
New Day Herald

Miracles Do Happen

In the year 1979 I’d had a reading from a intuitive lady who told me I was on an upward path and that she saw stairs leading into heaven. She told me that I’d meet a person who would be known as my ‘travelling partner’. She said “I keep getting this word ‘Traveler’ not sure what it means.”

Soon afterward I met a person who told me about this new thing called ‘Insight’ and about the teacher John-Roger and his group MSIA. I was given a booklet about the Light. I didn’t really feel much interest at the time . It seemed nice enough yet for me I felt I’d heard it before and was looking for something more ‘exotic!’ LOL. ( ahh but for sure things took off inside !)

As the years went buy I’d bump into more people who did this Insight course and I thought it sounded pretty good but way out of my price range as I was a single mother with a young child at the time. I went through many spiritual types, learnings and experiences including Sufism, Hare Krishnas, Charismatic Christianity, reading many esoteric books etc . Then spent a year travelling the world.

So let’s fast forward to the end of 1987. I had gone up to visit my sister in Northern NSW ( Australia) and was walking the track on Mount Warning ( beautiful). I felt this energy surround me and a change was about to occur. It was my 28th birthday. Soon after I went back to Sydney I went over to a new friend’s house who ran meditation groups, and she said it would be different than usual and her young friend would lead this evening and would play a John-Roger tape and have this ‘MSIA’ Seminar.

This happened again the next week. She also played the Meditation for Soul Travel (which became a firm favorite ). I stayed over at her place that night and dreamed of the guy on the front of the cassette tape pack ( J-R). It was like I was awake or asleep, I’m not sure. He was outside the white sliding glass doors and all dressed in white and beckoning me to follow. He hugged me and said Ok Im here to heal your emotional body and more. I felt I knew him and his voice and felt I knew him from another lifetime. I had visions , memories. I felt a lot of Love.

I began on Discourses around the same time I finally did Insight – and met many more people from MSIA. I wasn’t sure if I’d fit in to tell the truth ( I still don’t! LOL). But I knew I had to be with J-R. I knew he was my teacher forever.

The next week the young man who came to this ladies’ seminar told us that John-Roger was soon coming to Australia but one had to be on Discourse number six to be able to attend. I had begun Discourses I think the week or two before, after he had told me about them. I really wanted to go to see this John-Roger guy and knew I would whether it was allowed or not, even if I had to wait at the door of the venue to say hello! By the next month the rules changed and one only had to be on Discourse 3 to attend! — which is what I’d be reading at the time! Yeah great news!

So this event was held at the Jewish club at Bondi beach. I don’t recall that much just that J-R looked at my friend a lot. I really really wanted his attention or look. So MUCH! I just knew I wanted to be as close as I could get.

I became very involved pretty much right away with service to MSIA , PTS and Insight doing whatever I could to help in the offices. Attending home seminars and devouring my Discourses, buying lots of tape seminars etc.

At the end of my first year on Discourses, there was to be this special event celebrating John-Roger’s 25 years as the Traveler. It was said that a few months back John Morton was our new traveler and this was to be the completion of this. I was still very new and didn’t get how it all worked I just knew I was connected to John-Roger. I wrote to him several times in those early months /years and got some wonderful replies, which I now treasure. Yes he was my Traveler. I wanted to meet John–Roger Properly and say hello face to face! — for to me he was an old friend and for me ‘JR’ always stood for ‘Joyful Reunion!’

Anyway I had no idea how I’d get to LA, as I had no job, and looked after my then 8 year old son alone …. So I posted my intention to J-R/MSIA LA on my way to the MSIA office one day – and as I walked into the office , the then manager, had just hung up the phone from John Morton. John was offering the first ( not sure number) people who wanted to go to LA a few hundred toward the event. Ok this was a sign if ever there was one! I asked my dad for money and instead of saying all manner of negative things he simply wrote me a check for the rest!

So as miracles do happen I went to LA. What a wonderful event, with 1100 people chanting Ani Hu and an amazing seminar. The fancy dinner. The convergence of Spirit. I met J-R. He kissed my cheek. We had a little hug. It was so wonderful to meet him. Like a million years of microfilm was transmitted between us is what I remember thinking at the time. I had just read in some spiritual book that when the master kisses your cheek very softy it is a sign he has accepted you as his initiate…..happy.

I stayed at Prana for two weeks. I was driven up to Windermere ( before anything was really there, but I loved it ). I met some very interesting and varied people. I stayed in LA about two months and didn’t see J-R again. I sure had downs as well as ups, but it was all worth it. Everything about J-R is worth it. Beloved. I love him. Now it’s pretty much all inward where it counts. I love him.

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