
New Day Herald

“You Are The Blessings” in Aruba

Article imageIt all started at Conference with John Morton’s simple question “Are you willing to support an open MSIA Seminar in Aruba?”. In my heart I answered “natuurlijk” which is the Dutch word for “of course”. Out of my mouth flowed the English word “of course”. When being called in clarity there is no other answer than an answer from the heart. It has been an amazing journey.
Coming back to Aruba, in transition to a new job, I decided to delegate even more and take a week off. Meanwhile I focused on having the assisting team set up, the flyers designed and the cards printed. Thanks to David’s beautiful work, a colorful and catchy entrance card was designed and printed by our friend Melvin Garcia.
It has been a beautiful journey, the team selected to assist the seminar created the seminar by reaching out to their Insight friends, family and friends. Each assistant received 10 entrance cards and a digital flyer to send out and promote the workshop. It has been an excellent journey. By the end of the first week, the first 100 seats were gone. On Monday we opened up another 50 seats. The day of the seminar, people called sobbing on the phone for a card. Well, trusting that we will work it out we told them to be there on time. The hotel was willing to put in another 30 seats. We explained to John that we had a waiting list. Accompanied by Leigh Taylor Young he started the book signing. At the certain moment I heard him saying joyfully; “no more waiting list; let my people come in”. I went “WOW”.
So the seminar started; our MC for the evening was Maria da Silva; completely new and open for the MSIA teachings. During the assistant’s meeting she stood up and said “I volunteer to be the MC; getting out of my comfort zone and choosing to stay in my loving.” Excellent timing for both her and I. I was willing to trust and let go of being in control; of what will happen if the ANI-HU was not chanted good. Guess what, there is no way to chant the ANI-HU wrong. Only by not doing it. The awareness that “if I let go and choose the loving things will always work out” was present since my sharing with J-R at Conference.
Since the first moment our MC Maria was committed to excel; searching the archives on MSIA about John’s work and about MSIA. Although a bit tense and not knowing what to expect, she started the evening. After the presentation of the DVD she introduced John.
The challenge to work with a new group in an unknown place was present; but John was there for us and to receive his blessings. John shared his experiences with daily challenges and choosing the loving. He made me aware how I deal with challenges — that honoring my own process is a powerful experience to switch into enjoying my blessings. Then we moved into the 1 ON 1 exercise; I almost stood up and volunteered to demo the exercise with John. My experience is that when I am willing to demo, the Spirit rewards immediately and participants go for it 100%. I decided to be quiet and observe. Spirit works anyway. The feedback I received at the end of the evening from the participants was amazing; they really loved the 1 ON 1. The fact that they could do it in their own language always works in Aruba. We did translate the English-Spanish exercise into Dutch and Papiamento.
I was blessed with my partner in the 1 to 1 exercise. The exercise made me aware of the many blessings I have in my life. When I focus on being loving with myself, my(step)children, husband, sisters and brothers, family, friends and colleagues there is always growth, upliftment, joy and fun.
Opening up for sharing, I was able to observe and enjoy the work John was doing and how he was able to guide this process with integrity, clarity and loving. Just, phenomenal. I am grateful for the blessing to be able to serve Insight. I acknowledge myself, my family, the Aruba Insight Foundation and Insight Worldwide for the work we do in general and especially with the Teens. The sharing last night was a clear result of this. We do touch many lives in a special way.
The end of the evening was building up. John presented me as the MSIA Rep in Aruba. To be able to step up I had to let go. I got shaky while standing up in front and receiving the blessing viewing a full seminar room. What an energy; many people came to me with their congratulations and offering support. Wow, what hugs!!
I am opening up to enjoy the blessings I have in my life and to receive even more while being supportive of myself and others in our growth and upliftment.
Although tired, shaky and a bit guilty of leaving the team behind that really reached out to our community and put their hearts on the line for this seminar, it was fun to go celebrate this blessing with the Travelers, Jsu and MSIA crew.
To both J-R and John, thank you for your guidance and for giving me the opportunity to share with you at Conference. A simple “natuurlijk” created a whole new energy and I am committed to take my next steps. I am sending my love and gratitude to: Charlissa, Julia and Cerilio for creating this Spiritual Warrior journey; Melissa and Melvin for the willingness to create all the material during the early hours of many days; the Assisting Team for reaching out; Angel, Marsha and Tonie and MSIA staff a big thank you for your support; Insight Santa Monica, to Scott and Janet Ringer, Candace and Stu Semigran, Mary Ann Somerville, Peter Felsmann, Joey Hubbard, Martha Boston, David Raynr, Rachael Jayne, Matthew Molitch, Dianne Botticelli and Philip Barr for choosing to serve Aruba. You have done that in a tremendous way. For Leigh Taylor Young for having shared this experience with you in Aruba. Last but not least I thank my family. I love you all. God Bless You.

With my immense gratitude,
Grace Maduro

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