
New Day Herald

Asking for the Greater Blessing


“My message to you is the situation is blessed and has been blessed. Could it be more blessed?  Yes. In some way we are saying we can add to the blessing that already is.” – John Morton

This article comes from a Soul Transcendence Seminar John Morton gave on May 5, 2021.

When requesting a blessing, I often heard John-Roger say to be careful what you ask for.  Be careful how you say things.  If you are directing the spirit that is coming through you by what you say and think, be very aware of the way you are saying it.  What is in that may be what works beautifully because it can work through what you are setting forth as the instrument.  You are the instrument.

Pray to God fervently, with all your heart and body.  That can be something that is very powerful as people experience the spirit moving them.  My message to you is the situation is blessed and has been blessed. Could it be more blessed?  Yes. In some way we are saying we can add to the blessing that already is.

How would we do that?  I’m glad you asked.  It’s important to do it at the highest quality. Whatever we are asking would be the greatest blessing we could ask for.  How would we know that if we don’t know everyone in everything?  Even if we knew what was going on now, we wouldn’t necessarily know what is coming up.  How would we ask for a blessing that would serve what is about to happen?

What we often bring forward is the “highest good.”  What we are asking is a blessing for the highest good.  That can be like God asking, “What would you want my beloved?” It’s as if you got the genie out of the bottle who then says, “Your wish is my command.”  What would you wish?

Putting that into God’s intelligence and awareness is a great blessing.  Often what is available to us is the opportunity to give the blessing to God and to ask God to do what would be best.  It can be towards a particular situation, person, family, community or a country.  God is in the consciousness that has the power to bless an entire country.

One of the great teachings – not just through MSIA – is that with God all things are possible.  We go for the greatest blessing.  I would say it in that way.  That may be very particular, including what you would want as a blessing for yourself.  There is nothing in violation there to ask for a blessing for yourself.  How would you do that?  How would you call upon God?   You can be very simple in your language as a way of addressing God.  I find a sense of intimacy that we, God and I, know each other.  We know each other personally. The divine consciousness is my friend.

Consider that God is in God’s dimension, and we are in this world.  That may mean that it’s not so easy to see or hear God.  It may be easy for some that have direct experiences with some way of connecting to who and what God is.  I encourage people to be open to that experience.  Maybe some of us had that when we were children and are still aware of these kinds of connections.

I’m also seeing the importance of being grateful for what you have.  What is present is a blessing.  Be in gratitude and able to say, “Thank you, God. Thank you, Lord.” That may be all you need to say.

There is an opportunity for blessing in how you, or we, can serve so we would become servants of God’s blessing.  If we want a situation, person or a group of people to be blessed, there is an opportunity for us to be involved and step forward to help in some way.  Consider that what we are asking for is also for people to come forward and serve to help the situation.

There is also an opportunity to serve and bless yourself, especially as that would help others and help you to help others.  Even though I’ve been in some ways describing blessings, what I’m describing is taking place.  When you ask for a blessing, consider there is greater blessing now because you asked for it.  Blessings are auspicious.  That means the blessings already are.

Baruch Bashan

Blessing of Opening to Greater Blessings

Father, Mother, God we give thanks for Your blessings.
We do fully claim whatever You bring to us for ourselves,
for one another, for all of Your creation.
That we can behold what is Your purpose
and Your will being done.
And we ask for greater blessings.
We open ourselves up to the greatest blessings
that are for our highest good to receive at this time.
And as Your instruments of divine action,
we do call this forward for ourselves in love and Light and joy,
so we can behold ourselves in this world.
That this is a world of peace and harmony.
And wherever that needs to be restored
in the hearts and consciousness of each one,
in our relationships, in all the various dimensions
and all the various cultures,
let us see a vision right here and now
that we can behold and know it is done.

Baruch Bashan

John Morton is the author of “The Blessings Already Are” and “You Are the Blessings”, both available at  His e-book, “Blessings Here and Now” is also available at and it is available free of charge.


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