
New Day Herald

As The Blessings Turn

Article imageIt has become an MSIA staff tradition to put on a sort of impromptu and surprise “This Is Your Life” celebration for MSIA staff members who are turning fifty. In October, we had the honor and great joy of presenting our version of “As the Blessings Turn” for John Morton, in the week preceding his fiftieth birthday.

On Friday, October 19th, in the last half hour of our monthly staff meeting, at around 11:30 a.m., we cleared a stage at the south end of the large seminar room–and let her rip! Our tribute to the man of the hour! Our man for all seasons! Staff from all the organizations were packed into the other three-quarters of the room, and waiting anxiously for the magic to begin. We set the stage with a series of screens across the back for the diligent actors to use for quick changes, and to keep all eyes from viewing the special costumes and outlandish props to come.

The event began with the narrator announcing that in staff tradition we’d be presenting our version (with the caveat that it was to be a very loving version, mind you) of the events of John’s life, that the people represented would not be played by the actual individuals, and that no staff were harmed in the making of the skit (alright, only a very few maybe). Then came a series of vignettes illustrating events in John’s life, punctuated by loud gongs between the scenes, and a tantalizingly clad Vegas-type showgirl traipsing across stage between scenes with a sign announcing the next segment. It was silly, funny, and wonderful! The looks on John’s face as we proceeded with the tale went from wonder, to astonishment, to glee, as different characters acted out various parts of his life.

Represented on stage were his youthful days in Las Vegas, his schooling, sports, early career, finding out about MSIA and John-Roger, and of course, the taking on of the Mystical Traveler Consciousness. All was cleverly written, and brilliantly performed (if we do say so ourselves!) in the spirit of fun, affection, and loving which John inspires. The culmination was the presentation of a key to John by a very special emissary, and a blessing placed: that joyful laughter and upliftment might visit him and proceed him all the rest of his days. At that point gales of confetti and streamers rained down from every hand, and peals of the “Alleluia Chorus” rang out triumphantly! It was magnificent–just like the angels would’ve done it!!

The special lunch that followed was held in the spectacularly decorated Prana dining room, resplendent with streamers, bunches of amazing balloons, and a delectable Mexican-style feast, followed by the best fruit pies in town. It was a wonderful and vibrant celebration, and we trust a fitting tribute to the man we’ve come to know as the Traveler, a dear brother, and a friend.

Thanks especially to all the actors, assistants, food, and decorating crews that made it come together.

Happy Birthday John Morton–You Are So Loved!

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