
New Day Herald

Children’s Workshop and Christmas Tree Trimming at Prana

Article imageNEW! Click here to view a photo slideshow by Ken Jones from the Children’s Workshop.

Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the Children’s Workshop.

Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the Tree Trimming.

Prana is usually a quiet, meditative place. The work of MSIA goes on in the various offices as dedicated staff and devoted volunteers focus on the tasks at hand. But on December 6th the serenity of the Traveler’s home was totally disrupted — in a good way. That was the day that MSIA families were invited to bring their children to a day of adventure and excitement at a Children’s Workshop and Christmas Tree Trimming Party.

No MSIA event can take place until the volunteer teams prepare the space and this day was no exception. The cooks showed up early to prepare fuel for the human dynamo that is youth. The volunteer team that supported the kid’s craft workshop gathered at 1:00, called in the Light and received their assignments from TC Tatiana Jimenez.

Then the invasion began. MSIA children brought their parents to partake in the carefully prepared activities. The young’uns were soon busy making crafts and hand-made Christmas ornaments. They sang along with Barbara Wieland, our in-house keyboardist, who tickled the ivories while leading Christmas Carols.

But, the biggest hit of all was the making of gingerbread houses. Gooey concoctions of sugar were spread over A-frame gingerbread squares and then covered by an assortment of goodies. A housing tract of sweetness rapidly filled up a table in the dining room as the young architects admired their building skills. Outside, boys shot hoops and frolicked on the grounds. Prana was a beehive of young joy and merriment. That was just the beginning of the day’s events.

After a quick cleanup, Melinda Browne gathered everyone in the Foyer and called in the Light. It was time to decorate the Christmas tree. Once again youthful enthusiasm was unleashed as the ten foot pine assumed a brilliant sheath of color and magic. Joe Zazzu and David Morton stood atop ladders placing ornaments in the highest reaches of the pine tree at the behest of their young directors.

All that action required nourishment and the cooks did not disappoint. A buffet of traditional and non-traditional (but equally delicious) foods quickly disappeared. Then the action moved to the large seminar room where entertainment was the order of the day. Melinda Browne and Gregory Vahanian both sang interactive songs as the children made up their own lyrics. Tessa and Madeleine Youngs played a duet for flute and clarinet and then Madeleine belted out a tune that announced that she had arrived as a singer. We will be hearing more from these two future super-stars.

Of course what would an MSIA event be without the Traveler? John Morton, in one of the best of MSIA’s sacred traditions, presided over a baby blessing. The day’s activities shifted seamlessly into a blessed place. Barbara Wieland led us in singing Silent Night and John ended the evening by blessing the tree. To the amazement of all, the Christmas lights were then turned on and the tree glowed with the warmth of the season.

And as if the amazement of the beautiful Christmas lights was not filling enough, all of a sudden, we heard the “HoHoHo” of Santa descending the grand stairs to greet us all and visit with the children. Such a sweet and delightful moment.

In the Christmas tradition it was a long and wonderful day for MSIA’s youngsters. That night surely visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. It really is too bad that Christmas comes but once a year.
What are you doing New Year’s Eve? We invite you to join us at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens for our annual New Year’s Eve Sacred Tones Evening. Come chant the names of God. Let go of the old and bring in the new. Refreshments will be served. 8-10 p.m.
See you at the Gardens.

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