
New Day Herald

God Is

Article imageIn a seminar, the spiritual energy comes to you according to your availability to it. So, in one sense of the word, everybody’s getting something. But let’s be realistic, also. We’ve been trained to listen and to place great value on words. In fact, we almost believe words as much as books. And if it’s on videotape or the radio, we just “know” it’s true. We drop all critical facilities of our mind and enter into the nature kingdom: we start to become a “blooming idiot.” So, there are cautions in listening, and there are truths that will be spoken, but only on the frequency and the essence of the words.
The only thing I could say that would be absolutely true—but not known here because truth isn’t really known here; consistency is known here—the only truth I could speak would be to say, God is. After that, everything is redundant because the concept that is in the word God is all creation.
What we have done is, we have personified the Divinity in ourselves, not because we know the Divine but because we just want to be thought of as knowing the Divine, and we give birth to a “bastard child” in the sense that it doesn’t have a true father. It has a father called the mind and a mother called the emotions, and that child is called the ego. But where do the mind and emotions get their power or energy? Out of the energy of the Soul. So when people speak from their experience, there’s often a lot of truth in that, and there’s also a great deal of ego gratification.
Over all these years, I have talked to many people from many professions and especially from out of the religious field. I’ve heard them make statements of truth, and their sincerity is tremendous, but when challenged upon basic principles, what before was factual, evidential, absolutely the truth, now has shifted to “I believe.” That’s like saying, “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.” That’s nonsense. If that were so, there would be flowers all over everywhere. I know that for every drop of rain that falls, there’s mud and, also, that if you’re wearing glasses, the first drops of rain hit your glasses.
So we have to be careful what we hear people saying, and probably some of ones to listen to most carefully are people like me or people who are on staff close to me because you may accord us power and information that we do not have. I know the staff don’t have it because I can see what they have. And many people who are initiates even to the Soul level don’t have it, either, but we figure that they’re initiated into the Soul level, so there “must” be something there that is true and works truthfully.
People still lie. The bad news about being an initiate is that when they lie, it has truth ringing through it, so you think it’s true. But if you listen, you hear them lie out of their mouths. It’s just a statement of saying, listen to what you want more of. Look in the direction you want to go. Be with people who are giving you upliftment.
I found out the way a lot of people work. First, they tell a little lie and look to see who challenges it. No big challenges. Other people either don’t know or are not sure what the lying person knows. So then the person produces the next lie that’s a little bigger, and they look around to see who’s dumb. Then they start adding on things that seem to be true, things that make sense to others, things that are in the realm of possibility, and get others to accept all that. And as others accept it, they also buy the first two lies and will never check them out. That’s very stupid. We’re being spiritual warriors now, and we really don’t care if somebody lies or not. We’re going to find out for ourselves. We’re calling ourselves forward to this Light consciously.
Do not be anxious to jump over the hurdles of your existence and say things that can not be validated. But much like in school, in the first grade, we learn things that validate each other. We learn that we can validate things in English class or Spanish class that can be used in this other class. It becomes self-validating. That is a very simple one. But our path in the Spirit world cannot be validated that way because it is different. I tell you over and over, listen carefully to what I say. Do not believe it. Check it out for yourself. Maybe this path of Soul Transcendence is not for you. There may be many other paths that you have to undergo. We have many strange karmas to fulfill. The Spirit moves people in and out of this Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. That’s why when new people come in, I say, “Hello.” When people leave, I say, “Goodbye.” It’s equally the same. It makes no difference to me who’s here and who’s not here.
Personally, do you know what’s important to me? That the Holy Spirit is here. And if it leaves, I stop talking. I get up and walk out. The seminar is over. I also know that when the Holy Spirit comes in, it moves on the group. There’s no more for me to say, so I shut up and walk out. The Holy Spirit will teach you what I know nothing about. The Spirit told me many years ago about seminars, “The people that come in, I will teach their heart. You’re to keep them occupied while I do that.”
So this Spirit that is God, which we call the Holy Spirit because it’s the whole Spirit, touches to us and we feel it; we know it and we’re convicted in it. And when we’re not following the path of righfulness, it convicts us of our sins. It points out the error. But do you know what it does not do? It does not punish you because it loves you. And it says, “Here’s another opportunity.”
Why on earth do you think we’re allowed so many mistakes? Because God loves us. Why do you allow your children so many mistakes? You knew they had to make them. Why did you show them how to do it better? Because you knew how to correct their mistakes so they didn’t have to do it over and over. If you do that to your children, then would not God do that to us? He does do it to us. We’re allowed the choices of mistakes until hell won’t have it. And since hell won’t have it, heaven will. And what we start here toward perfection, the Holy Spirit will finish it with us in the Spirit world. We’re blessed. When you open inside to the Lord of your heart, to the Beloved, then you’re on the way. That’s a sure path. You’re going to see a lot of us on that path.
The best we get to do is to keep making the positive, uplifting choices over and over, if not a hundred times a day, at least every day. Every day, you must stand up inside. Point your heart towards the Lord and keep your eyes there. If you keep your eyes on me, physically, that’s not right. That’s a wrong thing to do. We respect each other physically. That’s good to do.
Spiritual warriors are trained in the heat of adversity. But you know something? You’re tempered by the Spirit of God. So, once you come through the adversity, instead of hitting at the adversary, a sweetness comes inside of you because you know they failed. And you know part of their failure affects you, and you could rightfully turn and hit them and be karmically free. But when you turn and offer them the hand of peace, the karma that you could have used freely is counted to you as righteousness. And in that moment, God occupies more of you. Then you start to feel the godliness of that nature. It isn’t long until you start to behold God in all things. Do not forget to look in the mirror because you want to see it in you, too. Some people won’t see it. If you don’t see it, find somebody who is acting God-like and use them as your guiding model. Know full well that they probably can get bad breath, so don’t look for the perfection in them.
We have a wonderful teaching from the Spirit. This isn’t the teaching of John-Roger. I wish I could say it was, but I only say, “Thank God, I’m part of it.” I’m still reaching for the very teachings that I tell people. I’m still teaching what I need to learn and know. When you see me fall short, just pick me up and point to it. I’m heading in that direction. That’s my love for everyone—that I keep heading in that direction. If you’re heading in the direction of love and God, you may not even be behind me. You may find yourself in front of me, and I’m following you. But if you turn around, I’ll bump into you because I’m not watching you; I’m watching for God. And when you’re behind me, if you stray, I don’t look back because if I look back, I might turn into a darkness, also. I’m not going to do that. That’s my love for you.
I’ve got people around me now who love me so much that they’ve gone on the straight and narrow, and I’ve got people who are adversaries to me who, God bless them, push me onto the straight and narrow. And they’re going to ensure my salvation because I won’t want to live with them. So there’s only one way out, and that’s into God.
Baruch Bashan.

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