
New Day Herald

John Morton on the Spiritual Promise

Article imageIt matters that in this moment you make the choice again to align yourself with your spirituality. And as you do that there’s an extension of that that can go forward as an expression. It shows up as loving choices and caring choices, and forgiving and peaceful choices.

And as we learn to hold that as a way of living and conducting ourselves, it starts creating a connection so that we strengthen our spirituality. And our materiality starts lessening. We become less and less of this world and more and more of the spiritual worlds. And that shows up in the way we relate to this world. The things in this world become less and less attached. More and more free. Things in the world start losing their priority.

And it really does call upon us to be available so that we don’t tie ourselves to things that we said or did, or make promises in the world. The way I look at that is that God already took care of the promises in the world. They’re done, and they’re the kind of promises that fulfill us, so that we don’t need any new promises. They’ve been taken care of. So for us to add on promises is to do something that’s unnecessary. And that’s a way that we define evil: doing unnecessary things.

You don’t need to do that. That’s going in an opposite direction from your progression. So stay out of those unnecessary things. Stay involved with the things that are on purpose with your upliftment, your learning, and your growth. Get involved in your true fulfillment as much as you possibly can. And regardless of how well you do that, it’s going to happen anyway because that’s part of the spiritual promise. Not one soul will be lost. What does that mean? You can’t get lost. That should translate to, “OK then, I can’t blow it, can I?” No you can’t.

I do have it as a guarantee from the spirit—the spiritual promise—that it will be done to you spiritually if you have the willingness to carry that faith and that patience, so that when you leave this world you have engaged that choice. That, to me, is where you find out where your dedication is, where your devotion is, where your patience is to endure. So our flag that we put up as we go through this world is to endure. Endure to the end—and that means to the end of this world.

In a way we can kind of go crazy because we lose our material meaning and our worldly identification. But we’re in a process of liberating ourselves and becoming a new consciousness. So what we were ten years ago or ten minutes ago can be very different, because we’re not tied into the past. We’re tied into what we are here and now. We’re loyal to that presence.

Jesus brought in a spiritual promise that was anchored at that time, which was, “Whoever calls upon the Light, whoever calls upon God, must be granted access, no matter where they are and what their consciousness has brought itself to.” That is an absolutely tremendous promise, because it basically gives us a certain kind of immunity, if you will, in a sense, confess, if you will lay yourself out on the altar and say, “Okay, I’ve transgressed. I’ve sinned. I’ve done things I don’t even realize. And, yet, I know I’ve lost contact with the Grace because I’m haunted. It’s as though I have a ghost who torments me, who won’t leave me alone.”

There may be a certain point where even in the turning into the Light you must walk that state of karma. You must walk with it. And it can be something like, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” You can imagine that it’s like walking through an area that is permeated by negativity, and yet the path to God will be lit. Each step will be allowed. And you’ll be allowed access out of that.

I know there’s a question that goes around: “Well, what if I’m not worthy of God? Maybe I’m too miserable of a specimen so that God wouldn’t really want me. And that would be such a terrible experience, I don’t want to entertain it. I would rather not knock on the door than not be allowed to enter.” So there are people walking around refusing to knock on the door because they’re afraid that it might not open.

But the spiritual promise has been made that “if you shall knock, it shall be opened.” And the grace of Spirit that has been brought to the planet allows you access no matter where you are, no matter what you have done or what has happened to you in your existence.

We are working with the God of forgiveness. And if you don’t claim that, why are you being such a dummy? Why forego the opportunity to bring in your salvation? You might listen to what you come up with, because if you’re not in the process where you are dynamically experiencing your salvation, so that you are indeed gaining access to God, and it’s happening directly, and it’s a daily process for you, then there’s more knocking to be done. There are more doors that have to be opened by you.

I say, “have to be opened by you” because you’re the one who truly determines the access. And I’ll tell you why the doors must be opened to you. Because you’re the inheritor of the Kingdom. They belong to you. You’re the master of the house. What house is this? God’s house. Well, then God’s the master. Are you denying yourself as God? Or are you claiming yourself as God? “Well, I don’t know God, so how can I claim God?” Well, why don’t you just do it on trust and faith? Who would you like God to be? “I’d like God to be really good and love me, and bestow all the greatest aspects of what God can be on my consciousness.” That’s a nice idea. Would you be willing to own it? If you are, then you must be willing to become God. If you’re going to be master of the house that’s God’s house, then you must be willing to be God. Big question. Are you willing to be God?

The Movement of Spiritual Awareness is Soul Transcendence. That is the state that we direct ourselves to and it’s also the spiritual promise that’s administered here. So if you’re moving yourself to a state of soul transcendence, then you allow yourself to transcend the conditions of the world and indeed, the psychic state of consciousness, which is to say you transcend all the levels below the soul.

That’s the spiritual promise: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, then all things are added unto you.” I didn’t make that promise. That’s a promise from Spirit. So a decision is, well, do you want to collect? Do you want to check it out? Do you want to see if that really works? Those of us who are in the church — because it does function as a church and a house of worship — those of us here are essentially saying, “We want to get closer to Spirit. And we want to take Spirit up on Spirit’s offer.” Or we could say, “We want to take God up on God’s offer.”

When we move on that consciousness of our being worthy of God, we must transcend this level. We must transcend the limitations of this level. We begin realizing, “What I’m really worthy of, the true worthiness, is not in this world. It’s in knowing God. It’s in knowing the greater reality of God. I’m worthy to move beyond the confines of this level. My body cannot contain my worthiness.”

So my worthiness starts moving me out of my body, beyond the physical. There are treasures in my worthiness, and I must move to where they are. I must move to that higher state. That’s the worthiness we’re working with—where I am worthy to be face to face with God, and share in all of God’s creation.

The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is a house of the Lord, and the Traveler is one that delivers into the Lord. The Lord is that one who comes of God first in your heart. We follow one in the Spirit. The Traveler is a consciousness of being in the Spirit in direct to the Christ, the one who is already anointed in that way, who’s delivered a spiritual promise that we’re still partaking in. So all of our sins and transgressions are forgiven. This allows us to be free from this level, because even if you were to consider your life in the last while, you would find that you have done things that you did not clean up, that you did things that caused the problems and difficulty of yourself and others, so that you accrue debt. And the Christ is one who comes and clears the debt.

I want to remind you that the spiritual promise that we’re in line for and that’s been given to us — that as we direct ourselves into this fully, and as we give to this fully in our life, what will be returned to us from the Spirit is promised to us: health, wealth, happiness, riches, abundance and prosperity, loving, caring and sharing. And if those are qualities that you want your life to be full of, that you value, then that’s the spiritual promise. That’s what’s said: “If you will follow, if you will surrender into what this is, then these will come.”

There is a Comforter. Remember that part? “I’m going to leave you with a Comforter.” So that even though the flesh and blood was removed, there is a longing to have the physical contact with the flesh and blood, with the Holy of Holies, the pure of God. There is a longing for it. And that contact is always with us through the Holy Spirit. As we comfort with one another, we are comforted. As we give to one another, in that measure we are given unto.

We become less and less of this world and more and more of the spiritual worlds.

Choose wisely, choose freely. All is here now. The Kingdom is opened unto you.

Be careful of putting out demands against the world. The world won’t deny you. It will test you in your expectations every time. It will show you where your attachments are until the day you are free. And the ironic part of that is that it will leave you alone. It will not be able to contain you any longer, so you have to go to God. That is the spiritual promise. So in the meantime you have lots of practice to get free.

Keep breathing. Don’t get caught up in what’s going on here. Don’t create more karma for yourself. That’s the irony in an initiate’s life. Here is an initiate saying, “Okay, I’m willing now to fulfill my spiritual promise. I’m here to do that and I claim it and I call it forward and I’m dedicated to that. Now that I’m kind of feeling my oats, I’m going to go out and make some more karma.” What? “Oh, you know, I’m really getting good at handling this world. I’m getting involved in things and I’m creating things that are incomplete so I’ll have to come back.” We don’t recommend that. We recommend that you complete things so you don’t have to come back. “Well, how do I do that?” Get done with things, so that you’re like this: “Not me. I’m not involved in that. I’m free.” If things are pulling on you and you’re attached to things and they’re attached to you, you’ve got something to complete there.

That’s not my promise. That’s the spiritual promise—that you’re never abandoned, there’s no betrayal. “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of the World.” So whatever ends you come to, whatever meets you in your life, there’s a companion that is eternal, that will lift you, that will heal you, that will guide you, that will release you from whatever binds you. Whatever is your source of pain or disturbance, it shall not last. “The gates of hell shall not prevail against you.” For the Spirit of God has reached into every level of darkness and brought the Light so that none who seek it can be denied. All are embraced by the Light, the love of God. You are free to move past all that confines, all the conditions. You, beloved, must choose. Choose wisely, choose freely. All is here now. The Kingdom is opened unto you.

There’s not a limit on your worthiness. You’re worthy of God and all of God. And in that co-creatorship as an emanation of God, there’s nothing that’s withheld from you. That’s part of the spiritual promise that we’re to awaken to—that we are worthy of God, completely and absolutely.

It’s a spiritual promise. It is done. That means we can’t remove it. That’s a power of God, and it’s done. That means it’s complete, it’s in the bag. So when we look at this reality, this is a completed creation. It’s been done. In Genesis, there’s a representation that goes, “One, two, three, four, five, six days. Ah, it’s done.” What is that? What does that mean? It means that there was a period of creation, and at some point it was done. It’s over. And God had a declaration: “It’s good.” What did God think? God said, “Ah, it’s good.”

– John Morton

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