
New Day Herald

When the Mystical Traveler Works with You

From a John-Roger seminar from 1972

I want to remind you that I don’t have to do these seminars. I come and talk to you because I have a very personal love for you—a very personal spiritual love. I can only give you that spiritual love when you allow it. If you sit and think, “He doesn’t love me,” then I can’t do it. I have to stand on the edge of your thought and wait for you to say, “Maybe he does,” and you feel a little urging that says, “Yeah. Yeah. Keep going. Keep going.” It’s not the physical body that does this. It is the Mystical Traveler consciousness that can extend into the physical realm, by using my consciousness. And it allows me to extend back up through it and to the Godhead, and bring back the awarenesses. It is a consciousness that was performing so accurately and so lovingly that it also received the Preceptor consciousness—which will appear again in 25,000 years if it appears again.

There have been times when we have had to move past the Mystical Traveler and into the Preceptor consciousness that comes right out of the center of the ocean of love and mercy, and transform a person’s life, because they could be of more service in fulfilling the Divine plan by doing this. This isn’t done often.

The Mystical Traveler doesn’t work the way you want it to. It works the way it’s going to work. That was one of the biggest lessons that I learned from 1963 up to the end of 1964, and even into 1965, before I realized that this physical body was not the Mystical Traveler. It was interesting to look in the mirror and think, “I have complete conscious control of all levels.” And it was my ego speaking. This force would throw me to the floor physically and say, “My beloved, this is an instrument that we are using to bring forward this higher Light at this time. Will you hold still and allow us to flow.” And I would say, “Well, yes, sure.”

When I say, “I love you,” that is not coming from a physical body. That is the Mystical Traveler consciousness that is coming through at this time, right now. And this is the time when healings take place, if people have the wit to open their consciousness and say, “Do what can be done.” This is the time when the Holy Spirit steps forward and touches to you. But if you are still training yourself, like a basic self, then we still love you, but we must pass for just now. But we stand by.

It’s a real shock to a person to find out that the Mystical Traveler consciousness has removed itself from you and you are placed within a magnetic force field. That means you walk out the days of your life hit and miss, hit and miss, hit and miss. And there is great joy to find out that there are these energy forces being brought forward on the planet, and that they are your heritage. Like I said, I don’t have to be here physically to do these seminars. I’d have to send a tape though, or a representative, who would allow this consciousness to flow through—because you have a right to it. Don’t forget that.

The Mystical Traveler’s school is an esoteric school. Physically, it’s not taking place. Of course we love each other here in the physical world, and I could put my arms around the whole group and take you home and treat you royally, and you’d have all sorts of  wonderful things. But I don’t have a big enough house. The house for me is the whole world.

When I kid with you, often that is not a personality kidding with you. That is the consciousness of spirit reaching in and breaking things loose right in front of you. Many have the wit to see it and know it, and often many feel it, and many stand up and say, “I’d like to tell you about the healings that are impossible that have been taking place.” If you straighten somebody’s s-shaped back overnight they’re going to be in such pain that they are not going to be able to stand it—but it could be done. But isn’t it more loving, and more gracious and more humanistic and God-like to do it for their highest good, even if they don’t know what it is until they look back? And then in hindsight, which often times seems to be 20/20 vision, we say, “Oh, thank God.” So don’t get hung up on the physical form.

There is nothing spiritually that can be proven to you if you demand. But if you allow, then that force, the Mystical Traveler, can work with you in ways that you cannot calculate with the fastest computer on the planet. Long before you’ve asked, the help is already there. The Mystical Traveler will work through you on these levels but you have to shut up, sit down, chant some of the spiritual exercises to build the bridge to it, and then you can start having the experiences. These exercises build a bridge up from your head into spirit. The more you focus on that, and the more you get yourself out of the right field of negative thinking and the left field of negative emotions and you pull yourself to the center of your being, you’ll find out that the Mystical Traveler has been waiting for you for a long, long time. At that moment you find out what divine love is. Then the Mystical Traveler says, “Come let’s go. We are preparing the place for you.”

A lot of people think the seminars only go on once a week, and others think they go on at night, but others are finding out that John-Roger is working with you 26 hours a day. While you are driving your car down the road I can have you in soul consciousness traveling. The first few times it’s difficult, but later on you get more and more used to it. Then later on we start taking more and more of your consciousness and bringing it along. Some days you feel like, “Gee I could just put myself right down and drop off to sleep.” Sometimes when we are doing this we are getting too close to your physical consciousness. That’s the day you feel spaced out. Instead of bitching, why don’t you say thanks, and on that day do methodical, routine things. Do your filing or clean the toilet bowl—something that doesn’t take too much thought.

You’ll hear the Mystical Traveler say, “Come with me my beloved and we will go. “ Some hear it and they say “WHOOPEE”, and they block the whole action. I’ve been in seminars or meetings where this Mystical Traveler spirit or Holy Spirit will hit them and it will knock them right out of their seat on the floor, and they will start going yelling, “Alleluia,” “Amen,” and raving. We say take that person out of here, they are an affront to their own consciousness. The Holy Spirit is dignified. There is nothing that it cannot do.

Your limitation prevents it from working. If you don’t think it can work, it won’t work with you. It’s interesting, because when you say, “I love you John-Roger,” I know it isn’t my physical form. Well, once in a while it is. That makes me feel good because I would like to think that Spirit chose something that was pretty nice. I was up in Berkeley doing a seminar and one girl said, “I just think you are handsome.” I just tripped for the next five people. Then I realized, “Oh, golly, I’m already in the Mystical Traveler consciousness and this is what she’s seeing.” And, so I pierced my little ego balloon and got back down to just doing it.

People say “I want to love,” and I say, “Why do you want to love? Why don’t you just do it? Why not, right now, just love?” You say, “I don’t know how.” Can you think of a warm feeling inside of you? If you’re vegetarian, think of a nice fruit salad. If you’re not, think of a nice juicy steak. If you’re thirsty think of a cool glass of refreshing water. Let that feeling start going that teaches you how to love. Then shoot it right up here, and I’ll send it back to you. As much as you send, I’ll send back double. If you don’t feel it, it is because you are expecting it to come back another way.

As you give to it, it gives back to you what you give and more. I had a man come up to me who heard about this, and he had a check for a tremendous amount of money. We could have built a great big temple. He handed it to me and said, “I can’t wait to see that come back double.”  I said, “Look with both eyes cause here it comes,” and I handed it back. That’s not that way that it’s done. The love must be given freely. When you give love to me so that I can give it to other people, then it must be given to me to give according to that person’s ability to handle it. Sometimes the only way that they can handle it is for me to pick on them a little bit. Sometimes I hug them. Sometimes I pat them on the back. Sometimes I tell them, “Dummy.” They’re finding out that everything that goes on has both an outer expression and an inner one that goes very, very deep. Sometimes that outer one is just to hold you steady while the soul stirs and gains its strength. And in that strength you start to find out who you are. I can tell you who you are, but until you find out for yourself, it doesn’t work. And when you find out for yourself, then you’ll know who I am—because I am you.

Baruch Bashan

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