
New Day Herald

Miracles for Christmas

Article imageThis article is from a sharing by Jsu Garcia at MSIA’s Christmas Eve Seminar.

I wanted to share instead of singing. I wanted to share some of the things I’ve experienced and learned from J-R’s accident. We will protect the innocent by not mentioning their names. I’ve always considered myself J-R’s body guard and I tried to take good care of his body as best I can. In this case I failed. J-R’s taught me to be responsible and I am responsible for all things including when he hurt himself. On October 31, I finished the filming of Spiritual Warriors and said goodnight to J-R early morning and went to bed. Two hours later he fell down the stairs. When J-R fell he hit a picture frame with his eye with the force of the fall.

We (Nat, Mark and I) got J-R to the hospital, while Erik manned the house and I called for Dr G and Dr K, the best eye Docs I knew at the time, while Nat rushed over Dr. D to get his help so we can get the best to put J-R’s left eye back together again. There was the hospital’s staff eye Doctor whom we won’t mention. Let’s call him Doctor “no eye”. While we were waiting for Dr. G and Dr. K to arrive to the hospital, Dr. “no eye” was ready to take J-R’s eye out and was discussing in front of J-R, what glass eye companies would be good for him. Plus this Doctor “no eye” kicked me, Nat and the others out of the ER room and only allowed JM to be there. I was very upset. I made sure this Dr. “no eye” never touched J-R. He was gone and Dr. G and Dr. K arrived just in time. J-R had to wait for over 6 hours before they went into surgery.

You have to understand. The eye was bad and even Dr. K said it would be tough to save the eye. Dr. K and Dr. G put J-R’s eye back together. That was miracle one.

J-R was home after a week of hospital care and Michael H care, along with many MSIA volunteers’ help.

Other injuries: J-R had fractured his left wrist and he had, from the fall, a major blood bruise on the outside of his left leg that stretched from his waist to his toes. During these two months of search to fix J-R’s eye, his bruises were an ink blot test. Some days his leg looked like a map of India, some nights a map of Africa and in the afternoons, Argentina.

From the beginning I was all about the eye. The eye is the priority. Through Jan, Laurie and many more, we attacked and went after the healing of J-R’s eye. Dr. K and Dr. G did their best but we needed doctors that specialize in the retina and cornea and the inner workings of the eye. We had a clear intention. We tried many places and found God’s angels at the USC Doheny eye center. Dr. Chang, Dr. De Juan Jr., Dr. Shiramizu, Dr. Fawzi, Dr. Green and Dr. Song. These are J-R’s angels.

When J-R met Dr. Chang his eye was together, but it had very little pressure and they couldn’t prove that he could see. We didn’t know where his eye lens was and that’s still a mystery as of today. Dr. Chang told J-R that his eye damage is the equivalent of an army tank crashing through your livingroom. Your eye is the livingroom. He said it’s hard to see in there. His prognoses was bad. Basically, no light, no movement equals dead eye. So that means to start looking at a glass eye. Dr. Chang was not convinced that J-R could see light. We went home with not much hope. We (staff and JM) prayed. I remember asking Jesus Christ to heal J-R. Please, God do something. Dr. Chang could not sleep either. In the morning Nat told us that Dr. Chang called and wanted to see J-R in his office in the afternoon ASAP. We went and tested J-R again for light and J-R saw the light. Miracle two.

(Warning) Dr Chang did warn us that this type of operation has never been done on a human, but has been done on pigs and one monkey.

J-R went into surgery with Dr. Song (specialist in the cornea) and Dr. Chang. Dr. Song would put a new cornea from a donor ON J-R’S EYE and Dr. Chang would clean the eye of debris and search for J-R’s eye lens. No sign. Dr. Chang was trying to see if the retina was attached. No clarity on the retina.

A few office visits after the surgery, Dr. Chang and Dr. Green (the best ultrasound expert in the world) couldn’t prove that the retina was detached because it’s very hard to see light and movement if it’s detached which by now J-R was seeing. A CONUNDRUM

Focus and Goal — to attach J-R’s retina.

On one of the last doctor visits, Dr. Chang brought in the big guns — the head of the Doheny eye center — Dr. De Juan, a big man with a soft face and smooth hands. Dr. Chang, Dr. De Juan, Dr. Song and Dr. Shiramizu decided to go in for another surgery to focus on the retina.

J-R and the guys voted to go for it. J-R was in surgery for 3 hours. Dr. Song said he didn’t need to put in another cornea because Dr. Chang and De Juan can go in through the white of the eye. This time the eye had less debris and less blood and they could see that the retina was detached. Yeah. They attached the retina and put in oil to keep the retina attached. The retina is like wet tissue paper. It’s manipulated by gases and oils. If you touch it wrong it rips.

After the surgery J-R, the guys and Michael Hayes headed home to get J-R cleared. Three days after the surgery, we saw Dr. Chang and Dr. Chang gave J-R the Light and movement test. J-R passed it with flying colors and he started to tell how many fingers the doctor was holding up.

Dr. Chang said it was the Grace of God that we got this far. There was a lot of praising of the Lord. Thank you Lord. Dr. Chang told J-R that he “should feel good and pat himself on the back”. “We stand on top of the debris”. “We dug ourselves out of a hole”. “We started behind the 8 ball”. “These where heroic measures to save your eye”. No one has been crazy enough to attempt to do the surgery or have it done to them. Don’t sweat it J-R. Miracle 3.

I ask that Jesus Christ, God, please restore J-R’s eyes and his health. Heal those that cannot see, cannot walk and cannot hear. Heal us all in your love.

Thanks for all prayers and seedings for J-R.

Above all these miracles, the best and most miracle one is that you are alive J-R.

Baruch Bashan

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