
New Day Herald


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Los Angeles, CA – Patti Rayner

We hosted 1300 children and their families at the Santa Monica Pier/Carousel on December 15th.

On the Tuesday before our Saturday service project, we had received a little less than 500 of the 1300 toys we needed in order for every child to receive a toy. So we put the word out and claimed, once more, loaves and fishes for Heartfelt. By Friday when the truck was loaded, the miracles of the week included loading 2,000 new wrapped toys!

At the Christmas party, children and families came from Skid Row, downtown, South central LA, Venice, and almost every part of LA imaginable. Many of them had walked, taken public transportation or been brought on buses. But they didn’t seem to mind how they had to get there. They just seemed to love being there and didn’t want to rush away. It truly was a magical setting and environment and a sun-soaked day overlooking a blue, calm ocean.

Our glorious volunteer team of 130, decorated, prepared and hosted the families and gave their hearts to each child. The children were able to choose from sitting on Santa’s loving lap, petting little farm animals, riding the carousel endlessly, having their faces painted, making beautiful crafts, eating hot food, stuffing themselves with candy and cookies, visiting the aquarium, or entering the overflowing Toy Room.

This will be another year to remember as God poured His miracles and grace on His children. And we made sure every toy He sent was distributed before Christmas not only to the children we serve directly, but to other families, agencies, churches and charities who had no toys. More than 2500 toys went out into the community with Heartfelt’s love! It is a great honor to witness to God’s miracles through Heartfelt!

In loving service, my love to all,

Louisa Holmes, New York

Heartfelt LA received a plea for help from a 33 year old mother in upstate New York who is undergoing chemotherapy treatments for Stage IV metastasized breast cancer. She had no money for gifts for her daughter and was very concerned and depressed. Louisa Holmes, Heartfelt upstate NY Rep and her wonderful team of local ministers including Sara Richelson, Leigh Hamel, Jeanne Edelen, Jay Winston, Philomena Casey, and Mitchell and Cheryl Brozinsky, and others, answered the call and put together beautiful gifts for the little girl, and gift cards for gas and food for the mom, and delivered them to the family before Christmas.

Australia – Julie Chenery

Heartfelt Australia organized a wonderful Hearfelt day for the Auntie’s and Uncle’s Christmas outdoor picnic for 100 kids and 200 adults. We provided games and face painting, they also had a magician, balloons, a sausage sizzle and Santa.

Alamogordo, New Mexico – Mary Ellen Agolia

We worked with the Otero Youth Empowerment Association to assist with clothing, etc. for children in our area. We took names of children from the Angel Tree and bought gifts for many of them. The gifts are then given to the parents to give their children for Christmas. The director was touched at the generosity of our group, and said how grateful she and family members are.
I am touched and grateful as well for the abundance we shared with the children. There is no party or picture taking with the children from the Angel Tree, as the entire process is confidential. We all have received so much from having the joy of buying gifts for the children. What a blessing!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Vicki Jenkins

The community led by Vicki, lovingly came together and supported the assistance of several families in severe need, most of them were struggling, single mothers. They gave food, treats, Christmas trees, money, and whatever the particular family needed most.

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