
New Day Herald

We Can Handle It: Webcast with John Morton

Beautiful blessings came forward during our divine webcast with John Morton — from inspiring Moments of Peace with John-Roger, through our joyful rendition of “Happy Birthday to John!” to John’s closing with a sweet, powerful blessing for us all.  Over and over, John honored the Lord within, that divine presence who ensures us that whatever we are given we can handle.  John reminded us that “you are never given anything you cannot handle” is a foundational teaching of MSIA, and it is a message for each one of us to trust and know more fully through our faith in God.

To begin our webcast, the lovely Leigh Taylor-Young, a devoted MSIA minister for many years, welcomed us all and noted the many webcast gatherings tuning in from around the world.  Leigh called us forward into the Light, a simple, uplifting invocation bringing us together in empathy and harmony.  Leigh let us know that there will be several online broadcasts in October and November.  We can tune-in to John Morton’s seminars as he and MSIA Staff travel throughout South America, including cities in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.  Leigh welcomed us to tune-in with John along with our fellow MSIA communities to share the abundant blessings of the Traveler.

John began the webcast by letting us know that having more and more online broadcasts are ways we can see that Spirit is flowing, expanding, and bursting forward.  John then shared a blessing for us, guiding us to plant Light Columns wherever we may be.  His blessing offered us grace and encouraged us to be open to receive the blessings to the greatest degree we can handle.  John suggested we go inside to experience the truth for ourselves of the blessings that already are.   He reminded us that Spirit is already here surrounding, filling and protecting us all because Spirit is always present.

When faced with a challenge, John encouraged us to say to ourselves, “I can handle it,” knowing that by doing so we are demonstrating our trust and faith in God.  As loyal servants of God, we will be tested by the negative power.  However, we can remember to turn inward so we can get through and overcome our challenges through our divine partnership with God.  John reminded us that one of the groundrules of MSIA is to “Use everything for you upliftment, learning and growth.”  By doing so, we can see the good in all things and handle whatever God has placed before us.

John shared three principals for “Letting Go and Letting God,” all of which are included in the handout provided for the webcast.  First, “Face Your Enemy,” which means face the negativity and look inward for the power through your faith to free yourself from that negativity.  Second, “Release and Forgive the Past,” which includes forgiving yourself.  Three, “Be More Patient,” and remember that all things happen in Spirit’s timing.

John encouraged us to love God which means to love all things because out of God comes all things.  John mentioned that loving it all can keep us busy as well as humble.  We may sometimes not feel like choosing to love all that comes our way.  However, by choosing to love, we help ourselves stay out of the way of negative karma.

John closed this inspiring and comforting webcast by sharing another blessing for us all.  In his blessing, John asked that the blessings pour forth for all of us, including John-Roger who continues to be our Wayshower and Spiritual Teacher.  John reminded us that we are all anointed of God, holy and blessed each and every day.  As we surrender to God’s will, turning inward to our enduring faith and trust in that divine presence, we know we are blessed as God’s beloveds.  God only gives us what we can handle, and through our devotion and choice to love it all, we can know for sure that “We can handle it!”

Baruch Bashan

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