
New Day Herald

The Divine Spark in Marriage

Article imageGod instituted marriage, and what has been apart is now put together. It’s as close as we can get, essentially putting everything close, and the last part of it is that the flesh comes together. That in traditional terms is when the marriage is consummated. And there’s a reason that’s a very powerful value in a marriage. People sometimes make it out to be the idea that it’s such a source of pleasure, and they worship the sensation of it. But the reality is that it is an opportunity to experience something like what Michelangelo put up on the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, where there was a reaching in a moment where something that had been apart was coming together. Everyone gets to have their own interpretation, and I see that this is the moment of the divine spark.
I also see that in a marriage—that there’s a divine spark in the marriage instituted by God, which is consummated in the flesh. You could interpret this as, “You’re talking about two bodies coming together and having sexual relations.” That’s a form of it. But it’s really when, in the flesh, the divine spark is allowed to illumine.
The spiritual marriage takes place in the flesh. That means in your flesh. If it happens in that way, it can be something in which two have the opportunity to experience a unity. But it really could take place in a father and a son, in a mother and a daughter, and it’s not something that requires a man and a woman for a spiritual marriage. It’s just that in that act is this other opportunity called the creation of us, the creation of flesh. So by that act, the spark that comes through the Soul comes into the charge between the egg and the sperm. And that moment of conception is a moment of creation. Was it foreordained? Undoubtedly. It comes from an invisible source, something that is unseen and yet more real than what is seen.
That level of sparking can also take place through an artist, through someone seeing a sunset—that there is a spark that is the illumination of God’s creation being made flesh. When it happens, it’s an ecstasy of tremendous power, like a nuclear radiation.
At the time of conception, you are in this moment of very great power, so in an instant all the power of that is still enduring. And how much greater is it in the Spirit? As above so below. That’s a great intention to align ourselves to, so that what we do here is causing the spark of the Divine to illuminate constantly.
When we issue loving as a presence, as a radiation from our own being, that is a moment of conception, a moment of the divine spark. Something can be born anew every time we emanate the loving presence, the loving radiation of God toward the simplest aspect. The most mundane can be illuminated by that experience of loving, which transfers across like a bridge.
The question is, “Is it transferring across from them? Is it the love that I experience awakening in me by their presence, or is it the presence of my love that reached out and touched them that sparks the Divine?” It’s kind of like the chicken and the egg. Which is first? They’re both first. It’s like in the beginning is the end and in the end is the beginning. And this is eternity. But there is some moment when things are initiated and some moment when they’re consummated, and how we experience it determines our relationship, whether we’re beginning or we’re ending, which is really another beginning.
One of the cycles we work with in this world comes in a daily rhythm, a planetary rhythm that corresponds to the earth’s rotation each day. And because we’re functioning here, we have a relationship to that rhythm. There are others—such as circadian rhythms, rhythms of nature—that come in cycles. A very powerful one is a planetary rhythm, which we can become attuned to and vibrate with, that represents a new day, a new birth, every 24 hours. It’s important in a marriage to have that new beginning every day.
When you think about it, 24 hours give a lot of opportunity to begin anew. Every day you will need to find a moment when that spark of the Divine crosses over through you into the world so that it emanates from you and you’re lit up today. The sun rises in you today. And if you don’t do that, then you are endarkening yourself, you’re not in balance with the rhythm that has been set forth and prepared for you.
So it’s a smart thing to look at your rising up today as a responsibility. When you arise with yourself, it will naturally extend all around. The sun’s radiation doesn’t pick on a particular planet; it just radiates and emanates from a totality perspective, in all directions. A true source emanates into all directions. So as you emanate into all directions, your spouse is going to be right there. If they are close to you, then they are going to be very close to that radiation. And if that is truly what you do with your day, that you do illuminate yourself anew through the rebirth of the Divine in you into the flesh, then your spouse is going to want to be around you a lot, to be close to you, to prepare a place for you so that when you walk in, you always experience a welcome. You spouse is going to want to serve you as a light in their life, as a source of light like a sun. It can truly become like that, so that it’s as though when you come in the sun is rising, and when you leave it’s setting.
Some people look at that as something very old-fashioned or like the other person doesn’t have a life of their own, but that is a very short-sighted view, and true love works in that way and is very powerful. And, of course, that true love would extend so that when your spouse walks in, the sun rises for you, and when they walk out, the sun sets for you.
If you don’t manage to ignite that experience every day, you’ll tend to find the marriage dies, much as what would happen to the earth if it was gradually moving away from the sun. We already know that in the revolution of the planet around the sun, we have winter as the earth moves farther from the sun, and as it moves closer, we have summer. If you get too much in either direction, you tend to have a long winter or a very hot summer. So keep it in balance so that you have a light of your own and that your spouse has a light of their own.
Baruch Bashan.

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