
New Day Herald

Ana Hume

What I Found in Transcendent Leadership

Being in close contact with someone who has spent the last two years in perpetual pursuit of their capstone (even before we understood what that entailed), I find it hilarious that it is time for my presentation and I am finding it difficult to put down on paper what I want to say.

Recently, I had an awareness that I wanted to focus on my ministerial blessing.  For me, my blessing captures my pursuit of trust in Spirit, living in a place of utter devotion to Spirit, and having a place to jump in to infinity… as one of the Beloved.

My true ministry, my blessing says, comes by surrendering, by letting go of this world and all the causes and attachments that I find in this world, that I may completely experience the Consciousness that is God. For it is entirely within me, in this ministry, in the expression that goes from me:  It is God’s work in this world, God’s blessing.  It comes with ease and grace.  It is never a toil or a struggle.

What powerful words for someone who has never thought of herself as anything ‘special,’ and yet, I am understanding now, I am very special to God.  It is my understanding that God has a very ‘special’ love for each of us.  There is no lack-no ‘less than’ – in His Love towards us.

These 2 years of TL have created inside of me a passionate desire to be Loving to all people, all situations, all circumstances.  It has helped me to create a powerful expression of Loving towards others.  It seems to me that my involvement and participation in the TL class has allowed me to follow my heart’s desire.

I heard Jeffrey Morgan, one of the Presidents of MSIA, say recently, “When helping others becomes an expression of a person’s true nature, and that nature becomes one of loving-kindness, it is a sacred honor to support the courage of one who follows their own expression.  “That is what I do,” he said. “I am going to stand with you even if we are the only 2 on the battlefield. “

My heart melted.  “Yes! I thought.  That is what I long for,” and then there is the recognition that that is what others have done for me, over and over throughout my life, and, as I now know, throughout many lifetimes.  I resonant with a longing to come into a full awareness of who I am and why I am here…at this time…and to be fully present with the reality of what I am experiencing, going into a greater glory and a greater reality of how Spirit is totally and consciously holding me and holding this unfolding in ITS Hands.  This is what being a transcendent leader means to me.  It shows me a path, my path, to greater unfolding and upliftment …into the Belovedness that is God.

This time on earth, right now, with all that is happening, has always been a “touchstone” for me.  For most of my life, I could sense a deep meaning to this that I was born in to, but I couldn’t find the connection between myself as I perceived myself and what it was that I was to complete to fulfill my life’s purpose.

My path is as convoluted as the next person, but there is a value in each step that I take.  The TL program, backed by the teachings of J-R and manifesting with the Breath of Spirit brings me to a level of wisdom and joy and Loving that has been like a magic carpet laid down at my feet.

I try, and will continue to try, to convey in words, and to keep in my heart, what I have found.  I am realizing, as I write, and as I reflect back to the expressions I have heard from other members of this group and the groups before us, how each one of us seems to be touched by the fairy’s brush…allowing, exploring, reveling in the delight of our deeper connection to Spirit while keeping hold of the reality of day to day life.

I have seen the experiences of physical, mental, & emotional trials coming our way, but I have also seen each of us emerging into our individual world of freedom and even greater Loving.  I have seen the group stand as a whole, holding in the Loving and the Light, acknowledging the reality of what is happening, but living in the deeper Truth of Spirit.  I have experienced the emergence of the many into the One. I have sensed the connection that each of us feels towards this path we have chosen, and yet, we acknowledge and allow each person to have their own journey.  We, with the help of our beloved ones, who came before us to show us that what can be imagined can be put in place, we have been touched deeply by the magic of Spirit.

From the first day of TL, I found the loving and the acceptance and the support that I longed for.  I recognized that who I am right now, is enough.  It is enough to be what I am and to use that which God has given me and which HE has allowed to come forward as a stepping stone to go into the infinite Joy of What IS eternally.  Time and again I would listen to expressions of heart-felt enlightenment from my cohort.  Often I was surprised to hear that what they were saying, singing, playing was the sound of my heart.  In their expression of courage and commitment to a Greater Source, I found my courage and my freedom, I found my longing to speak my truth, I found a willingness and ability to love it all.

I hear the wisdom in their words.  I see the loving in their faces, in the expressions of wonderment at what is happening.  I am noticing the changes in all of us that have been manifesting throughout these 2 years.  I realize the power of this community to bring forward all that has been given to us, each of us as individuals and as the synergy of this group.  It is a manifestation of years (generations) of coming together, surrendering the mess we have been living in,  letting go of the choices that have led us down dark-alleys of separation and despair.

Let me quote Jeffrey Morgan again because his words that I heard have touched my heart:  “I have heard it said, that all relationships are inside of me and all I need to do is to just reveal my loving,” he tells us.  “Others have told me that there is no such thing as group transformation…there are only changes of individuals in a group.”  He goes on to say, “This is not about me telling anyone anything.  It is about Spirit, clearing the way for Loving.”

I realize that this is happening to me this year because of my choosing in to the commitment of many to the Loving and Upliftment of anyone who chooses to join us in to this golden opportunity.  Here, there is information available, and allowances made for creative expression, for each to find a joy in who we are.  I have seen the value of Intention, Impeccability, and Ruthlessness made manifest in each journey.  In that mindset, I was ‘forced’ back into myself to find my answers, my Joy, in living my life as an adventure.  I began looking at what worked for me.  I had to touch in to trusting the One who guides me, protects me, keeps leading me to the mountain top.

Up where the path is narrow and steep, and the journey is long, I found the understanding, the enthusiasm and the Loving that I have been looking for.  I find Truths that J-R continually taught, over and over again, often searing our hearts with a hot poker, speaking from a knowing-ness that rang like a church bell, bringing Joy and Hope and Peace to all who opened their hearts.

I have found new courage inside me so that as little or as much as I do, I can imprint my life to receive the Grace and the Light and the Loving with greater ease and joy.  I can imprint the lives of others by following the path I have been given, that I now know I have chosen so that I stay open to receive the Joy available to all.

As a soul, waiting to come on to earth, I had the wisdom to take advantage of the opportunity to know the Presence of Spirit, of J-R, of Jesus the Christ. For me to try to understand the intricacies of what is happening is unnecessary at this time.  I have a driving desire to continue in the work, should I say the ‘blessings,’ that Spirit has laid out for me.  My desire, my heart’s desire, is to lead as I have been led.  To delve deeply into my inner most soul and to find the ‘narrow path’ I am to follow…the path to Spirit.

I heard someone say recently,


That is my desire.  That is my focus.

The more that I love people inside of me, the more my conflict is understood to be my responsibility without avoiding the core issues that come up, the more quickly I can break through and find this incredible Loving.

Inside of me, I know that people are just love.  Inside of me becomes healed by the incredible power of Loving, by the incredible part that I can play in the formation of relationships.  Between me and another, I can take the chance to express the joy, the trust, the glory of my soul. I know I have an opportunity to change the direction of my life and to affect another one.  In that, there comes God’s opportunity to affect many.  But most of all, I have the opportunity to affect myself.  I belong to a very special group…people who are committed to holding and aligning their spiritual intention and energy with Spirit ITSELF to become one of the Beloved.

For more information about the MSS 1 in Transcendent Leadership, click here.

For more information about the DSS 1 in Transcendent Leadership, click here.

For more information about the Transcendent Leadership programs:  Contact Joanie Clingan |

9 thoughts on “What I Found in Transcendent Leadership”

  1. So beautiful, Ana!! Thank you for sharing your heart in this way, and thank you for sharing your heart with the TL community! You are so very loved!

  2. Frankie Cardamone

    As I was reading, I just kept being infused with the Loving Spirit, filled and understanding the experiences you have shared, Ana.
    Thank you

  3. I am deeply touched by your words, Ana. I smiled from
    my heart all the way through, resonating with your experiences , recalling the sweetness and beautiful uniqueness of each person in our co-heart. Thank you for sharing so clearly and profoundly from your heart.

  4. Brenda Greenish

    Dear Ana, I have just read your beautiful article and it touched me deeply. I love the way you express yourself in writing- like a stream of consciousness from the purity of your loving heart. I recall how we were all ‘stunned’ by your heartfelt writing in your presentations and I encourage you to continue writing from your exquisite heart.

    Your words flow like a crystal river delighting in its journey from capturing the raindrops in the rainforest mountains, finding their pathway through the varied vegetation into the river below. On the way, you touch all you pass with an authenticity of wisdom that keeps us reflecting on your presence and the essence of your God-self that is so profound that I want to race after you to play in the joy and delight that has left me fulfilled yet wanting more.

    As I join you in the adventure, we spend our days swirling and racing, delighting in the joy and harmony our river of light and love is taking us. Other cohorts have connected with us as your heart-song has been heard and all are rejoicing as we find our sanctuary against the soft bank of river grasses under the shade of cascading weeping willows providing quiet reflection to share experiences of our TL cohort journey.

    We laugh at the similarities and deeply moving expressions of each classmate. We rest in the quietness of our One Accord as all our cohorts and faculty come together to rest in the pools of Light and clear water and bathe in the Christ energy the Traveler is extending to us.

    There’s a peace and tranquility beyond words or rippling waters as our loving strengthens and our Souls are restored. We gently meander towards the river mouth that will guide us into the great Ocean of Love and Mercy and allow us to connect from our individual wider sources in our DSS TL journey.

  5. Brenda Greenish

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful writing from your precious heart Ana. Like Ilenya, I flowed with you through your recollection of your TL experience and the joy and delight of connecting with each cohort and the God and Goodness in each.
    My loving and Light extend and embrace you as I internalise the essence of who you are- my Beloved Sister in Christ.

  6. gretchendelcarmen

    Ana, Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my heart after reading this profound words of your journey, all for the highest GoOd of all Concern. Beautiful!

  7. Thank you, thank you–for so beautifully rendering in words your presence and involvement in the blessings of Spirit.

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