Everything doesn’t have to be changed overnight. Be patient with yourself, keep loving yourself and give yourself credit for the steps you are taking. – John-Roger
When we open up our hearts to share our love with another, there is an indescribable beauty that takes place in that sharing. At times, we can become consumed, entranced and even dependent on this shared love, but also too often we can find that things don’t go quite as planned…
A broken heart can be an especially powerful hurt, one that can make it hard to focus or do anything else besides just feel very intensely (often in the tummy region) the loss we are experiencing. The process of heartbreak would be even more difficult without music, as songs allow us to fully feel our feelings and articulate what we are grieving. Love songs are a powerful tool that allows our heart to connect and become more present with our experience.
This playlist, created by Nathan Ward on Spotify, is a musical journey for the Soul that includes excerpts from John-Roger on how we can pass through heartbreak and step into our own greater loving.
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