
New Day Herald

Choose You This Day

Article imageIt’s important to hold the correct identification of yourself, what you answer to. I deal with the dark when I need or have to, but I am of the Light. That’s what I answer to. That is what governs who I am and what I do with my life. I do it as Light. Do I always do that? I’m sure people can find that I don’t always respond in that way. The Traveler and anybody with a physical body has a consciousness of the negative; it’s part of what we all deal with in our body and psychic levels of consciousness. And that makes it even more important to hold with the correct identification. Be aware, conscious, and vigilant. This means watching all the time that you’re not empowering your free opportunity to choose into the dark or into the negative.

Of course, it can get difficult at times to recognize what is the Light and what is the dark, what’s working and what isn’t working. It’s not always clear, and my mind is guessing constantly. Still, there are practical ways of knowing. The most practical is to ask, “Is it loving?” And if it’s loving, where is the greatest loving? How can we be involved and be acting in the greatest loving, in the consciousness of the highest good of all concerned? That’s God’s domain: it is the omniscience of God to know the highest good of all concerned.

This all-concerned consciousness does not judge this one as bad, this one as wrong, this one as evil, this one as needing to be punished. So if you find yourself entering into a hurtfulness, here’s a reminder to take care of yourself. When you take care of yourself well enough, you will be able to take care of others, and that will put you in good stead, in good territory. You will be seeding and sowing your life into greater good and greater Light, which is really what’s going on spiritually all the time, every time. And if we do get off-course, distracted, misaligned or if we miscreate, let’s choose back into the Light no matter what.

The Christ Consciousness has established in this world the opportunity that no one can be denied the Light. This has been said before, but sometimes we may need to be reminded. When we wake up, we can realize, “I was asleep” or “I had forgotten.” If we seek the Light, if we choose the Light, we cannot be denied. God promises that the Light must be available to all who seek it. So no matter how dark we find our life or what we have created, we can always choose the Light. This translates to “you’re free.” Whatever has been imprisoning you or confining you in the darkness cannot hold you when you choose the Light.

So how does the negative power do its number so that people choose into the dark? It convinces them that they are dark. It gives them that identification, so they think, “I’m bad, I’m wrong, I’m no good, I’m evil, I’m a liar, I’m a cheat. What the hell, I might as well go out and destroy and hurt. That’s the way to do it.” No, it’s not, and you will find that out at some point. It’s better to find it out now and have the wisdom of who you are such that you choose away from any identification with the dark. This identification with the Light could include declaring to yourself, “No, I’m not choosing the negative.” At any point, you can wake up and choose the Light and own it as an identification.

The Light translates very practically as doing good, doing greater good, finding what’s uplifting and getting involved in that, and choosing away from the things that don’t work for you. Just pay attention to what’s working, what’s serving, and move your choices so the results and outcomes in your life are constantly going towards greater good.

If you conclude that your life is mostly negative, so you give up because you’re on a fast track to hell, that’s a lie. You’re not going to hell. You can’t go there. It doesn’t really exist except as an illusion or our own making. There is no such thing. There’s just the negative power to test you in the ways of your creativity and who you are and who you declare you are.

In the Bible, it says to choose this day whom you will serve. Which day? This day. Does it matter what I did yesterday or what I’m going to do tomorrow? No, it’s this day. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve . . . as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).

Notice that “house” part. That’s your 10 percent, your area to take care of, your responsibility. So keep the things around you in the Light; keep them clean and clear and loved and cherished. If you’re not nice to your car, you’re off. You might ask, “Who would be nice to my car? It’s terrible. It’s an awful car.” It’s yours, so love it and be nice to it. Say nice things to it when you look at it. Look at it endearingly.

You might say, “No, I can’t stand it. It needs a paint job. It needs new upholstery. It needs new tires.” Love it anyway. It’s never so dark you can’t love it, whatever “it” is. That’s what love is. It conquers. It always has a heartbeat. So if you say, “Love is dead,” you don’t know love. Love is alive. It’s the triumphant force in creation. It’s the God-force. And it can’t be destroyed. To anyone who talks as though things can die in the level of who we truly are as a Soul, I say, no, they can’t die. And there’s no such thing as a sick Soul. That’s shortsightedness. Whenever someone declares, “That’s not the Soul and that’s the dark,” that is really a deception, a hurt, or a sense of separation showing up in that way. Choose you this day, convert that negativity to the Light.

When you realize the glory of God and see it consciously, there are no problems. The glory is a celebration. It’s the rejoicing of the Spirit. It’s the “free at last.” We are completely free. We are forever free. Until then, watch out. Don’t take things for granted. Don’t assume that you’re always holding yourself up in the most positive Light and in the clearest way. Be ever vigilant. Choose the things that work for you.

It’s important to remember that you win because you endure. Keep going. Don’t stop. Don’t take things for granted, like, “Okay, I’ve arrived, and I don’t need to be vigilant. I can mess around.” I think that’s one of the big fallacies of those who get into high and powerful places: they can think, “I’m so powerful and high here, I can mess around. I’ve got it made now. I can fool around. I can tempt myself. I can go do these things. I can go save the day.” Was that assigned to you? You’d better save yourself because this is a level where the direction is to keep going, save yourself, stay in line, stay on purpose, and don’t look back. Don’t be tempted by the gnashing, the screaming, the crying out, and the negativity in the world. Don’t focus on that. Focus on where you’re going in the Light. You’re going to a better place already prepared for you. You’re going to the Light, you’re going to the love. And it’s right here, in this place, before you.

Know who you are and what your life is about. It’s about the loving, it’s about the Light, it’s about joy. And when you come across hurt and pain and destruction, what do you do? If it’s in your level of concern, meaning on your way and you can’t avoid it, you must deal with it. Deal with it with the consciousness of Light and love and healing. We deal with negativity not by becoming negative, but by being positive and holding into the positive, which converts the negativity. It can’t remain negative in the force of the Light and the love, which is a positive force.

So we hold and focus into the positive while we confront the negative or, maybe more accurately, while it confronts us. We’re not negative. It’s none of our business. It’s not our level of concern, but we deal with it when we need to as a process towards upliftment, learning, and growth. So when someone brings up negativity to me, I don’t need to deny it. It’s just not my focus. The negative power is not my focus. But I’m here and I deal with it like you do. I also know and remember what I’m anchored to, which is the Spirit that is the whole presence of God. That is what I’m truly anchored to and what you are anchored to, also. Find the Spirit in you and in all, and choose into that complete loving, this day and every day.
Baruch Bashan.

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