
New Day Herald

Spiritual Warriors in Cape Cod: July 14, 2009

Article imageClick here to view the photo slideshow by David Sand from the Spiritual Warriors screening in Cape Cod, July 2009

Click here to view the photo slideshow by Jsu Garcia from the Spiritual Warriors screening in Cape Cod, July 2009

Click here to view the photo slideshow by David Sand from the Spiritual Warriors fundraiser in Cape Cod, July 2009

“The Spiritual Warriors luncheon had all the ingredients of a precious family reunion: opening our home to loved ones from all over the country, plenty of wonderful food, shared laughter & countless joyful moments. From start to finish and always, my message to my Beloved Travelers: Mi Casa es Su Casa. Also, the screening had a special sweetness to it for me.”
– Lisa Boone

“Joyous! It was an honor to host the event.”
– Bryon Boone

“For me, the best part of serving at the Spiritual Warrior events was seeing my mom so happy in her element.”
– Fred Prince, Jr. (Lisa’s son)

“I love serving the Travelers and their ministries. I find it to be FUN and the act of preparing the food seems to be filled with Grace and Ease. Thanks for affording me the opportunity to share of myself in this manner.”
– L&L,
Linne Tenaglia

“Being of service to the Travelers is one way to express my devotion for all I have been given in my life from J-R and MSIA. It is my way of putting the teachings into practice in a simple and ordinary way – preparing delicious food with loving and serving it to everyone with joy.”
– Lou Tenaglia

“I felt Spirit the whole way through the food preparation, cooking & serving. I was so blessed to be there. And, I loved the movie on the big screen.”
– Joan Gilbreth

And commentary from Angel Gibson …

Fresh from the fun, inspiring, and powerful Spiritual Warriors events in New York City and Woodstock, our Spiritual Warriors road show-complete with John-Roger, Jsu Garcia and joyful entourage, is on its way to Cape Cod today. As a bona-fide groupie for this part of the trip, I join the whole crew at an historic bed and breakfast in Yarmouth. Our hosts, John and Chris, make us feel at home with their jovial and genteel hospitality that is matched by the perfect and lovely decor-inside and out. The white clapboard with black shutters on the windows, the white rocking chairs on the front porch, the living room with grand piano nestled in the corner, and bright dining room, all set the scene for a relaxed cozy home for our stay in Cape Cod.

After everyone finds their room — and some of us had to climb waaay up some curving skinny stairs — we’re on our way for dinner at the nearby Old Yarmouth Inn, circa 1696. What a find! Though the room at times seems to slant — we’re thinking it’s vestiges of our Manhattan boat tour — the food is great and the company the greatest! Dinner is rolicking as J-R DJs for us. We walk back under starry skies and turn in for a night’s sleep. Tomorrow is a full day of events!

Tuesday dawns cool and sunny. We breakfast together enjoying some yummy homebaked muffins with our coffee and eggs, and then some of us launch out for a walk to see the ocean. Walking down this tree-lined country road we see a barn that looks like it would be at home in Norway. We feel the coolness and taste and smell the salty air that sweeps over us as we cross a little bridge. In the distance across some marshlands is a lighthouse with the ocean just beyond. By noon we are so warmed by the sun and our jog, it’s time to shower and get ready for the fundraiser this afternoon.

Meanwhile Lisa and Bryon Boone and Fred Prince have been preparing their home for days. Linnie and Lou Tenaglia have come up from Philadelphia to join Lisa’s friend, Joan Gilbreth, to create our fantabulous luncheon. Our entourage boards the bus and quickly find ourselves stepping off the bus into the welcoming arms of John Morton and Leigh Taylor-Young, along with Lisa and Bryon, plus many other friends from up and down the East Coast, such as: Graham and Christine Holley, Charlie Verge, Pauline from Maine, Judith Johnson, Louise, Jane Brell, just to name a few who come to mind. David Sand has joined us too, taking photos as the afternoon continues. We are indoors for appetizers and outdoors-under a tent-for lunch. J-R is immediately available, beaming love. The appetizers are scrumptious…we could make a meal just out of them…but before we can completely spoil our appetites, Jsu calls us all into the Light and we are bathed all around with this Light that envelops us.

These fundraisers are amazing to me. They are created with such love and caring, so that everything from the food, the special gifts, to the decorations and settings, radiates Light and generosity of Spirit. The meal itself is so prepared and cooked with love that we are nourished beyond words.. Something mysterious and grand always seems to take place in the Spirit too because of the loving and heart-felt generosity. Blessings, healings, prayers answered…all of it and more that we don’t even know about. And then there’s dessert or should I say desserts…cookies, gingerbread, whipped cream, fruit, scones, and more with delicious coffee and teas…all accompanied by the sweetest service and glorious outdoor temperature all afternoon.

Jsu takes a moment to thank each and everyone who contributed to making this such a lovely and successful fun and fund raising event, and especially J-R for being with us. As the luncheon winds down, Fred drives Zoe and me to the nearby Cape Cinema to set up for tonight’s screening of Spiritual Warriors. The theater is in a vintage building but the sound system is ultra-modern. No sooner do we arrive then people start coming to buy their tickets. Some of the first in are people who just saw a flyer about this screening in a market, and are excited to see this movie. We chat with them and others as we wait for the theater to be open for seating. The crowd keeps increasing and we’re loving the buzz as people stand in line.

Finally the screen-testing is done and, as the theater opens, newcomers and old-timers alike pour in…getting their free copy of the Spiritual Warrior book by John-Roger that inspired this film as well as the freshly popped popcorn. As the screening starts we see the short, Who Are You? by John-Roger and Jsu that gives us a taste of what may be coming to us in “Spiritual Warriors 2”. Then as the Gilgamesh imprint appears, we settle in for a journey into our Spirit with the Traveler. I take a moment to ask for whatever guidance can come may way tonight for my highest good.

In a blink, or so it seems, the movie is done and Jsu, Rick Ojeda and Leigh Taylor-Young take questions from the audience. Zoe and I wait outside the doors to sell the DVD and give away copies of the Spiritual Warrior book. Having seen the movie, people are happy to take an extra one or two books to give to friends. We’re delighted that we can be sharing these wonderful teachings once again.

But the night is not quite done. We finish our evening back in the Old Yarmouth Inn. They have been waiting for us to get there and have made especially for us Clam Chowder and lobster rolls. My goodness, these are sooo rich and so yummy! and we are sooo hungry! Happily stuffed we are now ready for sleep. Some of us bus home and some walk once again appreciating the brilliant star pictures in the sky lighting our way home. Our day and a half in Cape Cod has been full to the brim. Being with J-R is a magic mystery tour of the highest degree…such an amazing blessing! There’s more to come as tomorrow it’s on the bus as we head for Mystic.
Love & Light,
Angel Gibson

And a poem for J-R from Edi Holley …

God has gifted me with your precious presence
beside me at lunch under a white canopy on Cape Cod,
at the home of two angels, Lisa and Bryon Boone.
Like a kiss, you look at me full in the face,
We talk like brother and sister.
Old friends from many lives.
Yet I know behind those eyes
There is such Light that 1,000 galaxies could not contain,
for it would be streaming out in the purest Love,
Defying my vocabulary and imagination.
Your multidimensional consciousness,
Your gift of Love is beyond my comprehension,
And all I can do is say,
Thank you for the grace that has brought me into your presence.

Read more articles from the Spiritual Warriors Northeast Tour, 2009

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