
New Day Herald

Higher Communication


You are in this world to learn the highest form of communication, which is unconditional loving under all circumstances.  Part of that process includes learning how to create wisely in order to bring about completion.  In other words, don’t start anything you can’t finish in loving. – John-Roger

This article by John-Roger was originally published in the Movement Newspaper in January of 1987.

The energy of the Soul can often be felt as a sense of well-being, contentment, joy and peace.  It’s not inactivity, but is directed action and aliveness.  You are experiencing the energy of your Soul when you communicate to and from that place that is good-natured and free of irritation.

This inner balance can be maintained by committing to a state of inner communication, otherwise known as awareness.  The mind is attracted to the physical world and will communicate through the emotions and the body, attempting to gain fulfillment through material things.  The Soul, however, has a tendency to back away from worldly attachments.  It also knows it is accountable for everything it does here.  Your Soul, your true self, is responsible for what you create.

You are in this world to learn the highest form of communication, which is unconditional loving under all circumstances.  Part of that process includes learning how to create wisely in order to bring about completion.  In other words, don’t start anything you can’t finish in loving.  Of course you, as a human being, will run into conflicts, confusions, disagreements and divorce.  Even those experiences can be concluded in loving.  You can separate from someone physically and still know (and even say), “I love you, although our time together is not constructive for me.” That’s far better communication than blaming the other person for a separation.

An important key to communication is that energy follows the thoughts you hold.  Wherever you communicate and direct this spiritualized energy in the material world, things are manifested.  That’s both the good news and the bad news.  If you have thoughts of success, not as a slogan, but as a focus, then Spirit will actively support the attainment.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that you can sit in your house and pray to win a lottery ticket to be a millionaire and that Spirit will bring that forward.  More likely, Spirit will – with your support – place you in the actions that can accomplish success.  Sometimes it’s a matter of thinking of success; then the thoughts of more education can come forward, and then life will provide those opportunities.

If you have thoughts of negativity, that, too, can be made manifest.  There is a saying that “what you fear comes upon you” (Mark 12:30).  This means that if you communicate fearful thoughts, feelings and attitudes to yourself, you are likely to attract that which you fear.  You may even create the very thing you fear.

Is there a real source of fear?  No.  Is there real fear?  Yes.  It is inside you, and you are the creator of it.  You give birth to your own fear.  Under the fear, however, is life, which allows you to create and communicate whatever you want.  This is the unconditional loving of Spirit, allowing you to communicate and do whatever you choose, with your body, emotions, and mind.

Your feelings about things determine much of what you do with your body, and how you feel is often influenced by what you think.  If you’re depressed, you may not feel like cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, or fixing the car, and you may decide not to do any of those things.  Often, the feeling of depression is simply a lack of energy to move your body in constructive action.

Beneath that feeling is a deeper or, if you wish, higher communication that is more than your limiting thoughts or your feelings of depression.  This is communication with the Soul, which is a part of God.  The Soul radiates energy from the higher level of Spirit to your mind, emotions, and body; your mission is to learn how to get that communication.  It is your attunement with this Soul energy that is the highest form of communication available to you.  Once you experience that level of communication, you’ll understand that no words can properly describe that “perfect” experience.  Once you experience Soul consciousness, you’ll want more.  The good news is that more is always available.

You were given life to have joy and experience it more abundantly, and if you’re not experiencing that, look at what you might be doing to block yourself.  Communicate that information to yourself with integrity, regardless of ego or preferences.  Then use the information, not as ammunition for self-judgment, but as an opportunity to lift yourself.

You are a creator and, in that sense, an originator of communication.  During your stay in this world, your highest calling is to communicate, by every act of omission and commission, a sense of loving.  If you do that, then at the end of this short existence, you stand in that consciousness of loving where the ultimate communication just is.

Baruch Bashan


Purchase the Conference Packet featured in the above video: Conference Packet: Living the Highest Good.

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