
New Day Herald

On the Road Again to South America with the MSIA Travel Staff & John Morton

Article image MSIA travel staff are currently in South America, providing MSIA Services (Innerphasings, Polarity Balances & Aura Balances) as well as MSIA events. Staff member, Angel Gibson, provides this update from the trip:

Click here to view photo slideshow by Angel Gibson from the MSIA travel staff trip to South America, 2008



Today Vincent Dupont and Lesley Freeman-Dupont are winging their way to Buenos Aires. They are the advanced troops. It is a long travel day that starts in Los Angeles and ends tomorrow in Buenos Aires. Light to their travels!


Vincent and Lesley arrive safely we hear. They have today to get rested and oriented and then tomorrow begins rounds of meetings and MSIA Services.


We hear that all is going splendidly in the GOOD AIR city. I love this city with its wide boulevards that you have to run across to make it before the light changes. And the parrillas –those yummy restaurants that serve grilled provoleta cheese and beef. Ah, looks like Vincent and Lesley drew the long straw! A late night report from Vincent tells me that all went smoothly today and he and Lesley topped off the day dining with Cate Kirby and Martin Arguinarena, the new MSIA Reps for Argentina.


While Vincent and Lesley are hopefully peacefully away in Buenos Aires, I am up in the wee hours of this morning — 3AM — catching a cab for the airport for my flight to Miami. As I ride to the airport I glimpse the big Cheshire-Cat smile of the moon just hanging over Los Angeles. Like Alice I’m preparing to jump into our trip’s rabbit-hole. Check-in goes so smoothly that I find myself in the Admirals Club enjoying an espresso and the quiet zone of this unworldly hour before boarding. I’m to be joined later in Miami by John Morton, Leigh Taylor-Young and Celia Allen-Graham.

A few hours later….here I am in the Admirals Club in the E concourse. I did a little walking around after the first flight to stretch my legs. The sea of humanity in this airport is impressive; I’m happy for the tranquil haven of the Admirals Club. I’ve set up shop in a little corner and am happily doing office-type phone calls and email. Later I’ll pull out my Spanish book and start priming my Spanish memory bank. John, Leigh and Celia should be airborne now and will be landing here in about 5 hours. Then we’ll fly tonight together to Santiago. Thank you for sending Light to us and everywhere we go.


It’s after midnight and we’re still in Miami while some engineers come onto our plane to check out something mechanical. No problem, we’re enjoying snuggling into some comfy seats…sure hope they don’t have us change planes! Ah, we get the thumbs-up from the pilot and away we go.

Morning light starts peeking under our window shades. As we lift the shades we’re greeted by the magnificent sight of the Andes snow-covered mountains looming up between the clouds. Tears come to my eyes at the sheer beauty of this landscape.
Not long afterwards we’re on the ground and literally zoom through customs into the waiting arms of Veronica Zarate, Eugenia, Pepi and others who escort us quickly to cars. They desire to get us to our hotels so that we can spend the rest of the day in rest mode. We’re a little in that twilight zone mode as we meet up with Nora Valenzuela, Vincent and Lesley who took the early plane from Buenos Aires. We gather together for a welcome huddle staff lunch and then each go our own ways to acclimate to our new home for the next four days. John and Leigh go out exploring. Celia, Vincent, Lesley go to rest and I go to the work out room…hey, I’ve been sitting for hours!
Later we go out to dinner Italian-style and continue our chatting away. Ani Pacheco has joined us as staff from Bogota too. Well, by 10pm we’re cooked, so it’s back to the hotels, some emails and phone calls for me and Vincent, then we join the others who surrendered earlier to sleep.


We’re off and running early today. Initiations and Services. Lesley and Ani go off to the out-of-hotel services location chauffeured by Veronica. Vincent, Celia and I jump into initiations here at the hotel. It’s a whirlwind of activity. Then everyone is back for lunch, joined by Leigh and John. More laughter as we continuously work with improving our Spanish communication to get lunch in time to start Services again at 3pm. As soon as Services are done, we take a little break. I go for a walk outside and catch a glimpse of the mountains that tower around the city. Then we gather for the BlessingsFest dinner. Mary Eugenia Ducci is the point person that put together this lovely evening. The buffet table is full, the dinner table is decked with beautiful bouquets of flowers. Veronica Zarate, our MC, welcomes the group, calls us forward into the Light and chanting, and then introduces John who instructs our participants in the Blessings process. We begin by filling our plates and filling our blessings cards, writing down the blessings we would like to receive. John, with Nora Valenzuela by his side as the translator for the evening, begins to address the blessings on the cards that have been handed in. He started at 7:10pm, I note on my watch. He and Nora stand the entire evening stopping only occasionally to drink some water. As if held in a column of Light, the two of them move through each card, reading and speaking to what John sees there. Just shortly after 12 midnight, John gives the final blessing. It’s all we can do to get up and walk afterwards. We are well-fed on many levels this evening. Now it’s time for emails and then some sleep for tomorrow is yet another busy full day.


Today we are in full throttle with Services going in two locations and Vincent setting up full sound gear with the help of Nigel Moleker for the evening’s You Are the Blessings Open Workshop. We do our version of a staff huddle at breakfast and then we’re off to the day’s activities. Lunch is yummy and quick today thanks to Nora’s warm but firm approach with the waiters. We watch Spanish CNN for updates on the home front and election preparation…Light to all that…it’s like being an observer on Mars looking at our planet, to me,…fascinating. No time to get caught up as Services begin again. At the end of the day I take a little walk and go buy a birthday card for John Morton who is celebrating his Feliz Cumpleanos today. I managed to sneak in time with Celia, Maria Eugenia Ducci, Veronica Zarate, Olga and friends — a little espresso and snacks — so fun to do the girl talk for a few minutes. And then up I go to the workshop room for a last minute check. Olivia, our TC, has organized the team to the “T”, and Vincent is looking his handsome, efficient self at the sound table. All is in readiness. Not a moment too soon as John and Leigh appear and jump right into final check with the MC for the evening, Arle Moleker.

Arle takes the stage and calls our almost full room to gentle attention. She graciously warms up the group for the Traveler and Nora, the evening’s translator. We stand as John and Nora walk up and the evening is underway, once again bringing home to us that We are the Blessings, no matter what. At the close of the evening the group wishes John Feliz Cumpleanos and we staff girls with some friends sing Happy Birthday and Feliz Cumpleanos to John as he waits for the elevator. It’s so fun to be free!! With some more hugs and kisses to those who trail out of the workshop room we complete the event and head down to the restaurant for a light potage that Lesley has arranged for us to have. Ah, so nice having this greens soup, a few fries and avocado…somehow just what the doctor ordered. Another day almost complete we head back to our rooms and open computers for it’s important to keep updated as we go day to day. But it won’t be for long, at least for this little cherub, ‘cuz already I’m feeling the sleep angels tugging. Keep the Light coming our way…we sure appreciate it.

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