
New Day Herald

The Big Win

Article imageIt’s important to have clear direction for yourself so that you know what your life is about. You might say it is your purpose, your spiritual destiny, or something like that; however you term it doesn’t matter. It’s a living principle for you on how to conduct your life. In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, Soul Transcendence is presented to you as a living principle, a purpose that allows you to have a focus with which all of your life can align.

Soul Transcendence is not against this level, the basic self, or anything in creation. It functions out of God’s creation, with God as the source. God is our direction, and Soul Transcendence is going into the heart of God. What is that saying? It’s going into the core, the center, the source, going as far as you can go into God. That’s what we declare.

People don’t have to declare that. They can declare all kinds of things, like making a million dollars by the time they’re twenty-nine or sleeping with a thousand women or men by the time they’re twenty-nine. There are all kinds of things you can declare as your purpose and your direction, and you can get distracted in pursuits that are not in alignment with Soul Transcendence.

When you’re in alignment with Soul Transcendence, it’s the highest good of all concerned. So, it’s working with all of your levels, but the focus is with the Soul, who you are. What we’re saying is, if you’re going to take on the Soul as your source and purpose, then you’re now putting everything else into a secondary position. But the position that’s secondary is like this: If we’re a football team that ends up winning the Super Bowl, then that’s great for the whole team. It’s great for the quarterback. It’s great for the coach. It’s great for the guy who makes sure there are beverages so that all the players can drink. Everybody gets to win. With Soul Transcendence, all the levels within you win because we’re going for the big win.

Part of what we do to get this big win is discipline the lower nature. The discipline is an action of freedom, so that you look at it as, “We’re getting greater freedom. We’re getting knowledge and understanding.” That isn’t necessarily what the lower consciousness has been conditioned to do. For all intents and purposes, the basic self has been conditioned by our desires, by what we’ve allowed as our life experience, by what we’ve identified with, by what we’ve focused upon. All of that accumulates in the basic self, the personality, the ego—all of the levels that are not of the Soul and the Spirit—and all those levels are subject to the psychic-material illusions. They are subject to going into darkness and all the negativity that exists.

When we get into the wisdom of who we are as a Soul, we are going to realize that Spirit is where it’s at. When we experience and partake and drink of that, we take it in and allow it to move into our consciousness so that we spiritualize the body, the mind, and the emotions. There’s an experience of knowing, “This is it. I’m on course.” A harmony and a balance come in, where we know we’re on purpose. And even though it may simply just be putting one foot in front of the other and taking the next breath and being patient, understanding, and accepting of all the other things, there’s still alignment and harmony. Our Soul purpose is working, and in that comes the joy, the peace, and the sense of fulfillment. Those are the things that nurture us, and the by-products are happiness and the consciousness of wealth and abundance and all the blessings that go with Spirit. That doesn’t necessarily make it easy, but when your purpose and direction are Soul Transcendence, you will be moving up into God no matter what, so that no matter where you turn, no matter how dark your consciousness becomes, no matter how much shifting, moving, or changing goes on, you’ll eventually end up back in alignment.

There’s not an abandonment by going into Soul. It isn’t to somehow eject from the body, deny it, and never come back. The objective is to get out of the body, and we’re allowed access into that. That’s part of what the sleep state is about: it’s resourcing ourselves. That’s also what spiritual exercises and the fellowship of the Spirit is about. While we are resourcing ourselves through those things, we also have to take care of the body level as a caretaker.

If we look at it from an exalted position, we might say, “This is a very corrupt body. It’s not really of the higher nature of God. I don’t want to have anything to do with it.” But that is an attitude of disrespect and not realizing that the temple on this level—the body—is perfect. The body performs its function perfectly. It’s set up perfectly to bring you the experiences that are necessary as you move forward in your consciousness.

This is not against the level of the basic self. The basic self is going to be lifted, too, so that it is moving into higher consciousness. In fact, all aspects of you are lifting and winning—the mind, the emotions, and every facet of that, which is tremendously intricate. It takes a tremendous dedication to hold that focus. You need a willingness to take the helm and hold the direction.

At the same time, we have to allow for a certain amount of being off course and correcting because that’s human. Can you imagine what it would be like if we were eliminated the moment we went off course? “You get one miss, and you’re gone. You’re disintegrated. You’re no longer part of God’s creation.” A part of us might think, “Well, that might be okay. I mean, nothingness might be better than what I’m going through.” But if you start thinking in terms of really being dead, that’s usually not what anybody wants. The natural aspect of who we are is life. In a way, that defines who we are, that we are a living being, a living force. We have a big proclivity to go to God. It’s predestined, since not one Soul will be lost.

If you were to take us apart and find the essential part, you’re going to find the part that goes to God. That’s the part you can’t get rid of. You can’t destroy it because it’s indestructible. So once we come upon that consciousness of who we are, we hit the Spirit and the Soul of our being, which radiates and is aware of the God essence. Then we just get it as our natural course—to live and enjoy life and to constantly grow, so that every experience that comes to us is a nurturing experience at the level of the Soul.

If you ever interpret your experiences as bad, wrong, or something that shouldn’t be, you might as well put up a red flag and call yourself for fouling in the game, since you’re trying to make things work in a way that doesn’t work. Whatever your experience is, it will actually serve you. You don’t even have to know how it serves you, and you don’t have to understand how it’s working with the basic self.

If you have resistance, you can just understand, “I have resistance.” An MSIA innerphasing is designed to get in there with the basic self and start loosening up the places where you’re holding yourself back, where you’re stuck, where you’re caught up or attached. An innerphasing goes into the unconscious levels and specifically works with the basic self to get that part of you that resides in the unconscious levels to assist and support. It’s asking, “Would you help me?” and telling the basic, “Here’s the direction, here’s what to focus on, where the alignment in consciousness is.”

When you listen to an innerphasing, it’s wise to take a moment before you start to prepare the basic self for the inner journey. So you talk to it, kind of like you are an elder. But if you start assuming and asserting a superior position and look at the basic self as being inferior, that starts breeding contempt. That’s not going to work with the basic self any more than it would work with you if somebody worked with you with contempt. So you work with the basic self with a lot of patience, pointing out that “I’m doing this for all of us.” You sit down and take the time to do this process. You set yourself up for winning inside of you, to align yourself within yourself and with God. This is all directed toward aligning yourself with Soul Transcendence, and there’s no bigger win to realize.

Baruch Bashan.

For more information on how to get an MSIA innerphasing, contact the MSIA office at (323) 737-4055 or your local MSIA representative.

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