The six of us – Paul, Sherie, Vincent, David, Jeffrey, and Mark – just spent three full days in retreat up in the Lake Arrowhead mountains. (Yay Airbnb!) We did a retreat together last year and found it invaluable to bond and connect in a relaxed setting where the presidency could share their over 120 years of collective experience as MSIA staff and leaders.
This year, we focused on areas to improve MSIA and PTS, often consistent with the four major goals of the presidency – preserving John-Roger’s teachings, publishing/promoting MSIA teachings, ensuring the future viability of MSIA, and guiding a successful transition of leadership.
We discussed for many hours how to make the MSIA teachings available in a greater way, looking at the pathways for new people to become aware of MSIA and how to more purposefully engage with our offerings. Being together without the distractions of the city, we had conversations while hiking, over meals, and sitting outside enjoying the fresh mountain air (while the weather permitted).
By Sunday night, we had bonded and had created a closer working relationship where we are fully aligned with what we identified to move MSIA, PTS, IIWP, and Heartfelt, forward to meet the needs of the times we live in.
Part of meeting those needs is educating folks on the abundance of materials we have available. Just the other day someone mentioned that they had only found about 50 seminars on That Which Is. Actually, we offer access to over 498 seminars and that does not even include the additional SAT seminars, initiates’ seminars, ministers’ seminars, and much more. After a couple of questions, it became apparent that they had only looked at the playlists on the home page of That Which Is.
It was a delightful revelation for them to discover that they can go to Browse in the upper right corner of the That Which Is home page to see everything that is available on the MSIA streaming site. Clicking on Seminars (under Favorites) in the upper left of the Browse page gives access to an abundance of material. We encourage everyone to fully explore all the features of the MSIA app,, and That Which Is. There are treasures to be discovered. And our loving Customer Service team are here to help you if you need it.
God Bless you and thank you for participating in MSIA and for all that you give in so many ways. As J-R would constantly remind us, “It is the loving that makes all this work.” We love and appreciate you!
The MSIA Presidency – Paul, Vincent, and Mark
MSIA Presidency Succession – David, Jeffrey, and Sherie
Thankyou for dedicating days together to review,, revise, and report on your efforts. Under your leadership over so many years, great strides have been taken in making the teachings available.In so doing we’ve all been travelling on the fast lane of technology.
It is useful to remind us time and again to wander around the MSIA website.