration. I heard him say that the scale of the Christ is to love all, to surrender to the sacredness of God, and the Order of God. Amen! Oneness and sacredness. Yes, I sat down in a sacred space this morning, and now all has come into the oneness of Sacredness. All love, all loving, all Divine. And all Love forever more, is the sacredness and consecration of who we are.

Our last word was Celebration, and this was part of the appreciation and love of our own awakening, and as Johnny said, our Liberation, we are free at last.

We spent some time journal writing after Leigh shared about the manifestations of her private journal writing for and with God, as letters to God. To me, this makes journaling more of a private diary to God as our partner. I realized wherever I am, I can sit in sacred silence and just open and let Love pour all over me, anointing my head as Spirit washes me inside out.

We had time too, in groups of 3 or 4, to share our blessings for each other, and then at the end, John Morton led us all in a blessing for this day, this year and beyond. After everyone spoke “Baruch Bashan”, which means the blessings already are. John then explained how we would all be going out to the labyrinth.

Our labyrinth at Peace Labyrinth and Gardens is made of travertine marble, built to scale like Chartres Cathedral in France. At the very start of the path is the HU symbol, and then the actual path we walk is about 1/3 of a mile. In the center of the Labyrinth are the words: “Dedicated to our Beloved John-Roger.” John echoed once more my morning’s experience, the labyrinth is a sacred space, it’s blessed.

We all walked out and down the steps to the Labyrinth, where John led Leigh to the Center, and he once more called in the Light as an invocation. It was a very warm Spring-like sunny day. Some folks stayed to walk the labyrinth, some walked down to the lower gardens, the koi pond, gazebo, while others went to the main dining room for a glorious repast — now to treat our physical bodies with a plethora of goodness, thanks to Chef David Funk and his team.

May you all have a very blessed New Year, throughout this 2012 year, and a very “love filled” New You too.

Watch the archive of the event below!

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New Year’s Spa Day brunch menu — yummy!
– Baby spinach w/almonds, cranberries & pomegranate with blue cheese
– Tropical fruit salad with toasted coconut
– Roasted Fingerling potatoes
– Warm beats with goat cheese and pistachios
– Apple walnut pancakes with maple syrup
– Scrambled organic eggs
– Home made chicken fennel sausage patties
– Pots of coffee, decaf coffee and Mystical Traveler tea.

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