
New Day Herald

And the Beat Goes On…Through the Hearts of the Travelers’ Representatives

Article imageClick here to view the photo slideshow from the Representatives Meeting at MSIA’s Conference of Spiritual Promise.

Coming together from around the world, volunteer representatives from all of the organizations founded by John-Roger gathered on a clear, sunny morning at MSIA’s Conference of Spiritual Promise to share in the love of service. One key element of this Representatives Meeting was drumming. We were all given a percussion instrument of some sort — a drum, shaker, etc. Then, through the delightful facilitation of David Bransky, we beat our drums as our hearts beat in loving rhythm to the One that beats us all. What a joyful noise we made unto the Lord!

From small, impromptu rhythm sections, we moved into all 150+ of us beating together as one heart, filling the Sheraton Ballroom with a profound, earthy yet ethereal sound. The silence between the sounds rang just as precious and powerful, reminding us that peace is present always in all ways. Especially moving was chanting Ani Hu together before we moved into our rhythm making, allowing Spirit to guide our beating hearts naturally from the silence to the joyful noise and always in the divine Oneness.

Although most of us had no idea what to do in terms of drumming, we discovered the magic of coming together in our uniqueness and our Oneness. From our willingness to be open to Spirit’s guidance, we discovered that our innocence is one of the greatest blessings in serving well. We opened ourselves to the learning and found that listening within and to others before taking action makes harmonizing easy, tremendously inspiring, and exquisitely beautiful.

Sparked by the heartfelt energy of our drumming, we moved into informal brainstorming sessions focusing on how to help different types of communities make the Teachings of the Traveler available. We considered older, less active communities, younger smaller communities, and wide, spread out communities, and looked for ways to network and build each community’s loving energy and Oneness. Home seminars, PTS classes, E-mail, telephone conference calls, newsletters, and regional meetings echoed the familiar message that sprung forth — look inward for Spirit’s guidance, listen, and reach out to each other personally from our loving hearts.

From Jsu Garcia and Nat Sharratt, we learned about a new and timely way to reach out and share the teachings with others,, where Moments of Peace with John-Roger and John Morton can be viewed anytime. At, entering “John-Roger” or “John Morton” in the Search box links us to more than a hundred Moments of Peace that can be shared easily with others through e-mail.

Another wonderful way to reach out to others is through the terrific new movie, Spiritual Warriors, based on John-Roger’s book, Spiritual Warrior: The Art of Spiritual Living. On, several new videos show the Spiritual Warriors production team at the recent premiere in Israel. Go to and search “Spiritual Warriors Israel” to enjoy the beautiful adventures with John-Roger, Jsu Garcia, and friends.

Bringing the movie Spiritual Warriors into our communities is another easy and thrilling way to share the teachings. If you’d like to have a screening of Spiritual Warriors in your community, contact Zoe Golightly at

After a break and chance to network, along with munching on homemade goodies from the Prana Caf

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