
New Day Herald

John Morton Leads A Spiritual Spa Day At Peace Labyrinth & Gardens

Article image Click here to view the photo slideshow from the Spiritual Spa Day at Peace Labyrinth & Gardens with John Morton on June 25th, 2005.

A rare and special occasion — a Spiritual Spa Day led by John Morton — brought the highest attendance on record for this type of event. Over one hundred and ten people, MSIA “old timers” and “newbies,” shared the closeness and joy that a Traveler event will provide.
After we called in the Light, John indicated that the day was focused upon awakening and that he would be sharing today. He said that when he shares from Spirit, it is Spirit that directs what he says.
“This place,” John said, “is a sacred space.” That sacred space expressed on the outer is Peace Labyrinth and Gardens, also known as Prana. Prana is indeed a sacred space for the many people who visit annually as well as for staff and residents.
John mentioned a specific sacred space called “the Solarium.” While people do spiritual exercises all over the property, the Solarium is a sacred space specifically set aside for this. John mentioned that spiritual exercises is a term we use to denote a form of worship where we tune into our inner sacred space.

Next on the program, Denise Lumiere, sang her own interpretation of the MSIA song “Little Heart.” It was new and different and carried such Spirit that it brought tears of joy to my eyes. John noted, after the song was complete, that words and sounds can inspire. There is a blessing that happens when we come together for the purpose of Spirit.
Then Pauli Sanderson explained Light Body. She said that the body is also a sacred space — as the temple of the Soul. Light Body, she said, is a spiritual practice that beckons the Light into every cell, every atom of the body.
Our labyrinth is a replica of the one at Chartes. When one walks the labyrinth, it can bring relaxation, issue resolution, and an experience the Soul. Walking into the labyrinth stands for the process of letting go. Being at the center stands for the opening up and walking out stands for integrating the divine experience back into everyday life. This is in line with what John explained is our purpose — to know Spirit while we are in the flesh.

The tea ceremony was introduced by John who said that a worthy intention is to have every experience represent something sacred to us. He then introduced Shallom and Gila Berkman. Shallom told of the rejuvenating properties of tea. He explained the two families of tea: Herbal and Tea Leaf. Real tea leaf has subgroups: White, Green, Oolong and Black. There are, in turn, different forms of Oolong. Gila talked to us of the different types of tea ceremonies around the world. The tea was prepared and served with great loving (I swear you could taste it). It was appreciated by all.

John opened his sharing by asking, “Do you see how pleasant being Spiritual can be? Not bad at all!” He cited a teaching from the bible that states that man is to have joy and more abundantly. He was asked how can we focus on the good when the world with all of its confusion is all around us. He cited a key for us: “Look for the good in all things and leave the rest to God.” He said that it is our responsibility to choose the good. He noted that this key was similar to another teaching: “Seek the kingdom of heaven and all else will be added to you.” The “look” and the “seek” are the keys for us. Personally, I see this as where we put our intention. And, of course, “God is Intention.”
John spoke about loving those you know. He said that we are creators and have the responsibility to step fully into our lives. He told us to treat ourselves better — to honor ourselves as divine beings. If we did that, we would treat each other so much better. We are radiant beings just as we are.
This has been one Spa Day that will not be forgotten so soon.
June 25, 2005, the date of the Spiritual Spa Day, was also the birthday of one of the participants, Leslie Freeman.
NDH: Happy birthday Leslie! On the Spa day! How does it feel having us all celebrating your birthday today?
Leslie: It is the most amazing experience to have a family and a home to come to where I am surrounded and filled with so much Love. And everyone’s hugging me, kissing me, and loving me and I feel like this radiant, beautiful Soul that’s at home. And I’m really blessed.

Also at the event was the unveiling of the artwork of Clare Zero, featured in the Prana dining room.
NDH: I am speaking with Clare Zero who has just unveiled… four? Four paintings?
Clare: Two.
NDH: Two paintings. How does it feel to be the featured artist at Prana’s new dining room?
Clare: Kind of a giggle. (Laughs) It’s been very interesting, very nice to see the reaction. I’m very pleased that they are being appreciated.

Speaking with Carol Jones, Spa Day Coordinator:
NDH: Well, how did it go today?
Carol: From a director’s point of view? It was wonderful! Everything went very smoothly and there were such lovely surprises from Shallom with the tea ceremony and from John — with the way that he described the labyrinth. And, everyone’s participation seemed to be full and joyful. This was all the culmination of lots of planning and lots of experimentation and lots of open for the Traveler to come and be with us.
NDH: It looked like people were having a lot of fun today. Has that been your experience?
Carol: It felt like a real Spa Day. People were relaxed. They didn’t have to rush from one thing to another. There weren’t a lot of timing issues. It was really great.

Read more articles from MSIA’s Conference of Gratitude 2005

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