
New Day Herald

I Thank the Traveler Deeply

I was a child always aware of God and my Soul. I walked to school, making up songs of gratitude for the world God provided, with all the flowers and trees and animals that I loved so dearly. I loved God and I felt alone in the world with that love. My family were not interested in God.

I recall a conversation I was having with my mother about dealing with things in the world. I don’t recall the specifics. I recall saying to her “But what about my soul?”, to which she replied “Nobody cares about your Soul down here.” I said “I do.” I used to ask her “What would happen to us (by which I meant everyone in the universe), if there was nothing?” My mother would get frustrated with me, asking me “What do you mean?” I would say “If God made everything, there had to be a beginning and before that there must have been nothing, so where did God come from? Why did God start all of this and what will happen when he’s finished, where will we go?” I can see that my questions about life were beyond my mothers ability to handle. I could not make sense of a world where no one cared about Soul. To me it was the only important thing.

Somewhere around the age of 8, when I was lying in bed at night before trying to go to sleep, I would see a purple light, like a ball with a tail, darting around my room. I tried to look at it to see what it was and I could never see it directly. It was always to the right of my vision and moving. I lived among what seemed like insurmountable negativity and felt so frightened of things trying to get me, I was afraid of the purple light. I now know it was there protecting me. In fact I would often dream I was soaring along a freeway in California to a big white mansion. As I join the dots, I see it was the Traveler guiding me home. What a tremendous blessing.

My Soul’s dream and passion was to sing. I was not allowed to sing or play music at school. I held on to my dream though.

I took my first Insight 1 in 1993. With support from others in the Insight I organised a fundraiser, where I sang, recited poems I wrote and had an auction selling my artwork. I raised enough for my Insight 2 and 3 with some left which I donated to a friend whom I met in Insight 1. The entire year was an Insight fest. It was the only place I felt love and safety. I had my first conscious connection with JR. Without ever having met him, I asked my friend Steve Ferrick “Do you think JR would want to marry me?” Steve was looking at me with a twinkle in his eye and a broad smile. Of course that statement was about marrying the Traveler inside of me!

Shortly after this I began my Discourses and felt a spiritual coating come around for the first time in my life. I felt a safety I had not known and I wanted to move to LA and live with JR and John. I could not see how I could do that though, so I set up my inner retreat and absorbed myself in all things MSIA inside of me. I lived from year to year waiting for the next Conference, dreaming of one day going to LA, hoping I would be wanted. Every Discourse and SAT tape was a God-send providing me with what I needed to rebuild my life on new firm foundations.

I have worked tirelessly to bring my Soul forward and find ways to experience love in the world. A tremendous support for me for the last 15 years has been Jenny Vergison the singing teacher I currently have. After starting my conscious journey with the Traveler I have been guided to the perfect people to assist me and my gratitude is immeasurable. Jenny is pure angel and has held me in her wings giving me a the space and time I needed to slowly and steadily unravel myself from the layers of fear and allow the Spirit to move on my voice.

The blessings which have abounded from my experiences in this life, are my gifts with children, my absolute love for them and dedication to their wellbeing and ability to love all children unconditionally and people in crisis.

My empathy and compassion are deep, for I know the depths of sorrow and fear. I know the bounty of joy and that with love, compassion and appropriate support, anything of a negative nature can be overcome. With this awareness I give of my Light and I thank the Traveler deeply for the never ending guidance and dedication.

I am a good Soul. I live a good and honest life. I’ve seen firsthand how any one of us has the capacity for the greatest act of violence and the greatest act of loving. Thank God I chose love. Thank you JR, John and all of us on this path of unfoldment.

I love it when I’m in a situation and I think “I was talking to JR about this at dinner the other night.” Then I go, hang on I wasn’t at dinner with JR. Well I was on the inside. The inner worlds where I am with JR are so beautiful and are my guiding light. I would love to have the opportunity to connect with JR in this world if it is FTHG.

It’s my dream to sing at conference this year in LA and share my Soul and gratitude with the Traveler and everyone there. Light to that and getting there. Light to the way opening up for me FTHG!

A poem from me written in April 1992

The Morning

The hour is 5, minutes 41 and seconds 33.
Asleep, I should be, but you know me.
The morning is alive, Dvorak plays,
It’s dark out, the moon is a haze.
The breeze whispers to the coming day,
Nature has told me I must stay.
Will the sun shine? I do not know.
Will it be cold or just so?
The beauty is the suspense for the days to come.
Not knowing, but wondering, hoping, praying,
Is the only sun I need to keep me warm inside,
For what the day brings, I will abide.
In my soul I know, life is a thought.
A window for the soul where a lesson is taught.
Come let’s join the festivities, make each moment live.
The beauty of this love is learning how to give.
Unconditional love, I believe it to be.
When the lessons are learned the soul will be free

Peace Be With You,

4 thoughts on “I Thank the Traveler Deeply”

  1. Thanks, Louise! I resonated with some of what you shared about your childhood and God bless you for your wonderful sharing. Much Light ahead FTHG!

  2. Dear Louise, your words and sharing are full of the love of God and the love of the Traveler, and your pure heart shines out so beautifully. I love your singing and music- which I have the good fortune to have recordings of- and your song brings healing and comfort and the Light. <3 God bless you and your ministry and your intention to be at Conference this year for the highest good! Sounds like you are already there. Love, LPD

  3. Grace Blossom Chong

    Yes I remember, we shared the journey since your Insight 1 and 2.
    I was there !
    Blessings to your aspirations.

    your fellow pilgrim.

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